Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Hungry I come to You
For I know You satisfy
I am empty but I know
Your love does not run dry
So I wait for You
So I wait for You
I'm falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus You're all
This heart is living forBroken I run to You
For Your arms are open wide
I am weary but I know Your touch
Restores my life
Saturday, August 27, 2005
just dashed my own hopes of going shopping. replaced with a study trip to heartland. the only reason why i need to go shopping is because i WANT to get stuff like shoes and bag and shorts and polo tee etc.etc. why am i typing my shopping list here.
just ate a truckload these few days. i'm feeling full. infact, too full. i do need to stop eating too much. my house kitchen is like an unstable economy, packed with food (boom) and then i decreases over time to lack of food(slump). i have been too busy with icecream and whatnots that the slab of chocolate is still lying untouched in the fridge. quite a feat there. somebody dump me somewhere food-less. meaning, less food, rather than no food.
eeks i just wasted time. but blogging isnt a worthless activity. :/
Friday, August 26, 2005
TJ's always so extra, celebrating teachers day when no one else is. to think we were stilll saying we were not going back to PL today.then it only dawned on me that PL won't be celebrating teachers day today. :/
teachers day celebration was alright. dance was the highlight, you girls were good, and engaging. dance is nice, i want to learn too! theres so many things i want to do :) there was gamma function after that. subway cookies,eclaire, puffs, popcorn. cookies are yummy :) i have yet to go on a visit to orchard. maybe i'll go this sunday! but then theres the demands of a coming school week. ok whatever it is, im sleeping early tonight.
its only two months to the holidays. think about it. 8 months just flew by like a rocket. just like that, almost half my JC life is over. how fast is that. fast fast fast. and what have i achieved, practically nothing. eeks. and PDPs are stopping, that means half my PDP life is over. a day passes, then you get kicked by a (i'm imagining a big boot) to the next day. its just, move on move on, move on. how often have i actually stopped, not very.
nooooo ,
time: please don't go so fast.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
i want to trim my hair
i don't know what to wear to school tomorrow
(we're supposed to wear some bright top cos the theme for teachers day celebration is "LUMOS") and theres a problem here, because they want us to wear slippers, in line with that selling of slippers to raise funds thing but they are having mass dance at the end of everything. wrong attire for mass dance don't you think.
anyway i hope we end early tomorrow. i miss shopping. weigh shopping and studying. which would you go for. dont tell me. i'll choose to go with studying. Really. i'm such a muggertoad. not yet, will be.
tonight i have to do:concluding chapter of WR
type out the minutes stuff
try to tabulate survey info
read through inflation notes if possible. i catch no ball during lecture AT ALL. (same goes for math)
have been sleepy the whole of today. there wasnt once in a lesson i went without dozing off at least for a minute. its the end of the week again, thats why. give me sleep. I WANT SLEEEPPP!!! sorry everyone i've been a whiny brat today. :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
ohhh i'm happy happy :) :) :) *hophop* jeri if you're reading this, no i'm not still grinning away. haha.
i hate pull ups. i really think its some proportion thing, its not ALL about the muscles. some people just need to pull abit, some people need to pull more. oh well. and standing broad jump is a psychological thing. try jumping from your desired realistic length to the zero mark, you'll make it somehow.
anyway, chem awaits.
i'm getting a sunsweet pitted prunes overdose
and i fell asleep while revising chem.
i'm now highly irritable partly because im too tired, to a small extent pms-ing.
i'm a cute marshmellow, according to winnie chew. ahha :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
just had napfa 2.4km run this morning. thank God for the good weather. actually i dont remember much of it. i just remember waiting, and seeing some guys run funnily, like how some person ran like he was called "JOLLY". i don't know, that word JOLLY just popped into my head. i know, mean. then before i knew it we were starting, then ending. what was in between was just a blur cos i wasnt paying attention. anyway it wasn't too bad. but then theres 5 items tomorrow afternoon. i hate pull ups, never was good at pulling myself up. i'm probably too heavy for my arms.
5+ more weeks to PROMOS. wow. before i know it i'll be sitting for them, and then the chinese A level exam. and i still have a whole chunk of unrevised work from 1st sem, not to mention not keeping up with what i planned to do.
i want to sleep early for once. i wonder when will that day come. talking about sleep, i think i recall having a weird dream that my hamster gave birth. yeah right. theres only one little truffle. ok that was total crap. thats why its a dream. i dont know what else i dreamt of. hahha dreams are nice when they are about funny and nice stuff. im being so DUHHH here. back to work.
Sunday, August 21, 2005

its a flowery sunday! yay! introducing, part of the deco, and the ROCKIN' WORSHIP TEAM!

YOUTH SUNDAY! -whoever was still at manna lodge after about an hour. :) sorry whoever who went home already.
i just loaded up on cereals. its alot of cereal for a night. and im still stuck at PW chapter 2 and 5. and it was good luck to me cos even though i woke up at 9+, i rushed down to church, and was there till 4+. then went to heartland with the intention of going home, then going to find jeri, but i ended up doing that the other way around, meaning, find jeri, then go home. and i found cindy lee the simile and samsoo and xinyang while on that. so yes, heartland is the PL place! hahah it was so fun to see PL friends, MY LOVELY LOVELY FRIENDS! GIRLFRIENDS ARE THE BEST! PLPLPLPLPLPLPL.
i'm going crazy. seriously. i just want to sleep now and not care, but i can't.
firstly theres pw, that worrying thing. maybe we should have a project work that aims to eliminate project work. now that sounds like a good idea. not to mention all the drafts of written report. talking about that, i need to edit half the stuff cos we need to hand it in on monday morning. and i can't possibly sit here and wait for people to do more work although i really dont know how im going to get it done by monday 7.40am.
then i dont know how im going to take care of PROMOS revision now. seems like i can't keep up with the timetable at all and thats already the slackiest i can plan to get. and if i can't pass, off i go to poly. so how, others improve and get their As? the whole week is busybusy, then i get to friday and i just want to take a break. i only can manage to sneak in abit of revision on sundays.
so many other things i just dont want to mention. explains my great need for organisation, am meeting that need, just take a look at my files. ARRGGGHH bye. its just like me to get these bottled up for a while, but i think its a plastic bottle cos it reforms after awhile( you know how they melt when subjected to heat) meaning it doesnt break lah. it just accumulates doesnt it. oh what am i talking about.
finally. sleep. my hamsters the cutest thing alive now.
havent done any work today, pw-nothing. great. just great. i shall wake up earlier and try to do some of my work, else, good luck to me tomorrow after i get back home, 4+pm?
i need a break. nows a good time. someone buy me an air ticket, fly me somewhere, anywhere. i dont want to do so many things. its all my fault i'm doing more than my tiny brain can take, i guess i have failed to plan&pray properly. but once again, God's always there. tomorrow will be another day. oh look its already 2.40am. i guess its tomorrow already.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
woooo hoooo im so hyped up for youth sunday, after praying and sending out many emails to whoever it may concern. ahhaa. we believe that God'll do wonderful things on sunday itself, and on saturdays youth sunday prep too! it'll be a great service, with an even greater GOD :) the GREATEST!
so YMers, and anyone else, we'll praypraypray, P.U.S.H. pray until something happens. and believe that God'll bring in the harvest and work in the hearts of the people coming. pray for all the other aspects like worship, decor, doorgifts, hospitality, PA, visuals, food. can't wait! :)
sunday will be just AWESOME! :)

i present you with the picture i just drew. cute right. the yellow fonts say sleeppyyy. so i WAS 2/3 happy just now, 1/3 shocked. but now im sleepy. 1/4 sleepy, eliminating abit of surprise. not shock actually, its more or SURPRISED. this picture is not accurate. aiyyaaa i'm just bored. as my msn display pic says. "i'm bored, entertain me". oh i need sleep. math test didnt go well but im not affected. i've been so tired this week, couldnt prep worship properly. must prepare tonight!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
there are just too many things to do that i can't find the time to , well, do them. like how i've been missing tv shows and how i've yet to watch CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY even though i promised myself i'd watch it. seems like everyone has watched it already. :( and after something is settled, something else comes along and the cycle repeats and repeats. no wait, it is a cycle. cycles are natural repetitions. like my theory of humidity(because today was soooo humid). its humid and it just gets more humid because you perspire and the perspiration evaporates and it just adds on to the water vapour content in the air, increasing humidity.(plus there are so many sweaty people) of cos this comes with the assumption that the rate of evaporation doesnt increase drastically. hahahha i just typed a whole load of CRAP.
ohhhh i went jogging cos we were supposed to have pe today but our class wasnt supposed to run 2.4. so we just had to sit there doing pretty much nothing. i was looking forward to pe. so i felt so cheated of exercise i had to exercise on my own accord. lallala. anyway i was reading "TIME" on the way home and main cover story was about all the fitness stuff, the benefits and all, ahhh motivation.
i havent reached home early in a longgggg time. theres still worship to prepare for. all these aside, theres youth sunday coming up sunday! wooohooo! and "street i" on saturday! :) :) and im quite happy today :D got high for a while in the afternoon. HEEHHEHEEHEEE.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
wow there are still so many people online at this odd time. i'm not alone. once again, i stay up doing pw cos im a night person. and my parents keep pestering me every once in a while to go to sleep. my hamsters so cute, it keeps running on the wheel. so theres an almost constant spinning sound in the background every once in a while. another nocturnal thing. at least there's company.
serve thy leaders today was quite messy but quite cool. our group so pro-ly came up with an entertaining skit within half an hour. not bad for half an hours work! the real story of three little pigs. of course it was super lame. L! ahh sleep time.
Friday, August 12, 2005
ohhh today was a good day. it was. although econs test was quite a screw-up. never mind i shall focus on the long term goal, PROMOs. i think they should vary their econs tests. its essay tests over and over again. maybe try DRQ or MCQ forr once.
anyway i delibrately skipped drama workshop today to go for learning journeys. not like the trip to the ASIAN CIVILISATION MUSEUM is more interesting. just that it takes up less time. so many perks of going on learning jouneys(although i dont see what i learnt). i remember stepping into that place during primary/secondary school. cos we had some excursion that brought us to 3 museums. like a museum marathon. and we had to fill up the worksheets, therefore we needed to walk around and find the relevant answers. and last time exucrsions were one of the things to look forward to, cos of the busride there where everyone brings junk food and going out of school was such a thrill.
and today, because we were allowed free and easy time, we could go off anytime we wanted. walk anywhere around the museum we liked. so we walked for awhile, then left. and because because ACM is situated in TOWN area, jeri and i went "shopping" after that at suntec. didn't get "maximum satisfaction" today(as consumers would seek to), but it was shopping nonetheless. i want a proper towning day. sam, sunday chocolate factory, mini shopping? :)
oh i'm so tired now. theres piles of PW stuff waiting for me, CONCLUDING CHAPTER HERE I COME(tomorrow), oh and the minutes and the interview letter. great. how come i keep trying to clear but it never gets done. never diminishes. thats what annoys me. same goes for everything else!! pfffttt. clear clear clear, add on, add on. in the end the amount may even increase.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
today was a half good and half bad day. half the things were good, half weren't. haha
ahhh theres econs test tomorrow. and i haven't touched on wage differentials.
this week has indeed passed like an, erm, aeroplane. zoom. just like that, another week down, another week closer to the JCTs. 7 more weeks. freaky. and i have yet to set my hands on some TYSs.
once again, back to "so many things to do, so little time to complete". if time could stop for just a while, then start wheni get everything back on track, that'll be great. that's impossible. so i should stop dreaming and get back to revision.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
i'm eating so much sweets/gummies i think i'm going to have to take in more oxygen so the glucose gets oxidised to give me energy and the many glucose molecules can go through glycolysis,conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA, krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation. (see, i can remmeber stuff from "respiration"). now, breathe faster.
theres so much homework and topics(yes i still have my two chinese essays left, procrastination does this to you) i won't be able to complete even if i studied like a madcow.
i finished my supply of strawberry cheesecake and midnight cookies and cream. now what do i eat. ahhh dont fret theres still chocolate. ok whatever. hahha. back to school tomorrow and am
dreading it.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
the muggers life is so boring. i wonder how some people can even stand it. national day parade also very boring. i used to like to watch this kind of major tv broadcasts when i was younger. well, every kid did. but now it just seems like a waste of time. i'm not patriotic LAH. todays everyone's (in singapore)birthday anyway.
the days of "daily revision" have come back to "haunt" me. the last time i studied everyday, was for the o levels, that was only for a couple of weeks. but now i'm forced to extend it to 9 weeks! for promos!! PROMOs , you should be honoured.
got a new pencil case and notebook and slippers(i accidentally typed flippers actually) and shoes. happy happy. but i deeply regret not getting the hollister shorts the many times i saw it. now no more. :( and don't talk about the topshop polo. :/ its not those can-get-cos-i-like on the spot thing, cos of stupid reasons. argghhh. that's it for my short shopping break over the weekend.
pw takes up alot of time.boo to PW!!! :P.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
i like the sound of the "new email" popup thing. so cute
had strawberry cheessecake and midnight cookies&cream ice cream just now, simply heavenly! :) mmmm tummy's satisfied.
i want to go shopping.
went for FOP(festival of praise) yesterday. hillsongs and delirious led the worship segments. it rockedddd. but JESUS ROCKS MORE. and once again its wonderful seeing the church in singapore gather in such a manner to pray and worship, as well as the people who come to Christ. been so tired this whole week. maybe i should sleep now instead of doing work. i haven't been doing my best in just about everything. thats going to change, erm, someway, somehow. of course there'll be the obstacles. but... aiya...anyhow, the long awaited LONG WEEKEND is here! wheeee. that makes me happIER.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
when i said its "taking its toll on us", i meant US. everyone. the class, the people around me. no ones smiling much. we laugh to let go, then its back to square 1. happy for a few seconds, then back to square 1. square 1, 2 ,3 , 4. so many squares huh. oh well, at least we know a group of us are going through the same stuff.
i'm going to postpone my chem and chinese assignments, on my own accord. i know mr ong will understand. as for chinese, it doesn't matter. i rather i produce a better zuowen. anything for more sleep. i haven't kept to my revision timetable and i feel guilty. i just managed to squeeze every topic in, i think there are even more to come. i think thats about the best study timetable i can come up with. but the homework's overwriting revision. there's so much more i plan to do.
i appreciate my secondary school teachers now, teachers like mrs thurai who uses "urm" like a punctuation, mrs lum who taught us to compare "apples and orange", mr low who didn't really do anything, i only recall stuff about "solenoid", hou laoshi who will so lovingly make us tea eggs, twice, and her "hampalang", mrs pang tolerating our funny singing in class, and mr tang wasn't a big help in math or english but sporting, all the 2b times where we played those "possession" pranks and all.
there's so much to do, arrange this,arrange that, do that, do this, finish this, meet this deadline. sorry for the past two entries, looks like i haven't gotten everything out. maybe i should do qt now. i'll learn to rely much more on God rather than on my own strength. theres only so much that we can do, but our God is a GREAT GOD! He'll bring us through, no matter how bleak the situation looks/is now. looking forward to FOP tomorrow. :)
i wish i could concentrate on YM stuff for a period of time and leave schoolwork on hold. i want to do more and believe that God wants me to do more. but theres this thing called LIMITING FACTOR. the limiting factor causes the reaction to plateau. ahhh even my brain is cloudy now, i can't even think about limiting factor without getting mixed up.
boring. theres nothing interesting. not really. today hasn't been a good day. actually so has the past few days. all draggy, dreary, dank, damp. alliteration. this entry will just go on and on. i need to go on and on. i haven't had enough.
first off, i have so much work to complete tonight. school school school. it's taking its toll on all of us. we poor children who have to endure the torture of lectures and tutorials that drag on and on. therefore i stay up till late every night (or must i say morning) to complete work. i wish i could just skip school for one day, sleep in, and hopefully be refreshed. tomorrow would be a good day to do that actually.
secondly, i've accumulated yet another sleep debt. i'm really in need of sleep now.
i have no contact lens solultion cos my mom didn't buy, i told her to she said i didn't. i need to wait till weekends for new contacts.
i need chocolate now to boost my sugar level, hopefully i'll get more high and energetic. i don't think so though. ENDORPHINS! (like i would say, HAPPY HORMONES!)
i'm whiningly whiny now. thankfully there are people to whine to. :) but i want to just disconnect from the world briefly. i want to do my qt. i don't want to fall asleep studying.
my thigh muscles, like 1/4 the TJ population, are fatigued. ohhh lactic acid built up. fatigue fatigue. why? because of all the jumping and whatnots yesterday, coupled with the previous day's 2.4km run.
stupid chem test on chem kinetics and periodic table. it seems like i can't retain my facts well. my brain somehow stopped functioning to its OPTIMUM. i switch off alot. didn't have time too. thats always been a factor. time. two long chapters, 2 whole questions i don't know zilch about. 12 marks ok. going to fail yet another chem test. how demoralising. chem test is not the issue now. blahhh i want holidays right now. NOW.
i want to make things for people, write letters. write many many letters. i want to spend more time with all my friends. what happened to the major girl talk sessions. we're all too busy and its all schools fault.
don't feel like going to FOP tmr. i WANT to go but somethings really irritating. don't need to try to guess. haha i just have to say everything on my mind now.
i don't understand integration! the whole thing. mr wong isnt a good lecturer.
pw isn't my thing. i'm sorry i didn't really do my stuff, didn't really contribute as much as i would like to. tutor sucks. sassisics. ok whatever.
i have a thing for emo songs. insert nice hillsongs and planetshaker songs in between. well, thats what i love about mp3. songs at your convenience.
why can't we have class photo taking in our SCGs too? hmm.
i want to sleep. rahhhh. rantrantrant
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
jeri's right. i should not name my hamster truffles. it should be called RASCAL instead. ok parkour hamster. too hyper, too active. just to reply you all : yes poor thing. how come other people's hamsters never get stuck before. caryn your godbaby isn't ok. :( i'm so sorry whoever the rascal hamster may concern. i know i havent held it for a long time but its so fragile i may just accidentally hurt it. the last three entries have been about rascal truffle, haven't it. blahhh. sigh.
auughhhh theres chem test tomorrow. i dislike pw to a large extent. from the tutor (sassisics (the mispronunciation of statistics) )to the chapter 1 -4 to the research. everything. the only thing i MAY get out of this is... nah i can't think of anything. i really need sleep. i'm trying to be more hardworking. ok i shall not get distracted. :) :) anyway, its a little hard to talk for long periods of time with closer friends. but time doesnt allow us to sit and catch up, everythings so hurried. hustle hustle, complete your assignments, study for upcoming tests. i don't even do qt properly nowadays. my QT(quiet time) isn't in the best shape. circular squarish rectangular triangular, haha.
24th august is my napfa 5 items, remember, remember. PE somehow energises, early in the morning.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
omg omg omg omg my hamster's one eye blind, serious. my dad took it to the vet and now its on antibiotics and the horribly hurt eye, is still, well, horribly hurt. it hurt its own eyeball! don't know if the eye's going to look any better with time. too mischievous for its own good. i can't bear to look at it. not because it doesnt look as cute, but the pain is unbearable. poor baby. i wish i could do more, but i can't.
Monday, August 01, 2005
my poor little TRUFFLE ( that shall be its name for now) got a horribly hurt riight eye now. i think its in pain. really. i don't have to be it to feel the pain. :( :( :( :( :( it needs lots of TLC now. poor thinggggg. :(
according to my dad, it got stuck in between the gap between the exercise wheel and the cage last night. to think it was like a crazy fellow running on the wheel when i took a look at it before going to bed.
so in a desperate attempt to get itself out, it struggled a long time (can tell) and got its eye horribly hurt. its all reddish (the eyeballs still black) and swollen. that poor thing can't even close its eye properly to sleep. :(
i hope the swell goes down by tomorrow so it can have a good rest. its recuperating now. i still love you truffle!
the names making my mouth water. i wish i could spend more time with truffle now, but i'm busy doing my work. a marked improvement i must say, compared to, a few weeks ago or even a few months ago.