Friday, March 31, 2006
i'm generally happier today :)
- due to the fact that it's FRIDAY and i LOVEEEE FRIDAYS because thats the only night in the week i get to sleep earlier and not have to worry about incomplete tutorials!
- i'm going for a haircut tomorrow. i was supposed to yesterday, i was trying to decide between going for a haircut or jogging, but i ended up sleeping. it's been 4-5 months and thick hair makes me mad and frustrated.
- the weather from 6pm onwards was lovely! after reading a section of a long 15-paged article in TIME about global warming, having the downpour was just what i needed to neutralise the strong points about how the rate of global warming is increasing and its a cause for alarm. -ring the alarm-
- on the walk home-the air was very cool and moist, note:not moist-humid but moist-cooling effect. the temperature was perfect for a long stroll. a pity there was no one else to appreciate it with me. it's only when i'm on my way home that i notice the beauty surrounding, and it's then i wish i wasn't alone.
- tech run for mardi gras rocked today! and we did achieve our objectives!
- 6? 60! :) :D you have no idea what/who/when/where is 60 right? it's alright.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
still alive, but not kicking, from the week so far. it's been long and dreary and draggy and all the other synonyms.
today, i was walking home from the usual bus stop which i alight at because of my failure to register that it was raining. so i did not get off earlier and hop onto another bus which would take me directly to the 122 block of flats. i walked the sheltered, long and winding way home, instead of the straight, unsheltered pathway. and as i was walking, of course, the music on my mp3 was playing. then i realised the song playing was titled "why does it always rain on me". then along came two other songs and i noticed they both had the word "rain" once somewhere in their lyrics. alrighty, rainy songs on a rainy day.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
theres a teeny weeny spider crawling around the monitor screen as i type. i'm too lazy to kill it.
great, i just got home at 11. spent way too much time at the parents combined cell group gathering thing with acp, by no fault of mine of course. you know how some discussions can drag on, and that's exactly what happened. kinda regretted saying that i would go along, but on the flipside, i realised something about myself i knew before but have just come to light in the "brightest of light" way.
that is, whenever these discussions of sorts come along, i find myself just listening. and i found out that this is actually a result of parental influence. my parents are like that too. my mind isn't switched off, infact, it's working at a higher capacity. so people air their opinions, air their grievances, and i listen, forming my own mini counter arguments in my head. and i wouldn't say anything at all, because i would much rather come home, carefully think through and form proper joint thoughts if the brain permits. everyone has their individual opinions and sometimes i find it really pointless to get into an argument, or even worse, a heated one, just because you have to voice opinions out loud. unless it comes to a resolution or improvement, why debate over such issues? note that this only applies to the case where it gets heated and voicing of opinions become argumentative instead of merely airing and trying to resolve certain matters. and that didn't happen just now, it's just that i'm taking this a little futher, talking about heated arguments.
not going to type everything down here because i would ,more likely, refer back to a written piece instead of to a data log or archive. so there, i'm going to pen them down, the orthodox way. :)
Saturday, March 25, 2006
hotel rwanda was a good film
its satisfying, watching two good films in two days!
so as i grow older (yes im getting older already) i think i prefer such movies over clickflickflickflicks. hahha but once in a while, its still alright.
now to go watch munich, at a cinema where they don't check up on our age. but i think there's weird show times already, since its been out quite long. alternatively, dvd :/
we had open worship today, outside the sanctuary! and it drizzled. haha worship in the rain. but it was refreshing, literally and not. :)
Friday, March 24, 2006
watched V for vendetta after school today with jeri. it was a good movie! worth a watch!
your alternative to a chick flick.
on the whole, the ideas were quite good. vengence and freedom, freeing everyone from the control of the party, the political issues included, terroism. and i keep having flashbacks of 1984 production we did last year-because of the chancellor portrayed like big brother.
and it actually required some reading into the actions and words. (doesn't cause brain deterioration)
although some parts were your typical hidden identity heroic/revenge movie scenes, with the masked man planning smart moves and schemes, blowing up government buildings, swishing his weapons around, chain killing.
well, ideas don't die, and
the man was masked because he's going to be a gory sight if he takes out his mask, probably burnt to the highest degree (but survived somehow)
hahah they're screening hotel rwanda in school tomorrow. another more interllectual film coming!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
i wanted to continue with the topic of "life is unfair" we had at the mrt today but i guess i'm too lazy to think up examples. but at different points in time, something would appear unfair, probably some talent you don't lack that others have. but at other points, when you're happy with your momentary situation or whatnot, it may be others turn to feel that life is unfair. so i conclude this is all subjected to particular situations. pardon the absence of a well-thought-through argument because i only spent less than a minute thinking about this.
went to ms clarity cafe today for lunch with a few of the girls, which was situated in a little street. the whole place gives quite a homely feeling, exclusive of the loud colours and pictures all over the wall(because you won't usually have those at home) reason being, it doesn't give the very "commercial" feel, like how a place like swensens have. i must say the food's quite nice too. fish :) dessert was yummm, oreo valrhona bar, chocolatey, I LIKE!
listening to the radio and they are giving advice to callers, typical. but anyway, some guy suggested using cheesy pickup lines, actually i don't really know the context, just plucked it out from the string of words. goes smth like, is your dad a thief because he plucked the stars and put them in your eyes. i say, cheesy,overheard, and not very impressive. and he continued "the girls eyes will sparkle(with tears) immediately because she'll be so moved". hmm, i doubt it.
Monday, March 20, 2006
my time tables changed! and i'm almost extremely pleased about that. no more average of ending school at 5pm. at least it's now an average of 3pm or so. yipppee.which means i could squeeze in more time for exercise, which means i can get to reach home before 6. that never really happened last term. but yours truly, the below average student, will have chem and math remedial for sure. -pout- but on the other hand, i think remedials will push me to be more consistent than i will be without them.
i wonder when i will pick up the pace. it seems like i'm stuck at this spot, now probably even a little in reverse. i haven't fully understood bio, and am not up to date with the math and chem topics anymore. lagging i say. what more, they'll be going faster this term. and i'm starting to suspect that my brain storage space has decreased. why was i able to remember 8 subjects worth of info 2 years ago, and now i can't even get content for 3 right. i'm starting to get on my own nerves. i better settle 80% of everything by JCTs if not i'm never going to make 3As.
and math revision test. guess what, i only started "revision" (if i may even call it that) today. so i did what i do best when i'm left with no choice, to cram in formula. that didnt really work either. so i would suppose i'm stuck with math remedial? :
Sunday, March 19, 2006
i think sermon today fits what i'm facing right now. the whole taking a step back and allowing God to take control. sometimes i really want to but i tend to forget and revert to taking everything into my own hands, then realising it's too much for me to take. if i knew His power enough, this probably won't be the case. and when i went up for prayer, there was just this strong assurance which only He could bring. when i'm inadequate, He's adequate, adequate for me.
stillhide me nowunder Your wingscover me within Your mighty handswhen the oceans rise and thunders roari will soar with You above the stormFather you are King over the floodi will be still, know You are Godfind rest my soulin Christ aloneknow His powerin quietness and trusti think this song really speaks of the power we have in Christ. all i ask now is for those quiet moments and the reliance. felt the strong prompthing to sing this song for last sat's worship, which i did. and it was sung last sunday, and today during worship too. i want a retreat now, holiday's not the word, retreat is. i want to retreat(reminds me of hermit crabs) to someplace scenic and reflection-inducing. honestly i'm quite tired now. on my part, the ycomm meeting just now was just out of obligation, i would have postponed it if the april matters didn't require urgent tending to. and i think meeting today was kinda distracted, comparing to the other meetings we've had so far. but anyway, thanks so much jawn for doing up the agenda and by doing so spared me the panicc-urgency bit.
hi sam, if you're reading this, have funfunfun in melb! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY glenda! sorry i couldn't be at lunch just now.
but i
love you! <3
Saturday, March 18, 2006
uzap advert is the funniest i've seen in quite awhile. funny in the weird and stupid sense.
what's up with "zapzap tummy... zapzap butt, zapzap butt... zapzapthighs"
you can call that marketing strategy because people will remember it as a _____ (insert appropriate)advertisement.
anyway i'm back from DDP camp! :)
ok im back from dinner and it's past 10, jawns going to scold me.
this is the first camp in a longggg time that i slept on the last night, by that i mean i slept at least 4 or 5 solid hours. but i still slept when i came back because its a post-camp thing, a habit.
offering-paul balochethe sun cannot compareto the glory of your lovethere is no shadow in your presenceno mortal man would dare to stand before your thronebefore the holy one of heavenand it's only by Your bloodand it's only through Your mercyLord, i comeI bring an offering of worship to MY KINGno one on earth deserves the praises that i singJesus may You receive the honour that you're dueoh Lord i bring an offering to Youthis song has been replaying in my head for quite awhile, and we sung it on the last night. :)
i think this camp one i really needed as a break, as a way to get myself back to a proper relationship with God. maybe it's not that proper yet but it is better. (ahhh i wanted to go get something but forgot what) and i really need a longer break. what's one week break when everyone has to go back to school most days for lessons/cca
sam me and jol on wednesday, photowhoring
our impression of a successful man,complete with $81, tiny children, corpse bride-like wive, a house he can barely fit into, afro hair, and 4 friends (which were added in later)
this is blackmail time. - lenard playing mermaid. LOL
mermaid is when you put yourself in the sleeping bag and, act like a mermaid.
the worst part was the stuffing of the bolster.
i need time to sort out the mess in my head, make everything at least a tad bit clearer. i want to switch on the music and sit around in my bed and engage myself in deep thought. thinking time is nice. this is the point where i don't even feel like going out or shopping.
so on friday i went to school and to suntec to get the camp comms presents! i like them cos they're cute! i want one for myself. its these stackable lego-ish photo containers. on the way i got myself starbursts soft jellies again, and another box of dark chocolate. :D i'm happy
ok i'm going to find myself some thinking time now. goodnight wurlldd.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
i have the picture i posted earlier, the picture of the train seats i photoeditted, as my desktop wallpaper, centred, with a grey background and my dad went , and i quote
"why you put this one, not nice lah"
and i went "what do you mean not nice?!"
so i take it that the previous one of many TOFU was better than this. oh well, maybe he's not artistically creative. or maybe its an age thing, since my peers think its nice. oh well, i like it and thats all that matters.
i was so pissed earlier in the morning that i speed-walked all the way from school to bedok mrt, and back home from the busstop. now everytime i walk that fast, i think of the brisk walking exercise they made us do during pe. anyway, i vented it all on the walks back, so i'm all calm and peaceful now, quite different from this morning. the thing is, i look like i am calm because i don't show it, in my head, that's where all the chaos and grumbling takes place. much as i'd like to "explode", i'll always tell myself not to, because, if you know me, it's not in my nature to do so. but Sometimes when i'm calm in a messy situation, i genuinely am. but the reason why i was pissed is because i was made to waste time, which i don't like, especially when i have so many things on my hands. and it sucks much that school is such a distance from home, the time i spend in school on SUCH DAYS is equivalent to that of my trip home.
i wanted to go shopping after that, but decided against that because for the most valid reason, i only had $10 with me and my nets card doesnt have much left. which reminds me, some two people still owe me moneyyyy. AHEMMMM. so i came home and rewatched school of rock and went to sleep because i really felt like sleeping. and i didn't get enough sleep because i had to wake up earlier this morning.
i'm so addicted to marie biscuits i'm going to turn into a marie (because you are what you eat). yesterday i visited cold storage and bought myself those, and extra dark chocolate- 72%. people who get heaty after a few pieces of milk chocolate and don't like chocolates that are too sweet or just want the almost authentic taste of cocoa ought to try dark chocolate. because dark chocolate is LOVE. you know what, on the bus i actually thought " hmm, i can probably aspire to be a chocolatier"- that is, if i don't want to head down the conventional route.
DP camp tomorrow! :D and i'll try first-thing-in-the-morning jogging tomorrow. :)
Monday, March 13, 2006 i'm slightly bored now and it's interesting to how other view you and probably see something that i didn't see in me before. and the whole world has this thingum, so DO mine! :) haha.
now for a meme- i did this last night, so applicable to last night ok.
1. Grab the book nearest to you and turn to Page 18, Line 4.
there’s no official “line 4” because it’s my chem tutorial book. It shows the table of strutural formula of P Q and R, P being a benzene ring, Q and R- benzene ring with alkyl groups attached.
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
3. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
in her shoes dvd
4. Without looking, guess what the time is.
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
8pm!! !!!! hahahahah I’m SERIOUS I DIDN’T LOOK AT THE CLOCK prior to this qn but I knew I woke just now at 7plus. Anyway, if you want an estimate of the time in future, you know who to find! ;)
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
parents washing dishes in the kitchen, fan
7.When did you last step outside?
this aftnn
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
my tagboard
9. What are you wearing?
tee and shorts
10. Did you dream last night?
I think so. Nowadays I dream more in my sleep. But I can’t remember them at all. Not even when I try to recall once I wake up. But if it’s a revelation of some sort, God please let me remember.
11. When did you last laugh?
playing with the box in the youth room.
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
wallpaper, a few pieces of paper such as OG contact list, O level confirmation slip (yes it’s still on the wall after 1+ years) and the A level one for last year
13. Seen anything weird lately?
many. People around me are weird too : ) haha.
14. What do you think of this quiz?
I don’t like such questions
15. What is the last film?
I watched? ‘in her shoes’! on dvd. But I haven’t been to the cinema in quite a long time.
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
ya right. Oh well, since the question is what would you buy and not what would you buy FIRST, or what would you DO, I’ll buy expensive chocolates, those rich dark ones. And I’ll buy a nicer house because I want to design my own room. Then I’ll get myself a gym.
17. Tell me something about you I don't know.
i don't read newspapers on a daily basis.
18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
wouldn't it be nice if the world was cadbury.
19. Do you like to dance?
Why not : ) would like to, too.
20. George W Bush...
looks like a monkey really
21. Imagine your first child is a girl. What would you call her?
i used to like the name amanda. not sure if i like it that much now because it's kinda common.
22. Imagine your first child is a boy. What would you call him?
i don't like little boys.
23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
24. What would you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
:) i would like to see a smile first, thank you. i like smiles better, at least they're affirmative of something too.
25. 4 people who must do this in their blogs
i don't subject people to this. these pass it on things always stop at me. haha. but,do if you like :)
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
as im typing this, i'm indulging in chocolate, sweet chocolate.
milk chocolate hazelnut brownie flavour truffle. does it sound good or what.
turkish delight is nicee too, with jelly-like thing inside.
u can just go on and on, but , spare u all lah :]
have a picture,
chocolate makes me happy because, first- the unwrapping, the anticipation of your little piece of chocolate, but the wrapping must first be appealing. then comes tasting. and from then on, its just sensory indulgement. :) and sink yourself into the pool of thick and rich cocoa solid.
but i, now deserve to have this chocolate having spent one afternoon in the gym. actually thats quite a good way to spend a no-pdp friday afternoon. oh yes did i mention, they aren't going to change the time-table which means my hopes are dashed and i can't get home any earlier, which will take a toll on all of us. back to topic, jeri and i went gymming after school at the club.makes me feel a whole lot healthier :) anyway i'll never walk the long walk in, with all the cobwebs along the way, sighted 2 dead frogs, 1 dead bird, a few dead lizards. thats because everyone drives in.
met with winnie and jessie at the airport for dinner. ohh i love crystal jade's congee! :p tasty!
you can tell i'm high right? i think i was quite crazy at the airport too. hahah make them all crazy too. so we took some crazy photos. 

this and more.
biscuits from opposite school are nice. :) current addiction. it all started from sugar-topped gem biscuits. so we discovered the cheap and nice biscuits from those provision shops. the fun comes in choosing because theres quite alot of variety. i always settle for plain stick biscuits, the best! cheap and good.
its already friday. look at what i haven't done. i havent settled worship stuff, haven't done my tutorials, havent packed my stuff.
so i got home at 11plus, from dinner with the ycomm! :) had dinner at carls jr where we all pigged out. then we went to ben and jerry's. ohhh ultimate excess unhealthy food meal. ahhh you bet i feel guilty and bloated the period effect, that's double bloatedness! :( ycomm pig out session. thanks MENTOS for the treat. :D and everyone, for a near-weekend entertainment/hang-out. theres dinner tomorrow too! now i suggest somewhere healthier.
talking about ben and jerry's, i think i should suggest a jello in fruit icecream flavour (or do they already have that). anyway, it does sound nice, what do you think? i want to be an icecream entrepreneur! haha
so, i am going to the gym tomorrow after school! wheee. :) haha beats running in the sun. sourdough bacon cheeseburger and the chilli beef cheese fries and the self-made best-tasting iced lemon tea and the few fried zucchini and the couple of cris cut fries would be gone tomorrow, GONE.
the last day of school tomorrow which also means a longer weekend because we still have to go back to school during holidays DUH. what more, we have to spend holidays trying to cram revision for the bombardment of tests once school "reopens".
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
actually i wanted to give school a miss today.
we had a Student welfare talk during civics, and they brought up the whole study and stress- stressing on STRESS. glanced through the few stress symptoms, and i thought "yup, thats me" , especially to the "chronic fatigue" one, then i look around me, some of my classmates have already dozed off. haha, we're a tired and stressed bunch aren't we.
and i half repaired my mp3 earpiece, kinda by chance. i don't know how it got to this state but the plastic top cover of the earpiece came off, because that part has been chipped for quite awhile. anyway, the right side is now softer than the left, which, to me, is irritating. i need a new earpiece, please.
Monday, March 06, 2006
oh wheee i went jogging again but covered a slightly shorter distance :) this time because i ate some potato chips when i got home. haha if theres going to be more input, there'll be more output. but exercise does up your energy level, and you'll feel less sleepy. well, at least theres the support and constant reminder in school not to snack (although we all know that we did eat a few pieces of the colourful, sugar-topped small gem biscuits and a piece of chocolate). so i figured that i should brush my teeth earlier to prevent myself from walking to the fridge everytime i'm tired of studying (quite often) but guess what, my mom is coming home with her $1 pizza hut personal pan pizza -because she has alot of those plastic things called credit cards and theres some offer thing. aghhh.
hahha o2 has started for the year 1s and it sucks when people are having fun and you aren't. but yes, tutorial 6, chem test...
on following but not scoring, thats most of us isn't it. i'm following now, but not really scoring too. i know some people are, which is good for them! but we WILL eventually score. for now, keep following. :D
i'm keeping it positive here ok.
can't wait for dinner with the ycomm and the vj tj part of the m.clan. just to catch up abit. HAPPYYYY.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
if i eat more, i exercise more. so that's what i did. take it as training for napfa.
talking about napfa, i, like many other girls can't do pull ups properly and the moe had to raise the bar(pun intended). i suspect there's a tactic to doing it, a secret to doing it well, some people like ME just don't have what it takes yaaa.
went for brunch after service at that prata place. (see, this is why i went jogging, because of prataaa :( )
came home and finally watched my honey dvd.first time i watched it ever since i got it in dec 2004. the show's cool, dawggg. i like the moves. ahahha. i want to borrow somemore vcds to watch. and i want to go catch movies too! curb the spending on shopping already. no more money. i'm becoming more of a spendthrift, which is bad for my wallet.
baby hammies are so cute! ahahha the fur's so fine and they look like my hammie when it was tinier. i want to wish my hammie back to a baby. <3 hamsters!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
yesterday was officially a half day but still not much of a half day since the only perk was ending one hour earlier.
so a few of us went to parkway for abit.
then there was drama year 2 bondingdinner at the airport. so i rushed home and got ready in record time.
we had popeye's, which was Very filling.
more bonding time!
my house is infested with ants, which irritates me alot because they start visiting my snacks when i'm studying, one or two will be crawling on my table everyday, i create war with them by sticking them with scotch tape but they keep coming. it's like a never ending war with the ants. i tell you, their army is going to weaken. yeah i wish, i know how ants are the most determined pests ever.
i just remembered that i was supposed to lead worship somewhere in march. and i open the roster, it says i'm leading next week! (well, luckily it's not this week) :/ you know how worship always forces your walk back on track(though you really shouldn't rely on this only, to get it back)
on a neutral note, i've been sleeping more but am still very tired everyday. and i don't know whether to sleep more or not because obviously it doesn't make the choice any simpler. i should stop shopping too, because cheryl's broke!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
hohoho. i got back my chinese AO level results. yeah i passed with a C6. not as good as O levels but good enough for me at this point in time. i didn't expect myself to do that well. this is chinese, something i was never and won't be good at. but hey, i can say BYE TO CHINESE lessons and chinese exams FOREVERRRR. =P i'll happily fill in the subject withdrawal form for chinese. here comes a better timetable! no more tofu for you all, because i didn't get an A at chinese. :P
it was quite late after we got chinese grades but we still went to the hall to survey the "release of A level results" atmosphere, mentally prepare ourselves, for we'll be standing in that same place one year from now. actually we just watched the seniors hang around the hall, not much of "emotions overflowing" but i probably didn't walk around long enough. i don't really know how TJ did this year, but a few of my drama seniors did quite well, 3As or 4. with so many people getting As, the pressure is on. it's so common that not getting As will make you stand out like a sore thumb. that leaves me with alot of room to cover given my standard now.
i remember going to the emmanuel hall in 2004, watching the sec 4 batch of 2003 get their O level results and wondering what next year will be like. and then there's a sudden urge to go home and mug your days away to avoid disappointment, knowing you could have put in more effort but didn't. this year's our turn. i want 3As, and at least an A2 for GP. GP's such an unpredictable paper. until now my GP grades are just mere passes or sometimes even borderline fail.
ahh ok so much for A level stuff, i hope friday or tomorrow would be a half day. more likely friday. :) bonding/resting time.
we went for lunch at pizza hut today instead of civics. ;)
i was so sleepy the whole day for no reason. i slept an hour+ earlier but was dozing off at every lecture. i slept during break, i dozed off in bio and math lecture, i slept again after discussing some mardi gras stuff, i slept the whole of my bus journey(luckily i'm not the type to miss stops), and i probably even walked sleeping for a bit. haha. zzzzz