Tuesday, February 28, 2006
chinese results will be out tomorrow. :/ God please let the whole class pass this.
i really don't want to have chinese lessons anymore.
i hope thurs/fri will be a half day!! :)
this is lame but the tofu on my pencil case, though childlish, makes me happier for awhile.
tomorrow i'll try to embark with caryn and jeri on their "bring food from home - save money and eat healthy" journey.
i'm sleepy.
Monday, February 27, 2006
went out with caryn eyin and jeri after school today.
we are officially the TUMMY PALS
out of sheer boredom and determination(quite contrasting here), we have made a joke out of our tummies and named them.
so we went shopping on a school day.
sacrifice homework and studying but in exchange we get that 3 hours of happiness :)
it's worth it if you ask me. opportunity cost.
got myself the polka dotted earrings, nice!
and we went to suntec to relive (or experience for the first time) our childhood toys.
we wanted to go turn those machines where you insert a dollar coin (or more) aand you turn the knob and out comes a random toy. the probability of getting the one you want is 1 out of the sample space. higher if you turn more times. anyway we wanted to find the machine with the small sweeto-fu thing. but then it was gone. :( but we got the bigger version anyway, still cute! the thrill and getting addicted to it. :/ tofu!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMfor 1st march:
we had an amazingly early dinner today, to celebrate sam lim's birthday
we started eating at 5plus, mind you. how early is that lah.
went to manhattan's fish market at ps, the place with big plastic bags where y ou can store yourself in, and the best of all, a screen with a video of fishes and very unique marine life in the coral reefs which we almost switched off.
so there were the cleaning prawns and the whatever fishes.
and as usual all the nonsensical talk which i won't mention simply because i don't remember.
photos the next time, when sam uploads :)
i have no money now. my NETS $$ is almost dry again. guys you all owe me money! hahah they say im like a loanshark :/ oh well.
ate alot today but i take comfort in knowing i walked for a long time cos i shopped with jolene and sam before dinner. why do weekends always end up like this. i need to stop the Junkfood-instead-of-propermeals thing. lets see, i ate icecream,icecream cake, takopachi, tuna bun, fish and chips. thats unhealthyyyy.
caryn if you read this,
hahha that beats HARRR- NEEEE- DEWWWWW.
:) :):):):) babe!
and yes, school is much more bearable with the C.O.T. girlss. back to school tomorrow but i have a shopping date with jeri after school. wheeee. :D you can never get enough of shopping can you.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
"come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is
-matthew 11:28-30
Friday, February 24, 2006
i'll get a much needed good sleep later. long and deep, until tomorrow.
until then, i will do my DP material and have some QT. i need some refreshing, and its bad that i only do QT at the end of the week. great negative example of running on my own strength. its physically draining and theres a spiritual dryness to it too. and at this point, i feel inadequate all over again. both in leading the ycomm and being a DP leader. i don't even make the time to phone my girls, i don't fulfil the duty of pres till comm meetings and weekends. not that it's supposed to be duty in the first place. or is it becoming that? i'm not even clear myself. i want to re-find that joy and willingness in serving. where's pushing for the vision for the year ,where's doing something so revival can happen in YM. the only prayers i say are haphazard ones. ones that i'll dwell on for only a minute, then lose my attention to something else. inertia in a way, i know i must move out of the pit but i refuse to budge just because i place other things before God.
linking to this. i think school is draining everyone. please let me know if anyone disagrees but i would think that most people feel this way. one week comes, one week goes. many tests and tutorials come, they go, but only if you could make them. but before they go, others would come in. they overlap, wheres the focus supposed to be? you wish for a short little break, theres none. the only breaks you have are those called "break" and "lunch", where you're supposed to eat and fill yourself up. and for some people, breaks for a subject dropped. so if theres something to be done but you're just so tired, you end up sleeping during those breaks, (which happens to me) and then wake up to realise that your task is glaring at you. its not like i like to sleep so much. sleeping was never a huge part of me until the past few years. its especially bad this year because i have to stay up to do my work. it's not like i love to start on work late, its not like i love keeping late nights, sleeping at 2am, then get sick ever so often. and i find myself dozing off on a few-hourly basis. its either in lectures (esp chem nowadays) or on the bus (all the time). everyday without fail, i doze off on 88.
then theres the part about consumption. we had a mini discussion today about eating in general, over ponned bio lecture. i think i belong to the unhealthy-eating part of the population. as much as i would like to keep away from junk food and have proper meals and food, theres the junkfood side of me who wants chocolates, biscuits, candy, junkjunkjunk. half the time i give in. most of the time the craving is for chocolate. this is one thing you can't stop me on. to me, chocolate is worth it if it's satisfying, rich and delish. :) i don't dislike fast food, but i promised myself to keep off those because their fat content is horribly high. so i'm disgusted. but i don't like fizzy drinks. i don't really fancy the fizzy part of them. i rather juices and those tea stuff.
- but i do have the bad habit of finding something to munch when i'm bored, doing homework, studying, watching tv.
- bad habit also, of eating more at night. because i stay up late, i eat more than i should at late hours.
- and the "its ok to have greedy days once in a while" mindset. and then the greedy days turn into most of the days.
- and i'm too lazy and tired to get out for exercise. so my only form of exercise would be PE, and walking to bedok and home everyday if that counts.
- i actually resolved to cutting the junk, meals instead of small bits here and there, which i think will amount to more calories actually. unsuccessful. cos i get hungry more easily. hungry in the sense (refer to point 1.)
ok, off this topic, the week of SPA is over. chem spa is over finally and i'm sure glad it went alright. spent my whole day memorising ok. :/ bio mocks were alright too. math test was horrendous. math papers shouldn't be done by a sleepy brain. im not going to make any excuses. but i have done my tutorials, it gets irritating when i actually know whats going on, but when it comes down to tests, finding myself unable to do those questions. so wheres the loophole here, me not fully understanding or not having enough practice. the latter?
i dont want to harp on this but i regret not putting in effort last year. i need retail therapy now too. haha. haven't had that in a long time and my shopping list is getting longer. shopping day please!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
we were made to do 8 rounds around in the track in the scorching afternoon sun which brightly baked us all
and this was for most of the class mass skipping PE on valentines day.
what i got out of it was a pinkish red shade and an even more obvious watchline.
after which, jeri and i unconsciously left for home. we were supposed to have gone for chem remedial but that "happily tucked away" reminder in our heads disappeared after the run. all i could think of after the run was heading home. it was only when we were recollecting that we realised that "ahhh, we are supposed to be in chem remedial now!" absent-minded forgetful people.
ohh look at the time, math test revision is going nowhere. :/
once again, i'm back to the vicious cycle of late nights and sleep debt.
Monday, February 20, 2006

m&m's are good for popping , especiallyduring math lect. :)

pretty daisy!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
yesterday was tjc annual road run! my first ever tj road run(since i happily ponned road run last year) and could have been a never-happened-in-my-life road run. i was having diarrhoea yesterday morning cum abit of nausea but i never hurled. and was abit off before sleeping on friday but i went to school anyway. so i was trying to decide, all the way until the race started, whether to run or not. but in the end i ran, not the best choice but still an alright choice. at least i felt ok throughout the run. wasn't able to run faster but that aside, i wasn't about to have the sudden urge to visit the toilet or anything.
ran 3.6km but i started at the back - that was a bad choice. blahhh. cos of the late arrival of number our CGs number tags we just decided to plonk ourselves at the back. haha didn't take note of my time because i forgot all about timing. haha. so anyway, 3.6 seemed lesser than the 5 rounds at the punggol field yes jeri? i hope it is ;) that'll be good. stonned all the way home, was about to go to AC's funfair but in the end i gave it a miss because it would do me more good to sleep than to go and walk around viewing food i didn't even have the appetite for. yesterday was the day i ate the least. what i consumed the whole day amounted to 2 mini paus, a cup of honey, a packet of green tea, a small cup of ribena, a cup of milo, 2 pieces of biscuits. the fluids were for making up for water loss and just so i could take medicine. so anyway i woke up at 3+ pm with a fever, therefore i wasn't at YM either. in total i slept about 20 hours. from 1plus on saturday till 8am on sunday morning. yay sleep! i love sleep. and i slept somemore just now. ahahaha. so that's my interesting story of being sick for the THIRD time this year, and having fever for the THIRD time in TWO months.good luck to my brain. i ought to worry for my brain. i hope some fats get burned in the process. but i doubt the boiling points as low as 38deg. i think im supposed to know this but i don't-the boiling point of fat.
yes and now to try the impossible task of completing my homework in 3 hours, and try to study for the three tests after that.
Friday, February 17, 2006
road run tomorrow morning.
and they put all the gammanian girls in my class to run competitively.
oh well, at least we get to run further front. thats not a bad thing.
lets see what happens tomorrow.
did i mention i don't like running in large groups.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
i love daisies! i think they're one of the loveliest looking flowers.
plants and their complex xylems and phloem and transpiration etc are so intricate. wonderful work of our Maker! :)
like how the upper portion of the stalk of my purpleish pink daisy was flimsy(yes the plant tissues were flaccid) all afternoon and i indirectly revived it by putting it in water when i got home. after a couple of hours, the tissues are more turgid! even the petals feel stronger. i love daisies. :)
why i love daisies:
-they have many visible petals. not only larger ones but small teeny weeny ones.
-the centre is furry and nice to feel
-comes in many colours
-they look smiley! :)
haha the caryns and jiadis bouquets were pretty too. i want one :( haha
i admit, i'm such a pig. i feel like sleeping at every break. PIG cheryl PIG. zzzzzzz
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
happy valentines' day! <3to you and you and you and you and you!
love love! ;)
jiadi aprine jialing pam me fel jeri caryn eyin
the C.O.T with some people missing.

CG 29! :) <3
spent my valentines day with this bunch of people. (i can't decide if thats a good thing) haha nah, of course it's something good! we dedicated our own songs to the teachers and thanks to you all the song "truly madly deeply" is now stuck in my head. this will forever be a cg 29/05 trademark valentines song. i love you all and all the presents! hahha i did my presents in record time. one night.
i rushed down to art friend after school yesterday and had to face opposition in the form of the NETS machine. i tried to pay with card but the thing couldn't work though there was sufficient money in my card. (i know this because i checked and moreover, the card worked at other shops) grrr. and i didnt have enough cash stupid me should have brought more out. anyway, hope you all like the mini blackboard thingy!
today the whole school was a really varied mix of colours and it was quite interesting. i think we should have this "be yourself day" once a month or something just to create some variation. and there were all the dedications and flower/balloon deliveries going around. sorry i can't help but compare with secondary school. it's a different experience somehow. but today was fun. esp with the people mentioned above. :)
and this rose made me happy. it's not really the rose in itself but the thought that a dearie out there cares for you! :) "the thought that counts" will best fit in here.thanks jasmine! <3>
now let me go love my icecream and grow fat on all the chocolates and candy. stock replenished.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
i'm on a nonsensical high. where i go HOCUS POCUS is like HOKEY POKEY. and we're all slow poke stingy poke fast poke stoney poke pokey and hokey pokey all around.
ok the bunch of relatives just left my house. there weren't that many. lets say just 15 people. alright thats alot for my house to contain. but thats just 1/3 or so of my dad's side of the family.i can't imagine if everyone came. yup and i haven't seen some since CNY two/three years ago. and my older cousins are either just married/going to get married. lalala. all of them should get married soon so i have more angbaos to collect. HAHAHA.
hahah but my younger cousins (pri sch age)are still the cutest. they talk quite alot, by that i mean i am able to talk to them about their school stuff etc. and one eats anything and everything, the others the fussiest about food.
i have math "iterative methods" tutorial to do. and i'm in trouble because i haven't been listening in the lecture. that wasn't really my fault because thats about the only lecture i paid no attention to. the lecturer was a old man, whom i heard is going to retire soon. and he looks balding and a little jap, with very muffled voice so much so you try to strain to make out what he's saying until you switch off. i only know that eyin and i were talking the whole 2nd lect away.
currently still idea-less about vday gifts. idea bank bankrupt. i'll think of something at the last minute. :)
guess what! i just realised i forgot to put in my photo links somewhere in my blog.
anyway, i will insert them somewhere below or above all the links sometime soon.
meanwhile, the album that contains the most recent photos:
4b1 class gathering,TJC orientation 2006, at candice's house etc.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
ok i'm officially in LOVEEE with the starbursts soft jellies thing. they are the tastiest, fruitiest soft gummies ever!
ahhh i haven't thought of anything for valentines day present. this is a first. this will be the first year i will not make presents late into the night, or carry a loadful of presents to school. (or will i?) but i really want to make presents like i used to, to go to school with a bagful of stuff and come home with a bagful of different stuff. i have two days to churn something out. yeah my stomachs churning. this people, is an ALL-OR-NONE phenomenon. where action potention is propagated when threshold potential is reached, making it all-or-none event. if you want a present, wish that i reach threshold potential! :)
a whole bunch of my aunties and uncles whom i havent seen for quite a long time are coming over for dinner tomorrow evening. ahhh there goes my chiong homework time. seriously, i'm in not entertainment mood and i don't think i even know who half of them are. :/
Friday, February 10, 2006
gruelling week it's been.
i have reached the point of sheer exhaustion(maybe not to that extent, but somewhat yes)
firstly, i haven't had enough sleep. please see my eyebags which was most prominent on thursday and friday. those were the results of sleeping at 2am every Morning and waking up 4+hours later.
and school has been "sian", for a lack of a better word to describe it. for five days, which, if you think about it, flew by especially quickly. its been routine. no good for me.
met up with jas for dinner just now. nice catching up, esp since we've school everyday to tire us out. but catching up with people is always refreshing :) although we didn't get to watch memoirs of geisha, blame it on the odd timings and the unavailablity almost islandwide. :( but, yay we finally had a date! :)
shopping is good too. shopping is best done with one other person.and strictly only ONE other person. too big a group spoils the whole atmosphere and spirit. and shopping alone can get boring sometimes because you don't have anyone to talk to or comment to. because you can't possibly talk to yourself and let others think you're outright crazy. so anyway, yes i went to candy empire again. this time i didn't go crazy. i think i had no energy to do so. starbursts tropicana soft jellies are nice! the watermelon one reminds me of my lipsmackers. haha. i LOVEEE soft gummies. and currently, i'm addicted.
my mind's filled with sleeping now. goodnight :)
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
arghhh. i don't wish to start on chem SPA revision. and i don't want to touch math remedial homework. i want to sleeeeeeeppppppppp.
i'm a procrastinator. i like to whine not wanting to do something. and if you ask the people around me, i can carry on and on, and say stuff over and over again when i'm in these moods. and right now i feel like whining. but i have no one to whine to, i shall just sit here and stone. thats right, i feel like stone-ing. today's the perfect day to stare blankly into air and not have anything on my mind, don't ask why, its just the perfect stonning day.
forgive this post i just feel like talking about random stuff. ok, let me carry on. see, even this line is so random.
theres PE tomorrow again. i think everyone would appreciate it if they changed their programme. jogging every pe session is not a long term solution to prove your fitness etc. ahh whatever. and the longgg speeches at the end of the jog are really quite (yes, unnecessary) amusing. yes we don't want to "sit under the tree until we grow old" or "play hide and seek" no need for so much repetition.
i like the feeling of doing tutorials but i'm getting really drained doign tutorials every break. by this i don't mean that i do my tutorials alot or i do them that much even when i get home. but it's draining in the sense that the trying process tires me out. and it's the whole routine of tutorials,tutorials, tutorials every break. but i know i can't afford to live like last year. that'll get me straight Fs for As. i'm determined to get three As ok. (i'm not as determined as i sound) a scholarship sounds nice but the chances of getting one is lower if there are no straight As because most require 4A level subjs and i only have 3, and no S paper to speak of. this brings me back to thinking "can i even get into a UNI".
just had a look at the bio S paper assignments. being the kaypo i am, i went to have a look since i was browsing through matrix and happened to see that in 'my workspace'. so, just to let my imagination run abit,if i had too much time to spare, i would go read the econs lecture slides and all. maybe even geog. and i would have taken bio S paper if i could. but fact is, i can't. but i still love bio. :) more this year than last. more in secondary school than this, but still loving it (relative to math and chem). i really feel like a goner at chem, and i must say my math foundation is really weak. once again, because i was a big PROCRASTINATOR and slacker in 2005. blame me.
this next paragraph is one on the HIGH side:
ok valentines day is coming, which i really prefer to call friendship day. but i think friendship day is everyday. cliche as it sounds, its true. everyday people are showering their friends with loveeee, indirectly/directly. so everydays friendship day! 14th feb is just an EMPHASIS on that and making your more aware of all the lovely friends you haveee.:) although you'd better be aware of MOI, such a great friend. and a thick-skinned one at that. haha. and this year, i totally forgot about getting presents until now. i don't know what i've been caught up with., i just forgot completely. i remember how i used to visit ikea/arty farty shops and DIY my own presents. even if i don't have the time for that, know that i still have the time for you. :] it'll be quite exiciting in school, with all the dedications and the lalala around. <3!
i shall conclude that today isn't a very good day. ok time for chem spa. i have no choice. :(
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The 10 things in your bag that you have to carry with you all the time.
#tissue paper
#bunch of keys
#a pouch which contains mirror, panadols,rubber bands and hair pins, eyedrop.
actually i'm just listing the contents of my school bag. yay.
- ran under the hot sun this afternoon for PE
- resulting in a dehydrated throat&mouth which was majorly uncomfortable
- after which, we took height and weight
- the machine says i lost weight yay and i don't care/know if it's not accurate. and i'm officially 1.6m. i knew i grew taller. :]
- i think i have to miss OG lunch tomorrow.
- someone please tell me whats going on for clan outing. i mean the invictus clan outing. how come theres clan outing?!
i don't know why i'm blogging about such useless stuff. i'm in the midst of doing tutorials.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
raindrops, they look like snow

it's dark and pouring
but those raindrops, they look like snow :)
ok no, actually that's because my camera lens was covered with specks/droplets of rainwater. this is quite a nice photo acutally. have i mentioned, i love to stand at the window when it rains to watch the rain fall and feel the wind in my face, hear the rain hit surfaces. it's that warm feeling though its pouring and cold outside. :D
went visiting after service today. i think that ends my chinese new year visitations. it was fun slacking around at people's houses, watching jawn break the small stool, play with the trampoline, eating fruits and fondue and seeing freaky monkey and "playing catching". yes ok yay next year come my house! i'll ask you all over if i pait my room purple/maroon. ahhaa. i think burgundy. yes i really want to give my room a fresh coat of paint/peel off the wallpaper. but it's not an easy task.
Friday, February 03, 2006
i'm sure glad i had a longer "first three months". at least it was a whole two months before we got our results.
i want to get another PL sewn on belt pinafore for the fun of it, the fun of it to wear to JC on certain days. and also because i think the one i have now's too small.
my exercise plan is a flop. i napped all the way till 7plus. and obviously it was too late to head out for a jog. this always happens. and i'm lagging abit in tutorials. :/
it's 1:43am now and i thought i'd just come and blog.
i'm currently struggling through my chem tutorial and i have not been very productive.
especially so recently. 'sleep' has been sounding really inviting.
have been dozing off more than i did during the first week or two of school.
this reiterates my lack of sleep.
and it doesn't help that we had to run 3+km today
and it doesn't help that we had to do 30+ pushups on the tar&gravel, with the stones practically proking(pricking+poking) the skin on your knee cap and palms.
and a out-of-point lecture at the end of the run. what can i say, its out of point. running and building a family?
valentines day soon! its gonna be fun in school.