Tuesday, January 31, 2006

4B1 gathering at mr low' house today. lovely seeing all these girls again. still the same old noisy girls.
although our class is kind of clique-ish, we're still one 4b1! we pigged out so much and camerawhored much too. everyones different in a way, but still the same! more gatherings please!
went shopping with my mom after that, finally. oh man there was this rude girl at topshop. horrible. rolls eyes. if i was as horrible i would have slapped her. yay lunch with the girls tmr, dinner on friday! :) and watch movie soon(yes jasmine? ) haha.
did you ever get those empty feelings? you can't describe it, but while you're strolling, your mind a blank, it suddenly hits you, that empty feeling. well, i've been getting those alot these days. i think it results from a lack of purpose. by this i don't mean life purpose but at that moment, a lack of purpose. that's why it only hits me when i'm doing nothing in particular.

my godsisters. haha so adorable. :)

heres a cuter picture. :) :)

my babbyyyy. :) still as fat and cute as ever. nibble nibble. eat like mad.

here's what i did to the ugly cover of the notebook( the inside's nice) that was given by my OGMs. :)
Sunday, January 29, 2006
i need to go running now. but i won't, for fear that my nose will start running also.
hahahaha. isn't that Punny. :P
funny punny bunny
Saturday, January 28, 2006
today's my bad day. i deserve to play daniel powter's "bad day" now and then go to sleep
i was mega sleepy the whole day despite getting enough sleep.
i was late for lunch by about an hour. late AGAIN
i stupidly took a nap without taking out my contacts, hence the very dry contacts and dry eyes when i woke up. bad move.
yesterday i wanted to kick start my reading of Matthew, the 28 chapters. i mean one chapter a day. but i didn't.
and now my stomach is being irritating.
and i've been moody the whole day.
and i've decided that i will leave shopping to after CNY for a change. i should stop talking about shopping too.
actually i don't even feel like going out of the house.
in my opinion, adults (and teens alike) are not very interested in visiting because they have been doing it for years, and there's no more excitement. its the same old routine year after year. on this day, so and so comes to visit you, then on the second day, you go visit so and so. its the same. as you can see i'm in no festive mood.
i realised i will be sick on some new year eve. on NEW YEARS EVE, i was home, sick (not in anyway homesick though) and on CHINESE new year, i'm down with running nose. see? hahaha. its a trend! a trend that willl hopefully end here.
i feel like decorating the hamsters cage. but knowing that thing, it'll probably start nibbling on the decorations, before realising that its digusting and inedible. here's wishing everyone a
XIN NIAN KUAI LE! (and the whole string of well wishes that follow)
Friday, January 27, 2006
i'm going to change template again. i dislike the way the fonts turn out.
just read jialing's blog. hahah the whole cny celebration looked like fun. next time, next time :)
on chinese new year "goodies":
this is the time where bak kwa, pineapple tarts, cookies, kueh lapis, love letters, shrimp rolls, etc fly off the shelves, and maybe off the oven. why the rush to get their hands on so many such products? in the end, don't you just end up finishing most of the goodies yourselves. unless your house is always full of guests, you most likely will. yup they taste nice, but sometimes people do overbuy. so i conclude that buying all these goodies, at least half will be left for self-consumption. not to mention they cause problems, the horrible plague of the SORE THROAT and other minor throat-related problems.
and i don't have much of these stuff in stock at home. my mom always buys more chocolates and sweets than anything (chinese-new-year-ish) else.
blahhh now my nose is kinda blocked and i keep sneezing every once in a while.
just when i thought i've recovered, i came down with fever on wednesday.
yeah the same 39deg kinda fever again.
skipped school yesterday. planned to go down to school for the CNY carnival only, but then i was too drained to do so. ahhh i missed all the fun! i heard the C.O.T girls went baking and selling the stuff (illegally) and got $17 profit. hahah for the fun of it, i suppose it was fun! and the steamboat today. :/ (because today is a HO HOHO HOLIDAY! for TJ) i would have gone shopping, oh well.
no official CNY clothes. i dont wish to rush with the crowd as well. maybe i'll spree post-CNY! haha
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
today's shopping has been unsuccessful. i hate such times. this is another piece of "evidence" which proves my theory true based on another situation. same theory applies. when you set out with a purpose -to shop, you don't end up getting anything/finding what you want. however, if you aren't armed with cash and just so happen to enter a shopping district, you will so coincidentally chance upon alot of nice stuff which you want so much but don't have the $$ for, at least for the moment.
anyhow, my moms right, i will only wear it once and leave it alone after that. ahahha i told my mom the top im loooking for's very nice. and she asked "u saw before?". no i envision it in my mind only. its not a real image (because it cannot be cast on a screen) - a little physics for you. i'll probably go walk around another day. before saturday.
i conclude that shopping online is much better. there are nicer stuff andd somehow you find more items you like. but from the bank account's point of view, its not better.
oh we found a tiny sylvanian families rabbit toy on the toilet floor at taka, beside the basins. i have two at home but that one definitely looked way pitiful. i stepped on it, then realised it was a toy. so we were laughing at it for quite awhile because jeri personified the rabbit. so, the imaginery rabbit thoughts made me laugh. so we picked it up and left it at the sink area so it won't be stepped on further. poor rabbit with a blackened nose ( i think from friction with the floor)
ran 2.6+km today for PE. havent been having PE for a long time due to my flu bug. so i was a little rusty at jogging,if its possible to get rusty at that. i wonder how i'm going to survive road run- 3.6km. mind over matter, i can do it once i jog on a more regular basis. :)
i passed my bio and math test! math doesnt count cos i had an extra day. but the bio test does count. yay im happy :) studying did pay off. but obviously better results come with a cost. i failed chem test badly. :/ i conclude that chem is my weakest subject now and i deserve to go for extensive chem remedial.
Monday, January 23, 2006
will be going down to town tomorrow after school and i'm quite happy about that because i finally get to shop, proper! :) i hope i wont be too tired after PE and they won't make us run in the rain if it ever rains. 3.6km road run coming up sometime soon i don't know when. :/
blah my brain was switched off the whole of today, meaning it didn't function well, not that it did function well before. but relative to before, it wasn't. i spent the two hour break sleeping in the library and making a trip to the canteen to get sweets. and the sleeping didn't even help. we were made to write a GP essay today and i think i'm going to fail that one. for the record, we took up 3 hours for GP, of which 2 hours was spent writing the essay. and happy me will be doing math remedial questions over the CNY period. i knew i should have been more hardworking last year. i will be, this year. i will. slap me if i am not.
oh yes, the school just came up with the lamest,most time-wasting "game" ever. doesn't even deserve to be called a game. whats up with "your CG gets to earn points" and "go down to the ______ today to challenge the records". no one really wants or cares for CG pointsr,really. so much for trying to inject fun.
and i must plan DP H.O.T. haha THATS HOT.
now i'm off to chiong tutorials.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
i know exactly what i want to get for CNY. what stands in between is
-when to go searching for it
-where to search
i want a embellished halter/turtle-neck top preferably in red or pink and silky material. wheee. i want the chinese-y, oriental look but im not going to overdo it.
and i can't wait for thursday. this week's a three-day week! :D i just have to survive three days and then it's 5 days of cookie-loading, angbao-collecting and actually, nothing. i'm just looking forward to a break, doesnt every student?
ycomm meetings are getting better, meaning more efficient. i say God's moulding us! :)
jasmine, we must make the memoirs of a geisha movie-watching outing happen ok. haha not like our (never happened) dinner dates. jeri, i really don't know where to go. its either city hall/orchard.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
this is a message from elaine about :
4b1 CNY gathering
venue: mr low's house
time: 1:30 pm
date : 31st jan 2006
1. meet at kovan mrt at 12pm, we'll have lunch together first
2. if you are coming late, please inform someone, or you can call elaine- 97983534 and she'll pick you from the busstop, OR, if you want to meet us directly at his house, ask for the address
3. bring oranges
4. dress appropriately
5. buses that goes to his house are 136 and 315
6. we'll be staying at his house for about 2 hours, you can stay longer or leave earlier
7. we'll have to bring our own drinks etc there... elaine the monkey needs 5 people to purchase $10 worth of goodies! please volunteer, if not you guys have to eat whatever she buys! sms her and let her know if you wish to volunteer [please keep the receipt cuz you can claim back the money from yun ying, our treasurer... we've got about $50 left in our class fund]
i'm amazed we still have a class fund. 50 dollars. hahaha LOL its been more than a year already. we should subsidise our lunch too if that's the case.
inspired by the quaker chewy bars, i've added chocolate chips in my cereal. they taste yummy together. something for you to try too! :)
school's cool.i'm loving the many breaks in school! :) the library and the benches under TRC are the best hangouts, YO.
went to NYGH's dance production last night. :) nice. and great songs too. huixian you better eat the doughnuts. ahha. and keep the box.
PL should have had a dance club. that would have been so cool.
Swing Swing.
Friday, January 20, 2006
oh no, i just realised something really BAD. i have to go to school on sunday for some COMPULSORY (for all year 2s) crappy newspaper and old clothes collection thing at noon-ish and i have YCOMM meeting at the same time. what how ?! ahhhh. ycomm meeting's more important. i hope i dont get into big trouble.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
- i hope we can set up a mobile stall for CNY carnival
- studying in the library is fun
- i kinda like our timetable breaks this year :)
- i havent gone for a single chinese lesson since the year started
- i have math test tomorrow
- i have math and chem remedial to attend, in time to come, which isnt a bad thing really
- we're going to have a 4b1 CNY gathering at mr low's house on 3rd day of CNY, yay i get to see the PL people! : ) i miss, in a way, having an all-girl class
- dinners and reunions during this chinese-y festive season :)
- white sands macs is noisy. don't try to study there
- ycomm : meeting this sunday, dont forget
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
whats up with my health, seriously. i have been sick TWICE in 20 days. the last being 30th dec last year. and for the past few days i have been coughing quite abit.which brings me to, everytime i start the coughing bout, i worry for my lungs and the alveoli. so i gave 2/3 of school a miss today because i figured i couldn't take a whole 12 hours of school, i won't even be paying attention, which will be a waste of time, so i might as well get some much-needed sleep.
i self-declare my math test, postponed! to erm, tomorrow? you must know that i haven't studied for math at all, because i was focusing on bio. its crazy to have two tests in a day. in secondary school it was ok, now, when you need to practice, memorise, 8 chapters of work, its not "ok" anymore.
our CG didnt get the stall for CNY carnival, which is majorly disappointing :( because we were so excited for it, all the hype about milo dino prep, toppings to choose, samples, and the stayovers and naming our stall and how we should get the stuff to school. why didn't they approve the proposal?!?!!? i remember each CG having one stall last year. never mind, we shall have our own milo dino party on that day.
have to go CNY shopping. i hope i get to.
i know im supposed to be studying for math test now but i want to watch america's next top model. this is horrible, i have no determination whatsoever to speak of.
Monday, January 16, 2006
i have never seen a CG that loves food more than OURS. for example, at lunch
"oh lets go buy fruits and share. we're eating healthy". and when we're done with fruits,
"lets share ice kachang" and when we're done with ice kachang,
"let's get some snacks to last us through 2 hours of GP"
haha. this is the norm. this is CG 29 for you.
i should really be a more determined person. not by my strength, but by God's. i must study the remaining 9 months like i never did. (of course i will still go out and shop etc.) no more leaving doubts to a side, no more copying tutorials straight from teh board because i didn't do, no more J1-like attitude, no more failed tests. i have put off too much. putting off isn't good. i did resolute to salvage my poor school grades. time to actionaction it.
played netball today after school! ahhaha we're going to be FIT people ya? PE tomorrow! serene, hope your ankle's better! :)
i love the walks home. i walked slowly today, just so i could spend some time with God instead of speedwalking/hurrying home with mp3 stuck in my ear.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
i love the CIRCLE OF TRUST- how we skip lessons and get excited about the CNY carnival and our stall and MILO DINO. and how we've intimidated many people out of their seats in the canteen. haha we should be known as the seat-snatchers.
three tests next week and i don't know how i;m going to survive. i don't even understand what's going on during tutorials and lectures. never really did. and now i've got a sore throat and running nose. i love the cold weather but i think its making the nose condition worse. and that's bad because i won't have the mood and energy to do tutorials or revise because all i can think of now is sleep. not getting much of that either. but i still love the comfort of a windbreaker or a jacket on days like these. :)
if what happened this year happened last year,i would have been much happier. right.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
i miss orientation!!! 4 days flew by so quickly (when you're having fun). will upload some photos into an album when i have the time. i hate the one hour slots on the timetable. 45mins was bad already, why extend it? i found attention gone after 30mins yesterday in math lecture. and theres 2 hour-long GP lessons. and all the breaks in between. i skipped my first chinese lesson of the year yesterday. tests coming up on friday and the week after. :(
Sunday, January 08, 2006
now for some orientation 2006 photos!

INVICTUS OGLs. HOT SIA! HAWT HAWT, SO HAWT. the best OGLs ever! enthu and loud and crazy bunch. we have cool lime green tees too!

ardeo! OG 15 , consisting of CG 31/06 and 27/06. i love you guys! ahahha you've made orientation so much fun! and thanks for being the sweetest J1s! :)

forever acting cute. no wait, we ARE cute. haha 
at ECP. CG 31/06 and some IP students who joined us.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
woohoooooo i start this on a very HIGHH note! i just got back from O night (orientation night) 2006 and its 12am! and the O night was AWESOME! :):) VOYAGE !! so let me blog item by item. TJ ROCKKKSSS!
O NIGHT- we had one heck of a PARTYYYYY! party like its no one's business! the hall arrangement was so much better this year, with the stage in clear view. i think the decor was quite cool. and we had RONIN, our own rocking TJ bands, and the TJ singing and beatboxing powerhouse charles, OGs performing items, and the pageant, mass dance, nonstop cheering. cheers to HYPERness and HIGHness! i think my legs are aching from all that jumping and mass dancing, and my throat tired from all that shouting and cheering. (hey, and my voice is still intact surprisingly!) another great night in my 1+ years in TJ! definitely will look back on it and be nostalgic like crazy. this is the only night where everyone sings the college anthem and start waving our hands around while singing. one more thing, our ardeo lantern is two of a kind and the prettiest!
OG 15 ARDEO! first of all, they are so sweet! <3 x much! they got us 9 OGLs notebooks and wrote in them,you know how i always LOVE personalised stuff the best, (even though my notebook cover isnt nice- but i'll decorate it on my own and make it all pretty) so even though we were the thicked skinned ones who hinted to them (mega big hint!, it was the most touching thing in a long time. and i'll bring it on monday cos it hasnt been passed around enough, and i'll treasure it, keep it nice and safe and re-read it! and when you put in so much effort and time, and get such sweet stuff, i think it's all worthwhile :) AWWWW i won't exchange my OG for anything! sorry lah, melted heart here ok. and this is the best part yet mann, THEY also say i look TAITAI-ish! :/ i promise i didnt say anything to them about OG 15 2005, they just told me i looked taitai. ok fine, two OG15 in a row think so, so now i must go find a rich man and marry a rich man. its not bad to have a rich look anyway.LOOK rich only, haha. and the girls've sure learnt how to act cute and 'tehhh' people, esp the SC guys. they're all scared of us! haha (all in the name of fun and POINTS). our skit was funny too! act and dance the bollywood style! haha i LOVE YOU ALL ALOTALOTALOTALOT!
3.VOYAGE- ORIENTATION 2006! (green, in honour of the TJ spirit!)say T (T) say TJ(TJ)say we are the best (we are the best)so you better not mess (so you better not mess )so you better not fool (so you better not fool )cos we are cool (cos we are cool)we are the best so you better not mess so you better not fool cos we are cool!(clapx9 TJ) x2 woooooooooooooooo :) -hand actions missing(duh) & lazy to type thunderation cheer-whether its invictus, incendium, or GAMMA, we were the best! yay to OG7 for best OG and zenith for best clan! :) cheers to the SC for planning orientation,doing the stupidly funny video, behind the scenes clearing up and setting up and the exco meetings, the HC too, ANDDDD...ALL THE OGLs for being the best ever, and making orientation so much more hyped up!(esp invictus OGLs! and those from OG 15, fel jas siok yinglei ruilong zhaoxiu meiqi and youjun, we are the best! wooooo! ) i can still hear those screamings ringing in my head. being an OGL in JC is the best, most rewarding experience( in school context) doesnt matter that we have to go to school at unearthly hours (and go home at unearthly hours too), scream our lungs out, treat the OGMs like they are little kids when they're not. -we say its motherly instincts. haha. ya right-
4. lessons are starting on monday. NOOOOO :(
Thursday, January 05, 2006
orientation 2006 voyages!
the third day of orientation already. and we're even more ON and ENTHU than ever!!!!! :D
highlight of the day- had mass dance at suntec's fountain today and we all got very high! after dancing dhoom,retarded,s club, speedy, and getting very wet from the big sprays of water, we all danced around that big circular thing. nono, we RAN around it for a few rounds too,and shouted, cheered nonstop, sang along with the music, etc. i don't remember it being that much fun last year. hahaha orientation is loads of fun!!! mass dance is so cool too! i so don't want to go back to hitting the books. INVICTUS ROCKS THE MOST! i love ardeo too! :) i'll miss orientation! will upload OG photos when i get them.
O night tomorrow! wheeee. i hope i can wake up tomorrow and be IN TIME for school. zzzz very tired now. must still prepare for vision casting for this saturday.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
orientation and ycomm!
orientation 2006 VOYAGE has started ! (so has school and a brand new year in the same old but repainted college) and INVICTUS (clan name for gamma) ROCKS! :D our OG15 ardeo too! hahah orientation's always fun. the cheering, the mass dancing for hours (which constitutes my exercise for the day) yay i finally learnt 'dhoom' ,in a day! yay! tomorrow's going to be far more exciting! and the day after and the day after :)
missed out on the year 2 CG bonding time, which i heard wasn't really interesting. but our class went to watch narnia! heard its nice too! blahblahblah we got our timetables and i was happily striking off the econs slots. hahaha tomorrow lessons start proper for the year 2s, i can wait to get back to that.
i realised how much i miss the 2005 ycomm! and we don't even have a photo together :( we really must take one, one of these days. i'll miss working with you all, sinyi(the phone calls especially) samantha jasmine alvinchew shawn, (the rest are not listed cos they are still in the comm) and the meetings and the mass emails(which often don't get replies because they don't read/forgot about replying). you've made the first year heading the ycomm a memorable journey, definitely a passionate-in-your-own-way, fun ycomm! much LOVEEEEEEE
now on to the 2006 ycomm! jawn i'll get used to talking to you instead of sinyi dont be :( haha. looking forward to working with the new commies :) first up, vision casting 2006!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
wow its 2006 already! my last post was...LAST YEAR! haha. and i slept from 2005 to 2006, which is quite a bad way to spend my new year. but i was sick, down with fever, yesterday (well, last year. i know, what a wasy to end the year). i like to say "last year" on the 1st of january. because it sounds so distant, talking about last year like it was yesterday. it was! anyway my temperature was HIGH, 39degrees. and i went to the doctors wearing that joshua21 "fever 100" tee. that was on purpose. i thought "hey,that's so appropriate!" anyway, i'm muchmuch better now. thanks those who were at the prayer thing at tani yesterday for praying. sorry i couldnt make it for anything yesterday. vision meeting, prayer, watchnight. so i ended 2005 with something bad. but i will start 2006 better (the next paragraph is not a part of the better thing)
i hate to dwell on this but i havent completed my homework! bad thing. i have (ideally and optimistically speaking) a few more days to complete them. but its back to school on tuesday, but its orientation so it'll be FUN ! :) hope that this round's year 1s will be a bunch of fun like we were! haha. but after that it's the start of the muggers life. you have no idea how much i have to catch up on. and i'm glad i took econs off. its assuring to know alot of people are on the same "homework frequency" as me but theres just something that isnt quite right about that. i'm not on par if you considered how badly i fared LAST YEAR. i'm sure they are more familiar with the content than i am.
but yet again, (my own opinions) the education system here should change for the better. face it, memorising isn't the way to go. you only teach unconscious cramming of infomation. you don't really know what you're absorbing. as if science practical sessions are practical at all. SPA is another memorising challenge so we're eventually just wasting potatoes and the precious biology chemistry physics resources. speaking of change but never really changing, thats our -ahem- moe here. they should really learn to be more practical, try something else if all we have is paper-qualifications-only academic produce. haha this wont really be of any impact since anything/anyone that/who goes against the government will not be happy.
wheeee whatever. haha.
for now, new year resolutions (not the kind that i list and forget about,hopefully)
- spend time with my notes and tutorials (they sound very foreign now) and make use of free slots in my timetable.
- exercise more regularly, not a on-off thing
- seek God more both for myself and the YM
three core resolutions. the third being the most important.