Wednesday, November 30, 2005
photos from youth camp are up! look to the column beside this. uploaded from my camera, somemore to come when the official camp photographers upload theirs.
woah i slept for 20 hours! from 1+ yesterday till 9am this morning. the longest time i've slept this holidays.
supposed to have OG chalet now but i'm too tired to go, not too tired from lack of sleep but too tired from excess sleep. i shall decide later, still have alot of work to do and it's 1 day to DECEMBER. ahha so cool, debbie (my angel) has the same birthday as me :) (thanks for the chocoolateees)
youth camp was a blastttttt :D the altra call on the second day was really powerful. it's really inspiring to see hearts turned back to God and people letting go and how God can move in the YM. like we've been praying for God to really move in this camp and cause lives to turn back to Him, passion for Him to be ignited, and for people who have not known God to KNOW Him, God has really answered our prayers. praise and thank God for reaching that many people that night, and i'm sure at other points during the camp too. pray that He'll continue to work in the YM and we'll be a YM running after HIM :) and worship was really good too, with ALL THE SAINTS. sunday's altar call was moving too, moving to tears, moving me to go pray for my unsaved loved ones at the altar and c0mmitting their lives to the ALMIGHTY. :)
and as usual, i'll be high on the last night and "morph into krusty the clown" okkkayyy. yeah i did, on PIG. thanks jasmine for getting us all to play pig! i've never shut up for so long. this is a good way to make me not talk. and playing floorball at 4am, haha. last nights are always THE BESTTT. and shawn's the best stoner everrr, falling asleep playing hp games etc, LOL. so, from a rocking group OSIRIS, to giant 1.5kg tolberone, (and on and on and on), to playing with lip balm, playing at the playground, pranking people on "angel and mortal", this camp rockedddd. yay thank you camp comm for planning! we loveee youuuuu! <3
Friday, November 25, 2005

just got back from dinner with the darlingss, MUTHU CLAN!!! i love you all! you've made my day! my night rather. haven't seen them for quite a while considering how we used to see each other eeveryday in school last time. and we still are an indecisive bunch of people, deciding dinner venue can take more than half an hour. from fish&co to breeks to swensens to seoul garden.. yeah! i'm thankful for all seven of you, including priscilla the mudu clan head who wasn't present, probably due to operation FORGET IT MAN. hhaha we must G.O.A.L one day (exclusive acronym). lol hanging out with you all reminds me of the good times we had in sec 2, the insane crappy days. and now reminisce those daysss....
all in all, i have a wunnnderful dinner and a wunderffull long updative(if theres ever such a word)chat with you all. lalala i'll post the photos soon (photos are at the dropdown bar at the left of the entry space ifyou don't realise) so stay tuned (because photos speak more than my proseee)
Rules of the game:
1) Post 5 weird or random facts about yourself.
2) At the end, write the names of 5 people whom you want to do this quiz, then tag in their blog to leave them a note to tell them to see your blog.
1. i call my hamster "baby" more than i call it "truffle"
2. i fed my hamster oatmeal that i didnt want anymore, i hope hamster can take such stuff
3. i break rules!!! YEAAHHHH
4. i never learnt ballet, which is quite saddd. :(
Five People: i'll spare you all. i told you i break rules :)
ripped off jasmine. let me talk abit about today. something productive i did- bake cookies. but they didnt turn out as good as the prev 2 times, which is quite disappointing if you ask me cos i love my oatmeal + chocolate/cranberry cookies! :( the next batch will turn out better i hope. and i'll bake them for christmas presents, as i said earlier. share my joy. tomorrow theres prayer for camp at al's house, then dinner with the muthu clan and i suspect it'll just be jessie+the four tj people again (michelle, me, winnie, jeri). boo, why everyone not free :( so just in case i don't update before i leave for camp, yeah, i'll be at camp from sat till tue, after which i'll go down for og chalet, then theres a week or so of proper free days which i'll utilise to DO HOMEWORK and CATCH UP ON SCHOOLWORK, and from 19th dec,no more hols. i better buy my math tys! soo, here goes, a ton of questions
First Best Friend(s): 2 girls in kindergarten. i dont rmb them
First Screen Name: orangeglitz. ya haha i loved orange then.
First Pet: truffle! my first and only(for now)
First Piercing: 2 -ears - primary 3
First School: PAP
First CD: dunno
First Car: -
First Stuffed Animal: can't recall. probably one of the pigs/giraffe/rabbit/whatever other animals
First Hp: nokia 3310
First Crush: :P
Last Alchoholic Beverage: holy communion :]
Last Car Ride: a few days back. have been at home all this while
Last Movie Seen: charlie and the chocolate factory! watched at home with a few girlfriends! hahha all about love isn't counted cos it wasn't worth my time. let's just say we watched one movie that day. :) if its at the cinema itself, domino. dont watch that.
Last Phone Call: sinyi, abt an hour ago
Last CD Played: i play songs on the comp and on mp3, rarely cds
Last Bubble Bath: a few years ago
Last Time You Cried: probably a couple of months ago
Last Online: now. have been online too much. will do my work after this/clear my room
Last Meal: dinner. but i just ate alot of cookies.
1. Have you ever dated one of your best friends: nope
2. Have you ever been arrested: nope
3. Have you ever skinny dipped: nope and never will
4. Have you ever been on TV: yup, during the PL days where some channel U news came for i dont know what. i think something that our school did for the sars patients :]
5. Have you ever kissed someone and then regretted it: nope
6. Have you ever cheated: yup, ahhaha tests, ting xie, spelling
7. Have you ever spent more than 5 hours online: of course
8. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep: yes
1. 40 DOP tee
2. tj shorts (cos i don't wear them to school cos it's too long and can be seen peeking out under the skirt. i wasted money buying them, so i might as well wear it at home)
3. spectacles
4. underwear
5. smile :)
6. black nail polish -toes :]
7. no more laaaaa
1. eat cookies
2. bake cookies
3. watch tv
4. sleep alot
5. sms-ing
6. sort/hang my belts, thought about packing my room. prolly will, later
1. chocolate!
2. shopping!
3. icecream!
4. my white shorts! niceeee
5. the ribbons i just bought from spotlight the other day
1. jerilyn
2. winnie
3. sinyi
4. jasmine
girlfriendsssss <3!
1. Black or White: black.
2. Hot or Cold: hot
3. Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate duhhh
1. flab into MUSCLE! by this i mean before i turn 20 or somewhere around there.
2. ride a hot air balloon/touch clouds. haha.
now- eating too many cookies. therefore i'm too full to sleep
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
i'm trying to do my holiday assignments. i need to get less distracted. fancy updating my blog thrice a day.
the weather spells S-L-E-E-P now. theres no need for the air con when you can curl up under the blanket or quilt and dont feel warm. nice isn't it. i loveee such days. the bedspread and pillow case will be colddd :) actually i'm feeling very cold now. clan outing on thurs :D
happened to click the wrong button on an msn convo window and, search instead of send, then their search engine produced a page called, so i clicked it. that has to be one of the lamest website ever. where you're supposed to click and hold a button. i cant believe someone actually held it for 6 days+. hahhaha. i won't even do that if i had all the time in the world.

discover what candy you are @ quiz me
i've gone straight from not enough sleep to too much sleep. i've been awake only 2 hours today, from 1 to 3. the rest of the time was spent sleeping. i need to change my school holiday sleeping habits. getting too much sleep isn't healthy either.
gave math tutorial today a miss not only because i was sleeping, but i didn't have my math tys so there was no point going just to copy answers, i find that a big waste of time considering how far i stay from school. blame myself for not buying tys before i disappeared from school for the holidays, but i did go to two popular branches yesterday to hunt for math tys, only to find redspot topical ones but i dislike redspot because they're answers are majorly off (ok, my opinion. redspot don't come after me) and topical isnt good cos i was to do 2004 paper. therefore i ended up with chem tys which i didnt urgently need. ok i shall study chem while the excitement of "new tys" lasts.
i've decided that i should bake yummy cookies for christmas. chocolate chip and oatmeal + cranberry and oatmeal cookies. yum! they'll be better than getting ikea stuff i promise.
howwww i'm turning half nocturnal.
just typed a whole long list of emails just now - ymers pls read the mail k.
im feeling a little tired already. qt, sleep. goodnight worldd and all who inhabit it
Monday, November 21, 2005
sam this is for YOU! :)
"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." - Norman Cousins says:
topic is ON
WHY ELEPHANTS ARE CUTER THAN PIGS- i have a tee with an elephant on it :) therefore they're cute
- i'm sure adi agrees (hahah)
- elephants are heavy, which makes everyone relatively light
- if you sit on/ride them they won't become pork chop
- elephants are more like rabbits and rabbits are cute
- chocolate elephant may just taste nicer than a chocolate pig
- pigs stink whether or not they poop

Sunday, November 20, 2005
i just slept from 5-10pm. since i got home till now. so i can't really get to sleep now so i'm online and talking on the phoneeeee. i'm going to get hiiigghhh on too much sleep. i havent eaten since 5 but have brushed my teeth. i shall grab a midnight scoop of cookies and cream icecream and brush again later, go bathe after. i don't know when i'll feel tired and go back to sleep but till then i'll try to squeeze in time to do hw or something. meanwhile i want to check out whats on tv.
this is scary. i counted how many whole days i had to do homework. and it amounted to a maximum of 15 days. out of the (close to)2 months i originally had. i desperately need to revise my work, given my brain i can't really leave knowledge in there and expect it to stay there. i'm really excited for camp wheeee!
i'm so boreddddd. i shall be a nice girl and make birthday cards or go write letters. but i really want to call people up and disturb them because i am so boreddddddd. but i shall not be a nuisance at 1am. lalalla. cheryl will entertain herself. :P
Friday, November 18, 2005

kwan fei, 62 bus friend. don't know if you'll read this but anyway, heres wishing you again. ahaha
i specially editted the posts for faith, jeri and sinyi too. take the chance to upload photos since today the photo function is working. i haven't started on homework. such a bum!!!! I AM SUCH A BUMMM.
sick comes with insomnia. whenever i'm sick i find it difficult to even get to sleep because i feel tired but am not actually tired cos i slept a whole lot the prev day. so i tossed around in bed for close to an hour. then i got up to read an article in TIME, then i fell asleep haha. looks like TIME heals all (insomniacs). lalalaala
Thursday, November 17, 2005
seems like many people are coming down with flu/runny nose. and i'm one of the many sadly.
maybe its that time of the year again where the flu bug goes a-spreading.
but the word "flu" now triggers something that isn't all that common. common to the ear but not common to your physical self. with the world still in the bird flu episode, its not very nice to hear the word "flu". everyone keep your distance from me.
i don't want to think alreadyy. i'll just go find the stuff i need to find for tiki-making and go straight to bed. tomorrow, hopefully, i'll wake up rid of the mucus-stuffed nose. ahhhh
i've been blowing my nose for two whole days already. the frequency being like 5 times per minute or more. and of course, i've used up at least a hundred pieces of tissue paper. apologies to those woody living things in the woods/forests. blahhh i think its half a flu cos my throat feels weird but not that weird to be called a sore throat.
got to go for og 15 meeting :/ byeeee.
Monday, November 14, 2005
the holidays so far:
-i do nothing much everyday. i only do a few things and accomplish a few things since i wake up late. so wake me up early but i wont wake up.
-i'm starting to talk crap and will continue to
-i love the crispy seaweed thing. i can finish the whole packet in one sitting
- i'll have my what, 4th movie marathon tomorrow.
-i made my mom get a carebear for me cos it was so adorable. i have one from long ago, the pink one with a rainbow on tummy. but then it looks un-cute.
-there were/are so many birthdays this month. MINES NEXT MONTH! :):) wheeeeeeeeee
-deleted what should have came after this cos its no pointtt.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAITH YEOmy dear cousin! i'm sure i flooded you with more photos than this. anyway, i just included this one here.ilu!
(i purposely set the time to 12am, 14th nov cos i'm still early)
i had a super duper lame-o, pun-ish dream yesterday. and i can only remember part of it. it went something like that. let me illustrate

some book says that dreams made up of what you went through in the day and at night your brain just recollects. and now, let me explain. the purple thing is a jetson era-like scooter, which can zip around in the air. the yellow things are corn cobs. (please don't mind my mouse-directed drawing) somehow for some reason me and a few friends(maybe strangers because i don't recall who) were running from these flying objects with corn on them, screaming "COPS, COPS!". ok. get it? cops-cobs. and i recall laughing so hard in my dreams. i guess the flying things were because i watched too much matrix. too fictional. i don't know where the corn came from.
and there was a section where smurfs appeared. now i know where that came from, xueling's display pic! haha. so see, a dream can be a recollection of the day's events.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
happy happy happy happy happy BIRTHDAY
JERI !!!! bestest friend in school, exercising/studying/baking/shopping/toilet/spouting-nonsense friend.
SINYI !!!! bestest VP/on-the-phone/praying/MIG/high in the middle of the day/girl friend (i really haven't taken a photo with you on my cam for a long time cos this is the latest one -gasp please-)----------------------------------------------------------------
this is how i spent my day- watching the matrix trilogy. ooo yup that's it. so did the ymers. ahaha. in prep for the YM CAMP! tralalala.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
blehhh the job at my mom's bank somehow was taken up. lalala im back to slacker mode. i hope they find something for me to do. :]
woohooo OP is over. which also means that PW IS OVER. OVERRR. at last this whole period of sending lots of email to three other people, meetings, working with the computer, arranging slides, editting slides, compiling slides is over. ahh no more pw, no more "listennnnnn (in that squeaky tone)". to the others, OP will be over very soon, hang in there ok. after that we will all celebrate its end.
i stupidly forgot to hand in the results slip to the GO despite reminding myself over and over again.
lalala work tomorrow. work work work. quite exciting actually. this means no more sleeping in late. then this is where time management has to come in, in order that i complete what i have to do, including outings and leisure and homework and revision.
i baked somemore cookies last night and have since ate up about 15 of them. this calls for more exercise.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
i did pretty much nothing today
let's see. i ate, typed a resume, went to school for 45mins to do OP, went to giant with my parents, went jogging with jeri, ate somemore, and now, blogging.
yesterday i went to school to hand in I&R and get our results slips, went to TM to while time, tried making cheesecake, jeri came over to my place to bake cookies+cheesecake, went jogging.
yesterday, going all the way to school just to hand up that thing was an utter waste of time. so i had to utilise the time to the maximum, by hanging around in school, if ASPC shifts to telok kurau area i think i'll be better off living in the east. stayed up till 4 to do I&R, cos i'm a procrastinator. completed in 2 hours :) ok, the results slip isn't something i want to keep for the rest of my life, i'll lose it on purpose after next year.
on to cheesecake and cookies. the oatmeal and cranberry cookies were a success! ahaha crunchy, tasty, chocolatey(erm, because some were oatmeal and chocchip cookies), OISHI! I LOVE OUR COOKIES! and we ended up making weird-shaped ones. like bear shape, heart shape, ----- shaped, alphabet shaped. haha. theres no more, i ate all of them up, well, most.this is why i shouldn't learn to bake, because i'll end up consuming everything. cheesecake turned out wrong, but i still eat it anyway, cos i love cheese. caryn i want your no bake cheesecake recipe! ahahah. i'm a cheesecake-baking failure. ahh well, first attempt.the tops too fluid and cheesey, the bottom's too crumbly.
ok, concerning eating, today's creamy day! packet pasta, cabonara pasta, my horrible cheesecake, saralee cake, spring rolls, cookies. concerning resume, my mom's bank will be hiring temp staff. so i'll be posted to the PR dept, but its not the go out PR type of course, just in-the-office work, starting friday, yay :) now there'll be work experience to speak of.
exactly one year has passed since my O LEVELs. they didn't seem that distant. the days spent mugging at BK, sitting in the hall among the fellow PL lites with PL jacket, SPOTTING QUESTIONS (esp for geog and ss). lalala. next year,same thing, again. :(
Sunday, November 06, 2005
was searching blogskins randomly and randomly clicked on "random blogskin". and it came to this blogskin so i just decided to use this. icecream!
ok the RIOT today didn't answer questions. but i don't think anyone will have a fixed answer to that. anyone can try explaining but won't all the answered just go round and round, you come up with an answer, and there you'll find another loophole in it. you'll never get to a definite conclusion will you? only if God gives the answer. why does a loving God allow suffering? i don't know and i shall not attempt to type out what i think cos it'll take a long time, it'll be debating with myself. but i have faith, which is another "difficult to explain" thing but it takes,as jas metioned, personal encounters with God that supports your faith.
i haven't touched I&R, that's a suicide-like action. will do later. have to. ahh my holidays are packed, but i want to go work, so i'll feel the pinch when shopping, and spend my own money. sounds very nice huh. MY OWN MONEY. not mom's money, not dad's money, not NETS-my mom's money too. ahhaa.
on a more serious note, pls pray for Grace (tj/pl)cos shes down with dengue.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
just watched "the others" with my mom. so i've watched 4 vcds in two days. quite an interesting thriller. the whole victorian setting, creepy feel, the world of the living and the dead mixed together, so you can't quite conclude who's living and who's dead. you thought the living were living until the supposed "dead" say the living are actually dead.
went to school for OGL briefing today. ahhh we'll be having mass dance prac on my birthday morning. seriously, what a nice day to spend my birthdayyy :( hahah i love my OG arrangement. GIRL POWER, our OG's OGLs.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
adapted from an email from mitch:
Why did the white bear dissolve in water?
Because it was polar.
Why does hamburger have lower energy than steak?
Because it's in the ground state.
What kind of ghosts haunt chemistry faculties?
Methylated spirits.
What did one atom tell another?
I think I lost an electron
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm positive.
What do you do with a dead chemist?
haha. okkkkk. can't go kayaking tmr :( OGL briefing. lalala orientation's going to rock! i shall start getting hyped up now.
anyway the girls(winnie jeri xueling and michelle) came over for movie (almost) marathon. watched "bring it on again" and "chasing liberty". well, we stopped watching murder by numbers 15mins or so into the show cos we didn't understand what was going on. haha. its been good lazing around movie-watching.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
wow i didn't know tomorrow was a holiday until my mom mentioned, HHAHAAHAHH. seriously, how many of you realised it was a public holiday.
i forgot to mention that there was a dead cat on the road outside the small gate of school. it was lying in the middle of the road, not only dead, but squashed. i couldn't even make a cat out of that pile of guts. they were literally spilling out, the pink stuff exposed to the whole world, probably viruses and bacteria lurking around too. so, it was not a nice sight to behold, at all. honestly, poor cat. i never ever saw such a squashed cat before ok.
ahhhh i feel very lazy now. i feel it in my bones. i'm LAZYBONES!
this is what i get from sleeping at 3+am, and waking up 4 hours later, going to school for math tutorial, waiting until 3pm for pw op rehearsal, then going to metro warehouse sale at expo (where i found nothing nice). i want to sleep right now.
OKKKK it was the first day of the month yesterday, technically.
how i spent it.
-wasted $9.50 watching "domino" (thanks to sam and josh), which i didn't fully get. wasn't worth my moneyy.
-HAHHA we disturbed the stationary guy outside shaw, the ones who dress up and stand on a platform and move in that robotic manner. LOL. that was fun
-shopped around, which wasn't a waste of time. i love making shopping lists
-i still want to find nice shades, with the right shape and the right tone and the right colour, most importantly, price.
-my mom wants to find me a job at her bank. i hope they have some 2 week slot somewhere, so i can have income.
- i want to go kayakingggg.