Monday, October 31, 2005
chinese paper didn't turn out good, at least for me. i think my zuo wen doesnt deserve a pass, really. i just hope i pass overall, with a C6 at least, because D7 looks ugly. you can see my expectations here are not very highhh.
did pw stuff after that, i shall send the OP skit script after typing this. read a whole pile of USA seventeen after that, it's not fair how they have much much much nicer clothes there. i mean their common clothes is what i think is nice. in singapore, nice is nice, the usual stuff you see around arent nice. this makes me feel like going on a holiday, i want to visit europe or somewhere after As. switzerland, the tourist place (as learnt in social studies), all the swiss chocolate, swiss alps, snow-capped mountains. :) anyway our school library's quite cool, they have foreign "seventeen"
read some geography magazine too, brought me back to the marianne chong days. that two thick books. but i must say i still like reading about those deltas and leeves and volcanoes and rivers etc. i'll just keep myself in touch with geog although i'm not taking geog now because i love geog. moral of the story: if you like geog, take geog. browsed through "the economist", had to put it back after a while cos it was putting me to sleep, with all the economic terms, something environmental can be termed "green GDP", i'm glad i dropped econs. WOOHOO. all this magazine-reading was cos i was waiting for jeri so we could go to bugis to hunt for sunnies.
anyway, there was this nice white-framed pair. i like i like i like so much. the aunty was not pleased with us, we kept trying, then she kept cleaning, then we try again. i'll get it once i have money. actually the frameless, cheaper one was quite nice too :] i'm so tired, there's OP rehearsal on wed, outing on thurs, I&R to complete... list goes on. today was quite a good day :) haha almost, indirectly
Sunday, October 30, 2005
i've given up on chinese. i can't even sit still and do a paper or learn some words without getting mega distracted or thinking of walking around. haven't touched chinese from the time i started walking around rivervale mall. that was how bored i was. and this is the state of my chinese. gaseous state. i'm like xando or tummitrim, i block out chinese words like they block out carbs and fats.
i feel bloated. ahhhh i want to go kayaking. whywhywhyyyyy. :( i hate periods.
haha all the best and bless to the people taking chinese tomorrow! also to those taking A and O levels! commit your exams to His hands :) and thanks to the people who sms-ed.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
if you're affected, are you showing affection? -this is another of my random thoughts
anyway, i think you'll expect this. i haven't started on my chinese revision. countdown: one day
i thought it was interesting how we ended worship today with "come now is the time to worship". worship doesn't just end after megaworship. i'm supposed to be worshipping God everyday, which i haven't really been. i am reminded once again to drink from Him, the living water. then only, will i be satisfied. is God all i want? He's all i want, all i need. so yup, megaworship today was MEGA!

this is 6 contact lens stuck on top of each other, on a papertowel. there are 6 lens because i was clearin my contacts, those that i left in the container.
Friday, October 28, 2005
i should really get out of SLUG MODE and start leading a less sedentary lifestyle.
i have to mug for chinese but i haven't started and i'm left with two days. it's difficult to even start because i don't know where to. the list of words- too long. and reading through will simply waste my time. chinese words don't get into your head in a matter of two days because it simply can't work that way. i'll need a year to familiarise. and i waste money buying the lian xi and the notes cos i know i won't use most of them and they'll be blank like last year's prelim papers.
i've been indulging in story books for the past week and i like it. must rehearse for OP and i don't like it. i'm awaiting 10th nov, my group's OP date.
first week of holidays- chinese ao level
- OP rehearsals
- handing in of pw I&R
- math makeup tutorial
Thursday, October 27, 2005
ok i was really tired at 2am this morning so here's a proper one.
the book's "the curious incident of the dog in the night-time". it's a book that many people would have read but i am lagging so i only read it now. but i like the way it is different from other books. it doesn't take the typical narrative form. rather, it comes with pictures and descriptions, and, as i mentioned, unusual logic and analysis. the "special needs" character is always thinking, many things going through his head, which is kind of interesting if you ask me. some stuff do make sense if you agree with the statement. like how a metaphor is a metaphor itself if your check out the origin of the word metaphor. (carrying from one place to another). anyhow, books like this interests me, so do the china-fied books like chinese cinderella, joy luck club, kitchen god's wife, bonesetter's daughter, etcetc.
it's raining very heavily now. i like it to rain at night because
- i'm at home and don't have to worry about getting drenched if i am stuck outside.
- it beats a warm night, and the bedsheets get cooler.
- it sets the atmosphere for a GOOD SLEEEEP. i will sleep earlier tonight
tomorrow's the last day of school. with all the OP and principal's farewell concert, i doubt we'll have proper lessons. once again there are pros and cons for holidays. start thinking in chinese, it has its li4 and bi4. anyway, cons because it cons you. no actually because there is chinese on monday and i'm not prepared. i'm stuck at the first page of the notes, can't even remember how to write the words, and there are 420 words there, not forgetting the cheng yu and the lian xi. my weekends will be cheeena all the way. lets hope one weekend will be adequate. should have known that i won't have time for chinese.
my files are expanding and i think i need new files to add on to the files i have now. i think i'll need a third file for math please.
i await the news that we have to go back for make up tutorials and lectures and whatnots. a lot of activities lined up after OP, drama bbq, OG chalet, clan outing, another hg outing,YM CAMP(YAY! ohhh i love ym camps! :):) ) i will miss my CG27 next year cos their scrapping the whole cg system, but i'm glad that OG15's still bonded, at least about half of us. what are the pros? just one, the excitement. excitement over such events.
ohh ms meta got us guylian chocolates. i ate 5 pieces, haha. those are oh so very very good. this is what i call 'worth it'. these type of chocolate gives satisfaction even if you didn't crave for them. not that i don't like snickers,mars, mnms, kitkat, kinder, they're nice but you can't savour them like you do dark chocolate and smooth chocolate. that's it, i like smooth chocolate, especially dark chocolate. the right sweetness and texture all combined in one. when i have chocolate/am in the middle of eating chocolate, i just concentrate on eating chocolate. i'm no choc expert here butttt, FEED ME CHOCOLATE. i end this post on a high note(cos i was high), because i got my chocolate today and i'm a happy girl. it made me high for awhile. imagine 5 pieces releasing their endorphins, plus SUGAR RUSHHH. baby you're my sugar rush! i wonder if 'who else' realises. oh well.
eeks i have a bad rank and am at the bottom of our cohort, last 100. and horribly low points, given that the average is 40+. i have no comments.
i can't regret not taking up the secretary/treasurer post for drama. that'll be too much, that'll be jeopardizing. so i didn't. :/ for reasons opposite of amanda's. because i want to concentrate on the three most important subjects. it's time to prioritise, really.
borrowed some books today. hha the curious dog book, i didn't bother remembering the title, is quite interesting. the character seems like he's living in a world of his own, coming up with queer logics. i'll find some quoteworthy stuff later on in the day. so, this starts my seasonal reading habit. i want to go to borders to buy books, i'm so greedy(in the 'new books' aspect)
ah whatever its 2:10am now.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
yesterday i blogged but there was an error. but i really don't remember what i blogged about.
i had a stupid dream yesterday(jeri it's all your fault), make that two. my sleep is full of nonsense.
OP is getting boringgg, though it was never interesting. i'm just changing the slides ever so often, compiling, then flooding my group members emails with editted powerpoints. just to remind you all, powerpoints are supposed to make powerful points, that's why the name right.
talk about organisation, i just created more files/folders for myself, bringing the total number to...around 15.
if not for CG lunch tomorrow, pizza sponsored by our CT, and pdp, i would gladly skip school. i have no chance of skipping school this week. hmm, friday? i need to study for chinese, wo3 yao4 jin4 bu4! then theres OP rehearsal tomorrow.
anyway, "wow" to the people who are going to take 4 subjects+2 S papers. my academic capability will never reach that level. some people get their 4As. well, i have no As to offer, not even a C or D ( i was wishing bio could get me a D), so take my EOOF. after dropping econs, EOF or FOE. go permutate. and so i just managed to scrape through, and i readily hand in my 'subject withdrawal form'. and i read TIME during econs tutorial while the background sounds of national income accounting, GNP, GDP etcetc. they all sound so foreign now, they always did. say hello to lots of free time next year, which i'll productively use for BCM, because econs lessons will increase to four times a week. i hope next year would be more focused. with only BIO CHEM MATH and GP left, compared to 7 subjects screaming for equal attention now.
Monday, October 24, 2005
i've been quite tired the past few days for an unknown reason. i wish i could not go to school tomorrow but it's the day of giving out witdrawal forms and S paper forms (only the former is of concern to me). aiya, and theres PW.
wanted to go borrow books today but i didn't get to because i overnapped.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
randomi like to be organised. if not for my own organisation, my mind'd be in a whirl more often. i like to file my stuff properly, in a particular order, and only take them out when i need them. and i'll feel weird cos it's not in its proper place for that time. i like to sort my computer documents in categories so i save myself the trouble of hunting through many saved docS just to retrieve one file. i'll pack stuff on tables from time to time. for example, while revising, i'll specially uproot myself, walk to the kitchen and throw my rubbish, put all stationery back in my pencil case, then continue with my work. and i like to have my "to do list" listed on paper, so i can refer to it, not have them float around in my head randomly. because i found out that i cannot rely on my horrible memory because my memory fails me way too much. so, although routine isn't my thing, i like order around me.
truffles looks like a lump of curled-up fat when it sleeps. i've taken to calling it FLUBBER. sounds more appropriate. FLUBFLUBFLUBBER
i'm making my own beaded long necklace thing cos i found beads from my sec 2 days. i just saved money but caused my eyes trouble.
i haven't completed/polished my op script.
i ate too much just now. probably for a long time lah, since my stomach has been on-off cranky. this morning it was making gurgling,churning noises. i'm quite positive there's a stomach bug around. can you see it hopping from digestive system to digestive system already.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
my eyes NEED to close
got my haircut
rented 3 dvds which i will finish watching way before next tuesday
got bio and econs back
passed bio, i hope, which is what matters most in my promotional exams grades. ao passed math, the rest i don't know.
failed econs, dropping it.
chinese sucked. must study for chinese which is on 31st oct.
gp out on thurs :/
oh well, i need to work extra hard. have been working harder but now i must work harder than harder.
Monday, October 17, 2005
eeks my results so far, sucks. no elaboration needed.
now i just want to sleep and sleep and eat icecream in front of the teevee.
tried fried mars bar yesterday, the one at far east. it was simply deeeeelicious. cut mars bar covered with batter, fried, coupled with icecream and chocolate sauce. drool please. makes a mars bar much better. worth the extra grams of fats (as stated in the newspaper article displayed at the stall). :)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
open house photos , which is really just me winnie and jeri
the more i sleep, the more tired i am
the more i try, the more i try.
there are just some things i want to try, like keeping the ym in general, in prayer, and being "better soil". but some things i don't want to.
vague huh. :p
Friday, October 14, 2005
we had open house today! it was fun. haha the performance went alright, the rest of the time we were walking around. haha our tagline was "don't make a scene, make drama", and we went around making scenes. some people really thought we were arguing. haha. all the preparing just for this. :/ at least its over. mass dance was fun, brings back the orientation feeling, and is a good form of exercise! talking about exercise i better get some exercise before the unseen organs go "krrrk-krrrrkk"
and i finally decided to sign up for OGL. my last minute decision. so i shall have a look at my results next week then see if i should back out(which means i don't turn up at interview). if they're like crap, then i probably won't even be in tj next year. the insightful comments from tutors: chem's average mark is 37, bio's bad. ok they've prepared us all for the horrible results.why do i have a bad feeling about this. for once today i didn't have to rush home. that's hot. haha 8 days' last page-paris marries paris and they'll both have the same names(first and last)
Thursday, October 13, 2005
i'm sure glad open house is tomorrow. after which we'll be done with it! we have to go down to school earlier, get everything right, show m.tan and we all know how he's like. :/ anyway haha i'm not doing the improv, just having the "narrator" role of introduction and, more like hosting, since improv is like whose line is it anyway, just that we aren't professional comedians.
i just spent my whole day in school doing these. i wish to skip next week, i WISH. the results week.
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups |
Very popular, one of you is not enough. |
What Kind of Candy Are You?
i love reese's!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
typed an entry last night but blogger failed me. technology's imperfections. maybe i should colour this entry, make it more interesting, more readable. and in honour of PW, JUSTIFY MODE! hHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.
just when you thought that was over, something else gets thrown on you, not that you weren't aware, but it just didn't dawn on you until the time you actually need to get down to doing it. what am i talking about, promos and PW respectively. try to heave a sigh of relief, you'll find that you can't. PW is like an evil under-the-bed monster. you keep it under your bed and you know its there(or not), you want to forget about it but you can't. one fine day it reappears.
i would lovelovelove a couple of days of break. just one afternoon and the next day its back to school. i literally drag my feet around school. why don't they have marking days. but yet again they don't need it. its been FOUR days and the chem tutors are done with marking the papers. they're either LIGHTNING or SOUND, speeding through marking at an alarming rate. i think i should check my paper thoroughly in this case.
my SCG, OG and few other close friends are the only redeeming factors in that JC of ours. "we're here with a purpose, we're here with a will." i'm sorry but i don't sing the school anthem. not that i dislike TJ or anything. i'm actually contemplating signing up as OGL. i have to think it over many times, give fourth, fifth, sixth thoughts. i'll jsut think until friday.
i love my SCG because, we have a better CLASS SPIRIT! see our lovely class pullover, lovely meaning the guys will look awkward in it cos the logo thing is really meant for girls.anyway asides from the fact that a whole lot of furry black things stuck to our blouses yesterday... and the way we mass pon PW lesson.
i love my OG because i think we're one of the longest lasting bonded OGs around, at least most of us are. :) having spent most of the first three months together, and crapping THE MOST, i love OG 15!
and i love the PL people! how nessa and i sit at the assembly area talking in the morning, the jeri comes, seeing winnie around, occasionally talking, and spending most of the rest of the time with jumbojumpyjeri, you all brighten the sometimes greyy times.
exams are over and i find myself sleeping less than when i was having exams. got home only at 10 last night. spent a good quality afternoon+night with the huanggong people-xueling esther winnie adelene. and we had a wonderful time. LOVE YOU GIRLS! catching up with secondary school friends gives you that warm fuzzy feeling. *BIG HUG* walked around town, caught corpse bride, which was a really interesting movie. sometimes puns are humourous. hahah the show was filled with it. nice movie, worth a watch. i can't believe my scg mates watched that particular movie, hahah you all are FUNNEEHHHH.
sat around, waited for adelene to get off work, had dinner at nydc, again. hahah we always end up ordering a few items and sharing them all. i like :) it beats eating one three amigos or mudpie or pasta dish by yourself. mudpie was yum! i've always had a soft spot for icecream stuff, esp icecream served with warm brownies! making your mouth water? hahah much of the schooling population were in town yesterday, SUDDENLY. i've never seen so many tj people in town in one day, ever. actually i havent found myself in town for a very long time. but too bad, i didnt have the shopping mood yesterday. ah well.
college clean up today was really lame. no more comments. then theres open house rehearsals and all, until late. and open house on friday. i would skip school if i could. i need sleep. still so many things to do.
Saturday, October 08, 2005

the front

the back
OUR YM TEE :) :)
i want to go to candy empire to have eyeCANDY. heh
as you can see, the number of flower petals ended with 'NOT'. so i havent touched econs. i will, tomorrow. once agian, i'm a procrastinator. isn't it already obvious. and i've come here to type another entry, its like "bao yin bao shi", where you get deprived of food, then eat a whole lot, a cycle. blahhh my chinese is lousyy. and because today's a long-winded day, so i'll be really long-winded here. ahhh three more days to econs paper, then thats the end of promos. hanging by the econs thread now. hahah and DROP (hahaha how appropriate)
no wait, that won't be the end. there'll still be the checking of papers. i wonder how teacher grade so fast. anyway, it'll be "the end of me" instead. i should adopt a optimistic view here, starting with SMILING :):):):):):)
then i say, all the papers will turn out fine, i'll get promoted, and i'll look forward to droppping econs next year, and fulfil my tutors inner wish, for us to drop econs. really, she kept telling us to drop econs the first few months she taught us. this is only because i want to focus on three, and can't cope well with 4 major major subjects. we'll see how many of these come true.
eeks, i just finished the pack of pretzel pieces, and ate chips and whatnots. i should just sleep my nights away just so i don't overeat. on second thought, i should not buy more food.
random: you know, sometimes i forget my age, like whether i'm 16 or 17. i should get my brain checked out day, then i'll find out for sure that it's slowly deteriorating and losing brain matter by the day. grey and white matter, coordination and response, the receptor, effector muscles.
the crazy hamster have been biting away at the cage for the past ten minutes or so, and it's still at it. but i still think its cute, even though coaxing it's the hardest task ever. i love TRUFFLE and you should too! woooooottt, (or WOTO), we have a huanggong outing after econs paper, YIPPPEE YAYyay.
i pass from ground state to excited state because of:scg outing, getting our PULLOVERS, getting ym tee tmr and wearing them on sunday's church anniversary, shopping, haircut, sentosa, christmas present shopping, more sleep, reviving of almost non-existant QT, just to name a few.
Friday, October 07, 2005
now i can't decide what to do, to start econs or not. maybe i should pick up a flower and do it the "he loves me, he loves me not" way, peeling the petals one by one, maybe YANKing them out. after chem and math and bio , bio being my last hope of an a level pass, i'm not sure if i should work hard for econs. revision done for econs - zeroooo. and i hear it isnt easy to score, yet again, there's no such thing as easy-to-score paper in jc. i'm numb from all thats happened yesterday, i lost the post-exam paper depression mood which is good in a way. but i've alot lost track of time.
i thought yesterday was last week. funny, one afternoon seemed like a weekend although i didnt do any weekend-related stuff. i just crammed all the way from 8am to 12+pm, before i headed to school. all the cramming for everything is useless. i can't remember anything proper. not going to school at 7am messed up my biological clock (if there's ever such a thing). so what if my biological clock stopped? would my life stop or would i be stopped in my tracks, while the world(whose clocks did not stop) continues on. haha i wish my biological clock stopped a while to take a rest. i think it needs one. clocks should be tired of ticking away all day, day after day, month after month......
stepped into GIANT supermarket at bedok central for the first time today, after passing it everyday and smelling the duno what fried chicken or something smell. i must say they have ALOT of food. hahha i got the pretzel pieces thing! the one the bo0okshop used to sell at a higher price of 1.50, compared to giant's 1.20. not to mention the most money-cheating thing ever sold in school premises- GRANOLA BARS. $1 for one bar, cheat money! hahha ihh got granola bars too. asides from retail therapy, theres food therapy too. just looking at food is satisfying. of course you have to get one/two items to make yourself happier and look forward to coming home to eat them.
lalallalala to revise econs or not to revise econs?
Thursday, October 06, 2005
ok, does anyone want to go for prata on friday,with FAITH YEO :) cos that woman's leaving AGAIN. haha. though i'm not really sure if i can go down or not. because i just might have to count on my econs for that pass. which is ironical because i gave up on econs and only concentrated on math bio chem. not that math and bio is over, i think i'll want to pass my econs please.
there's been that constant, permanent worry about not making it to jc2. like what if i fail and get retained. of course there are supp papers, but what if i fail supp papers too, isn't that sad. i may just migrate to poly. this is the only year that i've not passed (having the word pass is better than 'fail') my CORE SUBJECTS. who am i kidding when i promised myself i'd pass everything. never did i mess my exams so bad. like how it didnt register just now that we had 30 mins to do the mcq, i kept thinking 1 hour. and i had half the OAS blank when ms yee started collecting. and there wasnt any reminder so i didnt think anything of it. i feel so bad cos she had to wait for me to anyhow shade stuff(not even sure whether i completed the shading)though she wasnt supposed to. someone shoot me, really. flush me down the toilet bowwl. LOUSY MEEEEEEE :/
i don't know what's my problem here. oh, all the i should haves start popping up. i'm a bad student, my brain isn't functioning like it used to, or maybe there's limited space in there. you know , the verse in the previous post, "i do not gives as the world gives", there's nothing called "many chances" in the 'world' but with God there's chance after chance, forgiveness x 10000000000000 many. :)
now i'm not even sure whether i did my best. i know my best will never measure up to the 'exam standards' and my best is this blur figure. this unknown variable marking. my best is a variable, not a constant. my best my best my best, what's my best? i'm going to chionnng econs friday saturday sunday monday.I WANT TO DROP ECONS. I WANT TO HIBERNATE. i want to be a hamsterrrrr
Monday, October 03, 2005
john 14:27-Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be everyone who are taking exams :) be it finals or promos or o levels or a levels or uni exams. this was something i found really well,comforting, knowing that God gives peace. so leave it all in His mighty hands and go into the exam hall knowing He's with you. will keep you people in prayer. LOVELOVE :)
oh i'm so lagging behind. someone tell me how to complete chem math and bio in three days. i don't want to give up econs only to see myself fail the other three subjects. no i will make sure i don't fail bio math and chem, but... :/ for math, i do understand, tutorial by tutorial, but when you place the exam paper in front of me, say byebye to application and whatever i've learnt. this year has been a very very brain-blocked year. i remember how i panicked when i had a brain block the night before the A math paper last year. oh yes that was scary. and its a recurring brain blockkkk. either that or i'm not studying the right way anymore. not to mention my memory's failing me too.
had gp and chinese paper, as usual, no time to complete the paper or think straight, especially for my compre. because chinese doesnt count so i dont really care. but GP's like the deciding factor, say the rest of our subjects get alright grades. you either make a mistake, and your grades pay for it, for you do well in GP because you answered to the point and had sufficient ideas. which brings me to,
the funniest thing i said today. "if you go off tangent(the phrase ms cai picked up from caryn -inserts off tangent arm action- ), you'll be NORMAL! " a little dose of math.
bye :) i have lots to catch up on, hope i won't be as tired as i was the past few days, so much so i didnt get much done. thanks faith for the starburst squirts and the pods which i happily finished yesterday.when you come back next year( or you can simply fly me to perth in december), we'll go shopping and tanning and all the bimbotic stuff. haha. LOVELOVE.