Wednesday, December 28, 2005
now my ankle hurts. got up after my nap and somehow my legs were either weaker or something after sleeping. so that's the story of the hurting ankle. i guess its a little sprained. i dont want to skip another day of ogl camp and not be able to run around. :( pray, sleep, and hope it'll be better tomorrow.
on the bright side, america's next top model tonight. :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

this is THE ARTISTIC SHOT OF THE DAY by cheryl.wheeeee
this is from the dinner place just now.
i am very tired having slept only 3 hours this morning. therefore i'll type in points
- went to school for orientation stuff.
- got OGL camp tee and 2006 orientation OGL tees, yellow and lime green. i like them, they are nicely designed, at least better than our orientation's. i was thinking of the many coloured tees i have now. haha
- had the trial run of amazing race. our group just hung around bedok reservoir which was really quite boring. but i guess it'll be much more fun on that day itself
- i don't know if i should go to school tomorrow. i shall wake up and see how. reason being, PERIOD! (this makes me want to scream IHATEPERIODS!ihatethewaytheybloatmeup, ihatethediscomfort) many others along with me. panadol menstrual tablets arent helping. but i like the way they're coloured hot pink. never tried them till now, honestly. dont mind my totally girly complaints.
you know, i forgot all about something called "COPY HOMEWORK" until someone brought it up today. but i hope i wouldnt resort to that. a few days more, i wish i could spend it anyway i like, stayovers, cheesecake baking with faith & spending time with that FAITH YEO before she leaves AGAIN. first new year resolution before the new year : "fix a weekly exercise routine" jeri, we are going jogging 3 times a week at least, ok. and go gymming and cycling and whatnot. wheeeee 2006 will be a FIT year.
Monday, December 26, 2005
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WINNIE!love you my laoda, girly girl friend! :)
Sunday, December 25, 2005
A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! :)for the record, i stayed up till 5 plus am to make christmas presents. cookies baked with loveeeee. resulting in a horrible lack of sleep and eyebags. 61 packets of cookies, but still not enough. i love the cookies, i want to rip open some of the remaining packets which i didnt give out, but i shall be nice and keep them till 31st dec when i next see the YMers. anyway, a big THANK YOU to everyone for the presents! i appreciate them, love them all!
we had a youth service today! :D hope those who came were blessed by the service and do realise God's love and the meaning of christmas! that Christ was sent as a gift to everyone that very christmas day. :)
went shopping with candice jolene and sam after. i am still in the midst of sorting presents. this is one of the good parts of christmas (and birthdays) too. very fun, no?
Saturday, December 24, 2005
My Glorious
The world's shaking with the love of God
Great and glorious, let the whole earth sing
And all you ever do is change the old for new
People we believe that
God is bigger than the air I breathe
The world we'll leave
God will save the day and all will say
My glorious!
Clouds are breaking, heaven's come to earth
Hearts awakening let the church bells ring
And all you ever do is change the old for new
People we believe that

the decorations outside. CHRISTMAS PARTY 2005 was a blast! thank God for the large turn out and the friends that we brought, and the whole event itself. from the door gifts (the story of white ribbons and tags and cutting of cellophane, 80 was enough only because some YMers didn't take) to praying for the rain to stop,to food (the number of calls we had to make,to adult helpers to prepare stuff, with most of them having christmas gatherings at exactly the same time, and we still had some leftovers!) to the screening of the camp dvd as dinner entertainment, to decor (thanks to the subcomm!) to the skit (which the cast spent 2 days at tani -mostly playing maple but still did rehearse, never mind the forgetting some lines,they did great!) to the games and band performance, all glory to Him for having His hands in the event. GOD BE PRAISED! :D some times its only through such events that the fact that God IS faithful & bigger than all the nitty gritty details and worries, hits you. HE IS. loveee my christmas party comm too! :) thanks for all the effort and time put into this!
games! thanks bordorg and fc for planning games

the skit, lines highly humorised by sherman and ivan. hahah it was so funny, really. nausea? means "bo siar" means NO SOUND! and all other funny lines. thanks huixian for directing the thing. :)

the "jamming band" in action! yay cool music! :) ,isabelle, sinyi ,peien ,peien ,janice
4. sinyi ,me ,rabbit (sam sim)
5. me ,glenda
6. me, huixian the thrash girl
7. me, weiwei the irritating but still cute boy PRO GUITARISTT
8. me, betty panty, debbie (same birthday!) and yihui
10. me, jawn (the VP! ) weiqi crystal isabelle
12. me sam jas :D
13. LOVE u!,jolene
15.meris me jas
16. me shawn(its not ah lian, its PEACE!) darryl

the highlight of dinner- the chocolate fondue fountain! :P my love! hahaha. dont worry im not krusty now. this is chocolate heaven.
ok now i have to sleep, my eyes are closing. ycomm camp was cool too! :) we have new blood! i feel kinda old. haha. anyway, we got stuff planned. i still wonder whats the fascination with maple/dota. cookie baking tomorrow for christmas presents!wheeee. and chiong homework time.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

thanks for arranging/coming for dinner you guys, sam jas jolene choy sherman edward shannon samlim, esp SAM babeee for initiating it, and also jolene and for going down earlier to get my present. i love the bag :) i really appreciate you all ALOT :D although fish and co would have been better than cartel (cos everyone had no money),but i think it wouldnt be as humourous there cos they dont have free stuff! ahha. hahha FREE bread FREE cheese FREE water FREE butter. check out the table. theres the first round of bread. we took two more whole loaves after that, and sherman's cutting skills were amazing. haha. we even saw one guy bag 5 loaves. LOL.
i did have a great birthday! and I LOVE YOU ALL!
ohhh birthday birthday birthday yay! i'm old. i'm 17 already. :/ spread some birthday cheer now! haha.
i've decided to exempt myself from mass dance prac tomorrow because i dont want to wake up early and go to school and perspire in that newly-lacquered school hall. not a nice way to spend the first few waking hours (not including now) of my birthday.
thanks to all who called/smsed/msn messaged me! :)
thanks ivan for the earliest present!
thanks faith who called all the way from australia and disconnected internet just to do that! I LOVE YOU DEARIE,even though ure not able to drive me around yet, one day you will!thanks jawn, who also called, and sam sim too :)
thanks to all who smsed, jasmine jessie jeri glenda uyh jiayen rafizah gary(although i cant see the picture msg yet) cindy esther shannon jolene sinyi jack zhenhui evelyn meris
and those online, desiree dawn enlin xueling winnie (for the BURSTday song on the train too) zk sam huixian nicholas winston vince jaryl crystal yihui debbie
(HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO! love u!)and alvin chew weiwei who called from the airport just now
Monday, December 19, 2005
this entry is specially for the 5 other people here :) LOTS OF LOVE!

the girls i love :) outside our annual december 23rd (this time round, 19th) swensens dinner venue! :)

the presents this year. foodstuff cos we are all almost dead broke. hahah "next year better nu3 li4, last years presents filled a big carrier"
thanks winnie for the galbo which came in wrapper with "congratulations on your wedding day" HAHAHA. and the musical christmas card which we tried carrying down orchard road, opened. and "M&M's zrrrrr thing"-referring to a dispenser by the way
thanks xueling ah ma for gingerbread man with one eye -) and the famous amos cookie! and msging me on msn at 12:19am. 
thanks cindy for dark chocolate! and the sms !and for flipping your phone many times in front of us. be careful it may B-R-E-A-K. HAHAHAH

thanks esther,my ex bus friend for the boxing hand pen and the cute little note :) and sms at 12am, according to my phone. 
thanks adelene for the highlighters with nice smell, "you may not get it!" but hey, we all got it! -acts surprised- how did you do that?! hahhaa. 
and to top it all off, fried mars bar! bowls x3. we love!
thank you, you royalties in huanggong, for the fantastic dinner at our old hangout, and making the night so much more enjoyable :) ahhah. you may want to know im pigging out on some of the presents already! :O greedy cheryl.aLOVE YOU GIRLS! :D
Sunday, December 18, 2005
i am very happy now. VERY VERY. i finished implicit differentiation math assignment! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D although that still leaves me with vectors, integration,and trigo, that's ONE DOWN. 3 more to go! and a whole lot of chem. i have achieved something tonight. i can continue my search for presents tomorrow knowing that i have done work tonight so i dont feel so guilty.
and this of course, leads to an amazing discovery. i can complete work when alone, without anyone else around in the house. just me, my windows media player and my jelly beans! my parents should probably take more holidays/recce trips so i can finish up my work. i just can concentrate better! oh and, math is very addictive. it's like the pringles slogan "once you pop, you can't stop". math is just like that. once you start and get one question correct, you just want to continue on to the next question, then the next and so on... even if the computer or other matters that require attending to, are screaming for atttention. if the internet is termed "a distraction" [from a typical singaporean's(who is somehow connected to the education system) view], then math is a distraction from distraction. i would do somemore if not for the fact that now's 1+am and i have to wake up earlier to take a bus. :)
Saturday, December 17, 2005
i'm at home alone :) :( its quite boring actually. theres not much sound. but its quite rare that i get the whole house to myself for almost two whole days, so yay to that! but i havent and wont be home much either. haha
had some company this morning. the christmas party comm came over for BRUNCH and prayer :D yay most of the food stuff are settled, thank God for that. but i think there are still quite alot of things to finalise. and i havent prepared what to say tomorrow to the ycomm. but a bunch of them are overseas.
next week will be a busy busy week again! ahahah the huanggong people are all broke! the first time we won't really have a gift exchange. i still have my christmas blinking hat though.
FUNTOSA was FUN! hahaha saw winnie at harbourfront. anyway yes im a HUNK! :):) wheres my hot babe. next week's christmas party!
hint hint 3 more days. HINTTTTTT i dont really fancy having foodstuff for presents. i iprefer something that can be kept for a longer period of time.
Friday, December 16, 2005
look up at the sky, see the full moon, it's beautiful :)
once in a while i'll notice the full moon.
today, i gazed at it almost the whole ride home.
i like the whole star&moon-gazing idea. sit there and do nothing but admire it.
this is where i dream about a glass ceiling (of course equipped with technology that keeps heat out in the day)
i've been out everyday, ahhh, pressing issue of homework. how come i can never start doing homework.
ok, it's 4 more days to something. *HINTTTTTTT*
i wish it didnt come so soon. this signals the almost start of school(OH DAILY MUGGING) and orientation stuff.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
HIIII let me bring you some christmas cheer!
we've got C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S
and a really black and white P-A-R-T-Y!
goooo... CHRISTMAS! :D
now go spread the CHRISTMAS CHEER! :):)
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
my opinion- let me tell you why birthdays in december are better, as well as not.
better-> while everyones fretting about buying presents, they will remember to get you one since the time laspe isnt big, or at least combine it with christmas present.
not-> no one celebrates for you in school because ITS THE HOLIDAYS! :(
guess what i'm doing now. i'm in the process of finishing my candy supply. not that it was supposed to be mine to start with. i ate 1 chocolate marshmallow roll already. and i opened the cup of starbursts juicy frenzy. MMMMMMMM. :D i'm a happy girl, although that happiness came with quite a high price. money and the possibility of getting diabetes. i also figured i have to go for another round of shopping to get the "christmas cum birthday" presents and pretty ribbons. ahhh no more money!
grant me my christmas wishes please (this is to aid your shopping for my birthday(and/or) christmas present).
- a nice long beaded necklace
- a&f plain polo tee in brown
- capris
- pretty locket pendant/ anything of that sort
- chandelier earrings
- plain toga
- hollister denim mini
- warehouse gold hobo
- a nice schoolbag pref NOT backpack
- wallet! (very important)
- new flipflops
- cute graphic tees
don't get :
- softtoys(unless they are irresistably cute or is a carebear)
- foodstuff (i prefer things that will LAST and can be kept)
this ends my list for now. i know most of it is impossible. haha but i'm just listing anyway, for my own reference too. i love hand made and personalised stuff too =D i would appreciate a hand made card/present alot!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERIS! :)i couldnt sleep properly the whole morning. somehow the pain got transferred to my hip area. whatttttt. so i woke up at 7 and was trying to pray for the pain to go away so i could go to the airport plus shop with the girls. and i took panadol-painkillers :/ and of course, the pains gone! thanks to prayer and panadol! :):)
going to the airport keeps me thinking about a HOLIDAY! i cant wait for next year end. so after that jolene jas glenda edward sherman and i went to parkway.funny SIAAAA. but at least those two can shop better than people like sam and josh who will just sit at macs. hahah finally got the pony for sam.

THIS is the pony, sam. the reason why i asked you to choose "yan" or "ivan" is quite a long story but sherman thought the white and orange ponies looked like yan and ivan respectively (what crappp) and i couldnt decide so i called you to pick. hahaha. honestly they were surprised you picked "ivan". LOL. it came with a free tee shirt but its quite small.
heade down to city hall with jolene after that. blew $25, read this- TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS on CANDY at candy empire. those stuff are overpriced i know, pretzel pieces for twice the price. but they are IRRESISTABLE!

see what i mean. this is my candy loot. i bet this is making you drooool. this settles some christmas presents already. :)
Monday, December 12, 2005
oucchhhh man my tummy is hurting. ok not tummy, the lower abdomen area, say, like large intestines area. OUCHHH. its not a stomach ache. not cramps either, i do get that sometimes that makes my tummy feel bloated, which i haatteee. and then i start worrying if theres anything wrong inside. just now, i thought, if skin was transparent (or could be made transparent) that'll be good, then you can see whats wrong inside and doctors wont have to go through the trouble of trying to analyse and run tests. but i decided that permanently transparent was very BAD,not to mention, ugly and disgusting. so "could be made transparent" sounds like a better alternatiave. its not a sharp pain or anything, it just makes me want to go sleep immediately. but my hair isnt dryy... :(
just got back from drama bbq thingy with the year ones and twos, altogether! :) it was fun! and the condo's pool looked pretty fab! wheee. aahhhahaha from "ohh banana" to "i was deperately looking around for a flasher" and all that food (banana with melted choc, bbq marshmellows, half burnt corn, tons of chips) and crap, enjoyable!
i dislike hotmail. sometimes the attachment processing box just doesnt go away, now the attachment chooses to screw up and appear in a web of characters. i sent out another using gmail (which takes super long to reach people) hopefully it gets through and is fine. becauaase its a prayer pointers email. if it was a forwarded thing i wouldnt care less.
and and and, GOD'S TOTALLY COOL! hahahha. sinyi jawn and i are supposed to do QT material for comm camp and so our comm camp's theme's "wait training". note that we did not bring this verse up during any of our meetings.
sugarrrr hi says:
i was going to use isaiah 40:31 for theme verse
"qudleDOTcom,, says:
hahahaha lemme show you what sinyi said
"qudleDOTcom,, says:
sinyi says:
sinyi says:
sugarrrr hi says:
sugarrrr hi says:
show her what i said
sugarrrr hi says:
did we bring up that verse that day?
"qudleDOTcom,, says:
nope not at all
"qudleDOTcom,, says:
sinyi says:
sinyi says:
sugarrrr hi says:
woahhh cool
sugarrrr hi says:
sugarrrr hi says:
this is the verse:
isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.going to the airport later to send the mission team off. i am going to sleep soon.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
i'm finishing up everything in the fridge. first its tiramisu, then the chocolate covered macadamia nuts, now the starburst joosters ( i like the squirty stuff inside the gummy :P) ahhh its no wonder i have sugar overdose. :/
and i have alot of stuff to do once again, the organiser's quite packed EVERYDAY. HOMEWORK HOWWWW!!! ??????!?!??!?!?!?!? 139yuighkljdrhgkljawehuilrghlaerhge AUGHHHH. lets see what i've completed- STATS assignment & four MCQs for chem. THATS IT. i'm pissed with myself for not making good use of my time and not prioritising properly. and theres still
christmas party meetings
comm camp plannings
drama meeting
OGL stuff
(all of which i like doing)
honestly, i've caught up with friends quite abit already. which is good :) happy =D but there's never a limit when it comes to catching up. there are just too many people you want to bum with, to go out with, time doesnt permit. :/
yay i've just thought of two things that would make me feel much better. :D:D
- there's only BIO CHEM MATH & GP next year! ahhaha FOUR subjs instead of pw chi bio chem econs math gp. woah that was 7 subjs.
- dinner with HG girlssss on 19th! presents and crazy christmas stuff, birthdays,catching up and obsessing with the camera, here we come!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
yay!!!!! I just completed my descriptive stats quiz thing online. thats the first item of math holiday homework DONE! wheeeee. there homework adrenaline running inside of me now. but i still am not clear about the variance and standard deviation bit. i did those questions the long way, which includes alot of calculation/pressing of calculator buttons. is it supposed to be done that way? nahhh, who cares. im off to do more homework! :):):)
helloooo :) hahah i just ate the last of the tiramisu! no more. :( i loved it, while it lasted.
*note: this entry's going to sound super energecticcc.
collected my phone already! so i'm contactable once again. felt weird not having a phone.
had christmas party comm meeting today! yay, we are becoming more efficient! 1h45mins only! :):) and we got alot of stuff settled! am looking forward to christmas now!

and this is the announcements slide thing i made, yay! i loveeee it. dont you? hahaha.
info as stated above, everyones invited!
planning for comm camp tomorrow, yay! ahhahaa
i'm so suakooo, i only realised on saturday when sinyi mentioned, that when you're on "busy" mode on msn, there won't be any "new email" or "____ just signed in" popups at the corner of your screen. :/
right, i still havent done homework.
tagged by jasmine
7 songs.
001. against all odds-the postal service
002. His love-hillsongs
003. dance dance- fall out boy
004. obsession- delirious?
005. emmanuel-hillsongs
006. nickelback - photograph
007. california - phantom planet
i'm tagging sinyi, winnie, jeri, faith, huixian
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
ahhh i've been eating so much of the tiramisu i think i'm going to get drunk on rum. :/ kidding.
went on a shopping spree with my mom yesterday. :) not really christmas shopping, more like clothes shopping. note that i only do this once in a long while. i promise i'll go work after As to pay for shopping expenses. thanks jeri for calling me up just now, blehhh i had to forgo it cos of meetings and homework. i was just thinking of the post-As and getting into uni and all. my uni admission will depend on how well i catch up now. not left with alot of time and i need to know whats going on.
meeting tmrrrrrr and on thurs. you're going to see alot of the word "homework" in the coming days.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
i've been thinking about this. the reason why i spend too much time in front of the computer, is because i sit here wishing tomorrow will come faster, waiting for the clock to strike __pm/am, where i go out of the house for a meeting/event of sorts. somehow it will speed up time (psychologically of course). suddenly you go "wow its ___pm/am already! so fast", then i happily decide that it's late and i should go to sleep. so what actually happens(or doesnt happen) is i don't get any school stuff done. so if i have somethhing on the next day, i'll start thinking about that, mindlessly continue to surf around the internet, then realise the time, then proceed to sleep. its an cycle i say.
what happens then, on the days i don't have anything on? i'll wake up late (because i only sleep like at 2 or 3, refer above) then i watch tv while waiting for lunch, i think "i'll do work after lunch" you can predict the outcome. then it continues. this is procrastination at its best(worst), when i put quite important stuff off and wait for the time to go out/the next predictable event in my day. i'm bored. nownow, this phrase is too widely used.i'm not bored, i'm just lazy and putting off doing homework. i need pep talk myself again
my phone's screen is officially spoilt. it goes black when i slide it up. screw samsungggggg! so forgive me,i can't reply sms-es cos i can't see no image when i slide it up. i can only read sms-es, therefore, christmas party comm, i will arrange a date this week. none of the drama people read this so nvm. thank God for msn.
hahah spent one day out with some of the ymers, :)
and theres always a full-of-nonsense book. first it was the book of answers (we hunted that book down again but it wasnt as entertaining as before),and today it was
"great lies to tell small kids" the toilet one owns. it goes " stick your hand into the toilet-it will end up in a toilet bowl in china-try waving" others go something like "a square has an extra secret fifth side, you can see it if you stare long enough", "stick a piece of ham in the dvd player, you get a film about pigs. stick a piece of cheese you get a film about cows". ok LOLOLOLOLOLOL yup we didnt end up watching chicken little. save that for a cheapest movie rate day. walk from ps to orchard
tiramisu they made for the mission trip fun raising is yum! :D i like! and i have two boxes at home. cookies are good too (OF COURSE!) hahah huixian our perfectly browned cookies!anyhow i bought a box of the star cookies i packed. hahahha. reminds me of baking cookies last year for mission trip fund raising too. tiringggg, sherman's "two ovens", wrong type of flour, borrowing his neighbours kitchen, yan the mixing machine, batches of burnt cookies.
wheeee going out with my mom tomorrow, christmas shopping
Saturday, December 03, 2005
You are Milk Chocolate |
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago. |
What Kind of Chocolate Are You?
trueeeee. thats a tiny fraction of my life told in the form of a quiz. i'm bored. we just found someones blog mannnn. interesting. (and saw some trippers from last years cambodia mission trip whom we havent seen for a year) anyway, j21 tonight was good too, and alot more YMers went down, which was a good thing, :) these two nights have been well spent. :)
Friday, December 02, 2005
its the 2nd of december already
(scream)its another month to school reopening, which equates to half a month to complete revision cos the 2nd half of dec is blown.
i want prom all over again, i want to go shop for a nicer dress, to go shop for nicer accessories, to professionally do my makeup and hair and adjust my camera to its best performance, to take nicer photos cos i think flash sucksss and most of it had to be taken with flash, to stay up all night in the hotel rather than sleep awhile, to walk the streets of town way past midnight. ahhhhh next year i'll do these, next year will be different fromm sec 4 prom, but oh well, grad night is till grad night. i like to go through these kind of hassles just for one night of fun and glam. yes, how often do you get to dress up.
although i may go along with the "i'm not going for grad night next year" view, i know i'll just go in the end for the fun of it. now you think of A levels and you don't want to think of going to grad night ever. but after a's it'll be a different story. after major exams you don't have a single academic related care in the world so you can fuss all you like about prom cos everyone else will be. :) if you're thinking "i'm not going for grad night ever", at least i should be able to convince you that going with the girlfriends will be worth all the "waste of time".
and so, one year has passed so fast. it's been almost a year since the mission team set foot in cambodia. and now the next batch of people are going to east timor. mission trips are really an eye-opener and satisfying. if we were less pampered last year, it would have had a larger impact, but, not complaining. anyway compassion without action isnt compassion. :) i think we all have to work on it. j21 conference tonight was quite alright, going down again tmr cos its the commissioning night thing, go pray for the teams going. how come i don't remember gong last year, how come we didn't go for the day conference, how come we didn't have the tee "i was naked and you clothed me". hmm... i want to go on a mission trip again after my As.
what i want to do after As- mission trip, get a temp job, probably save money to go on a holiday with my friends. actually i still want to tour europe just that i don't think i'll ever be able to cough up that sum of money. ok enough of my imagination (its currently still part of my imagination cos it hasn't happened yet), i just ate mint choc chip icecream.