Sunday, April 30, 2006
i went to (the website of the SHAPE magazine)
- because i was in search of the 5km run info. (ahhh winnie it starts at 8am, its on sunday. 8am=church service, :( ) i eventually found it at instead but that aside, i started to explore the american website more and found interesting articles of sorts, and also recipes with all your nutrition information and, the norm.
among them,
the "sleep needs" link, click, answer, results:
Your answers to the Epworth Sleepiness Test indicate you may be significantly sleep-deprived. You may wish to consult with your physician to discuss futher investigation.
[haha ok. i already know that but just to reinforce. but ahh, i've been taking more naps]
and a "calories burnt" calculator
and found out how much i burnt walking from school to mrt and busstop to home. amounts to about 80++ i think. everyone, walk home! :)
and a recipe finder, where i found mac and cheese recipe! i intend to make mac and cheese sometime soon. on the same point about food, i went down to ntuc and bought a bar of cadbury boost because i heard CANDY CALLING OUT TO ME. this comes from reading too much of the book (refer to candyfreak entry). i can't believe how the author actually got free tours of candy plants and all that free candy! all the mention of candy made me crave what i refer to as typical "commercial candy bars" (meaning, the snickers and mars species) the only freak part was the nutrition facts on the bar. but craving satisfied! and then i went to cold storage with my mom in the evening and got myself twix and lindt wafer chocolate(yum!) but no i don't intend to each them today. for once, not dark chocolate. because dark chocolate mostly comes plain here. i wanted chocolate with fillings.
hmm, but i haven't been exercising much of late. stupid rain, stupid sluggish lazy mood, and all the afternoon naps which extend well to 8pm! my afternoon naps are about 4 hours or so given i reach home relatively early. add a couple more hours and it can take over my supposed sleeping time at night. speaking of nocturnal.
after A's i will:
get a job and earn some $
go overseas travelling
take up some form of dance
maybe go back to music/take up another instrument
anyone game for a trip in december/january/....?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
throbbbbbing headache. emphasis on the B because it gives a bumpy and staccato type of effect.
BUUUTT its different when you get a headache and you're all sulky vs. headache but still high and happy. today i was the latter. :)
*note that this is not the effect of reading candyfreak
yes i've been reading the candyfreak book and i'm still liking it. :)
on the other hand, we had a scholarship talk + fair in school yesterday which i didn't mention yesterday because it would have disrupted my candyfied entry. but i tend to leave out the academic bits. scholarship sounds really distant & out of reach to me. it's a 'miracle if i even get one' case. scholarships are good but being tied down to a firm isn't. anyway i had to sit there listening, filtering, my mind pondering then striking out each scholarship as the speaker,spoke
then we went on to the career,scholarship fair in the hall. that, in simple terms, was just a walk around the hall and collecting information booklets. none (think PUB, NAVY, CAAS, airforce, PSC, DSTA, EDB, MAS) were of interest to me. but there were some nice souveneirs.
the prospect of going overseas next year? that, unlike scholarships, are not unattainable. :)
headache not throbbing anymore!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
i found this book in TJ's library today, so i happily borrowed it. i'm sure you predicted that. i admit i'm drawn to books with nicely designed covers, not to mention delish pictures. i've just started on the book but it's about the author who is a major candyfreak. he writes about his life of candy-consumption, which is interesting to me by the way because the book mentions "exotic" varities of candy that one can never get in singapore, even if they happen to be commercial types. but most of them happen to have a dark chocolate component which i LOVE. i also tend to agree with more than 50% of the content because i'm a candyfreak to half the extent (the author's really crazed). what better way to absorb myself in this while munching on starbursts. :)
back to candy heaven in my imagination!

Sunday, April 23, 2006
HELLO WORLD! i'm back online! :) new CPU up and running! so many days without the computer. yesterday i went down to funan with my parents and we viewed laptops! i still love the
samsung laptop because it's red and slim. but for that, i'll have to scrimp and save alot. the
sony vaio one is another option, because it's lovely white,almost half the price of that red thing, but larger. the functions are quite good too.
the presbyterian church anniversary thing today was boring. :/ what made it worse is them singing in english and chinese AT THE SAME TIME. i couldn't even make out where they were. double the languages=double the time too. luckily anniversary only every 5 years. you won't see me there for the 130th anniversary i guess, someone invite me to visit your church then! haha.
i've uploaded the mardi gras photos already so cg 29 people if you want them, come ask me, i'll send it to you!
after mass pe swimming
aprine the dancer in tutu who was my greek goddess friend no more because she didn't figure out how to tie her sari cloth :P, felicia the runaway bride who didn't wear her veil in the end, me, jeri the fusion of gypsy and retro, caryn the highlight of people's photos-emily rose, yilin the versatile character who most resembles trinity in matrix.

the bunch of us ,with ms ng.
and i don't intend to upload the rest here. i'm a pile of lazy bones and lazy fats etc. ohhh, i made the garland-like thing on my own ok, :) last minute, out of recycled paper,paint and the leftover thing from christmas. ya i know its not leaves, but this sufficed.

Sunday, April 16, 2006
looks like i found the software for the camera thingum but the pictures just refuse to upload because it can't connect with the computer now. so being the stubborn and partially determined(if only i was this determined in other areas) girl, i restarted my computer many times, tried installing the programme a few times, and plugged the USB in many times, switched my camera on and off, but still, nothing. and i have now reached the point where i give up. i have reached the upper limit of being pissed off so bad. maybe this frustration thing with technology such as this will deter me from usage. nah i don't think so. meanwhile i'll have to deal with slow speed, stupid popup, constant hanging, worst of all- NO MICROSOFT OFFICE. arggggggggghhhhhhhh. lapppptoppppp nownownownowwwww. laptop because monitor-CPU computers are almost the computers of yesterdecade.
cost of new laptop- EMC in monetary terms = NEGATIVE VALUE.
ok think happy thoughts, i can't afford to stress myself more now. happy thoughts happy thoughts. today was easter sunday! when Jesus is dead no more! :) and we had comm meeting after that, which is also a happy thing because at least theres still a tinge of joy in serving in ym. after which, we all adjorned to MY HOUSE for icecream and a huge feast while watching memoirs of a geisha the pirated dvd version with funny and uncoordinated subtitles, and long periods of silent scenes and automatic fastforwarded ones. ok i'll go borrow the real copy one day. i like movie,bumming days.
jasmine! go out next sunday or something ok. with glenda jolene they all. or we can borrow movies over. :) you know what, we should have a pre church camp stayover at someones place. that'll be so fun! actually i'm very excited about church camp! arent yoU!!!?!!?!!!! :)
*doubt i'll use the computer much already, so i say see you my virtual social interaction, and my narrative daily encounters, as well as other peoples, and online shopping. sad huh.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
my computer was down for repair the past few days, which explains why i was MIA. it's back now but with more problems than ever, or so i think. i don't even know why my dad sent it for repair in the first place, just becuase the mouse USB was problematic. i hate it when i have to redo all the settings and try to retrieve and reinstall all programmes. now the text size in the typing box and on my blog text space is larger (let me know whether its still small). and for a while just now the computer kept switching off automatically due to fan problems. and it's just plain irritating because pop up ads are popping up like crazy and i don't know what to do about them because i've already activated the adaware thing (i hope). i need all the ad blockers i can get. now people, boycott all companies which put up ads like that. grrr.
anyway my NIKON uploading software is GONE and i can't upload my photos now until i find the installation cd rom. so till then, you can only read about the mardi gras experience. the pictures will come later. i like photo posts cos i believe they speak more than my words can.
mardi gras was a blast! expected it to be anyway because it was large-scale and publicised TJ event. saw pretty interesting costumes. had to hurry to put on mine after the drama performance, which went well! regardless of the clip on mic problems and the door prop that threatened to detach sooner or later :) now i wish syf will be over very soon then i can get to the pdp-less life. caryn you're the best living 'emily rose' ever! ahaha and the unplanned walk across the stage was the climax of it all, mainly because the stage lights were green and the effect was SO eerie-like! but despite all the fun, i think 3 hours isn't enough. what more i only got 1.5 hours to walk around. i didn't even catch a full performance. all that planning what to go as and prep for this.
i tried baking cookies just now, which turned out to be brownies cos silly&forgetful me added too much water prior to adding the egg. if you must know, it was a ready mix. nevertheless, it still is chocolatey and definitely edible. triple chocolate brownies, coonies, whatever. i also conclude that i can't focus when my sight is blurred. i didn't put on my dailies and did not wear specs(my plastic framed one makes me get a headache and the other pair is just for homewear due to the peeling colour coat, which means i need new specs and a eyecheck) so i went to the gym with blur vision and didn't feel as accomplished even though i did the same stuff. i wasn't even running in line on the threadmill. and the last time i went jogging without sight-aid, i got tired earlier. if you want a cliche 'moral of the story' out of this, one can't keep running when all you see ahead is unclear and you have no focus. the less clear your sight, the easier it is to deviate and the higher your chances of giving up earlier.
ohhh, edit edit! i happily forgot about my PROGRESS REPORT and the PW RESULTS. let me update on those now. my progress report is not much of a progress report. the only thing i've progressed in is BIO. because i like bio more than the other subjects if you haven't already known. so i say hello to my FIRST EVER C grade in my ENTIRE jc life so far. 60 marks YO!more than 50! haha. but at the same time there's F and O staring back at me. thats chem and math. i think the math test i actually passed wasn't included. now remind me not to be absent for any tests ever again. and chem, well, my fellow chem-taking schoolmates, you know how the tests were like. "in A levels, they won't ever give you such a big compound with 11 carbon atoms in deductive questions" well, why put it in our test then, the chem department?! regarding the comments by tutors, i beg to differ about certain phrases. ahh ok JCTs will see more Cs. C's for CHERYL!
got our PW results back yesterday. badd maggie gohhhh. got a 2, which is lousy compared to the many 1s in our cohort and other CGs with rows of 1s. our whole class ended up with grade 2s cept for one 1. and we don't know why. why didn't those who also deserved a 1 get then? the whole class getting the same grade is unbelievable and i'm quite doubtful about it. we were the only CG wallowing while others were screaming away in joy. so if you all haven't yet started PW, please WISH with all your might and PRAY VERY HARD that you get a good tutor who isn't biased.
you know what, i think i'll go request for a laptop soon, since i'm going to need one soon. might as well, right? at least i can use the computer in peace. now that the computer's starting to give problems, it's time to switch! and whats better than backup for all my files. i hope the day my PC completely crashes, sending the C drive crashing along with it will never arrive. now thats another something to save money for. i have to save for a trip overseas after As, a laptop, grad night stuff and of course, my own shopping expenses. ok i'm determined to save $$.
0.5 x weekly allowance x 5 months = $500!
Monday, April 10, 2006
- i don't know if i should go to school tomorrow
reason: don't want to drain myself by thursday because tomorrow will be one LONG day again. and this week is one busy week although its a long weekend. - much buzz within college about dress up for mardi gras. i have not yet decided on what to dress up as. doubt i'll have time to go shopping for stuff too. i have come up with some ideas though, some not very feasible. i'll try to dig up something from my wardrobe (or outside of)
it's becoming more like a halloween dressup for our class because we come up with all the dark characters, well, asides from princess and bumble bee.
you know what ? we should all troop down to toys r us to find us our props! - thanks aud, regina and michelle for the chocolates and sweet from san frans! ;) hearth milk chocolate with english toffee was quite euphoria-triggering. and i finished up that bar!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
i just visited the mr men and little miss site. made me very happy! :)
i like them! this may just mark the start of one of my crazes. right now i want a mr men plushie!
ok i painstakingly print screen and pasted them into paint. (maybe someday someone should start pairing off the mr men and little miss according to compatibility. hahaha and they have mini little miss and little mr men kids. lol. and maybe have some programme that can allow you to adopt a little miss just like how you can adopt a virtual pet, then you can watch them grow up.) ok that was random

guess what!? only MR TALL, for some odd reason, could be uploaded now.
HAHHAHAHA that makes one little ms grinny! :D
so cute, no?
ok hey they refuse to upload now so for the time being,! :)
Saturday, April 08, 2006
ok i woke up late today,tried watching abit of tv, and fell asleep again. :/
and i crawled through the whole day with my eyes half closed and the brain going at slow speed
i have no other debt to clear but my sleep debt and it needs to be cleared soon.
two things i need to catch up on, sleep and work.
perhaps i need to work out a reward system for myself. eg. if i complete my math tutorial,only then do i get to buy something. (or something like that)
Friday, April 07, 2006
gamma house function earlier, STEREOPHUNK! it was good. not great because i didn't stay for the whole thing. i would if it was last year. but i must say i love the whole set-up, from the bar and bottles to the disco balls and the stereophunk sign. ok actually those were the only things i liked but they were major decorations. but i'm past the stage of wanting to stay throughout such events and get high and jump around. i now find that i can't really tolerate those rockbands who play "gigs" at these events because they are deafening and i dislike not being able to even hear myself when i TRY communicating with my friends who are, mind you, just beside me. so i have to resort to hand signals and deciphering. and i'll be quite desperately waiting for the screams(not songs because its just screaming mainly) to end and say that few words, before they start another. eeks is this a sign of me getting older?
whee i'm quite smiley and am in a better mood now! not that crazy already, but still quite happy.
now i'm going to get to sleep and head to the gym tomorrow morning! :) 5k here i come!
university days are nearing and the whole reality of it just dawned on me. well, because people around me have been bringing it up. soon it'll be time to apply, to get interviews etc. :/and right now i'm not even confident of getting there, what more get a scholarship ya. aiya i don't even know what course i want to takeee. ughghh :( how to aim like that?! !!? talking about scholarships and them being kind of unreachable, tell me what reason would they have to choose me over top scorers and people with packed testimonials and impressive records. bahhh ok forget this i'm going to sleep. (i think i'm quite an escapist sometimes)
Thursday, April 06, 2006
a new resolution! not a new year resolution but a new one. i will SAVE MONEY from today onwards, bring food from home as much as possible, not dine out too much. if my mom gives me extra money, i'll just keep it. all this so i can proudly say that i saved up and partially paid my way to a holiday, come december or next year. :) ME WANT HOLIDAY!!!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
ouch i'm having a headache now and i can't even go to sleep. i wish i could skip school tomorrow, stay at home and sleep half the day away. IF NOT FOR CHEM SPAAAA! grrrrrrr.
a few of us didn't go for the SC nominees introduction. no offence but it's kinda pointless if we don't want to be there but have to. we'll just end up commenting about people which rightfully speaking, should not be the case. so we did give it a miss, but got caught after we got back from our self-declared early lunch break. quite funny because we were trying to the best of our ability to avoid getting into the path of the teachers. our best failed of course.
went to listen to tutors sharing about their study experience overseas. there were the UK, US, australia, and plain old singapore. i went for the australia one. i can't help but imagine being able to study overseas. i do want to have a change of education system and a whole new environment but on the other hand there are many more factors to consider because firstly it won't be that easy for me to get a scholarship unless i get 3As, that's why i think i want it quite bad. money issues, there'll be a huge sum involved if i go without one. and i never ever hear my parents mentioning about sending me overseas. i know no amount of saving i do can pay for that. i sure hope they have a secret stash of savings somewhere. hahha.
all the stuff you can do with your friends, being able to travel around the country cheaper during the school breaks. all the places you can go to and explore at lower costs! and woohoo learning driving and driving yourself around town, getting your own groceries, managing your own finances (which may be a challenge), away from where i've stayed 18 years of my life. :)
but here's the big thing, i haven't set my eye on any particular course yet. i must go research on those soon! and the universities and most importantly, get myself studying and revising!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
i'm still thinking about shorter hair. the hair looks horrid now because i say so. whether your hair is neat or unkempt or frizzy or straight, it all depends on how you yourself see it. so if someone elses hair looks alright to you, well, it may not be to them. just one of my "reflections"-as the principal will put it. HAHA
on a healthy note, went to the gym today after school, played bball after pe yesterday, had a subway dinner. but sunday was a binge day. :( ok exercise really does make one feel better. i read that sleep experts say that if you fall asleep in less than 5 minutes, starting from the time you hit your pillow, then you're most likely to be sleep deprived. i think i far exceed the range of "lack sleep" because i can plonk and konk in 5 seconds.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!! :) hope you got pranked and at the same time tricked others too. all in the name of fun!
went for my haircut today! i don't know whether to be satisfied or not, because i miss the straighter ends and am still thinking about short hair. but its thinner now.

i present you the horrifying thing that refused to budge even when we flicked the window. this is my pet bee for the day. it was at my window the whole day, outside of course,morning all the way till evening.first, it secreted some transparent drop of fluid, then it started cleaning its feelers (i think), and started walking around a small area. luckily i don't have the habit of opening my window. EWWWW. for a thing that probably makes honey, it's nowhere near "sweet"
my DP group(melissa tingyen jillian and shermaine [missing charmaine today]) came over to bake cookies and watch movie for DP H.O.T. :D we had much fun! we borrowed flightplan and got the betty crocker double chocolate cookie ready mix pack, the perfect solution for lazybones. just pour and mix. this eventually became triple chocolate because we added in extras! hersheys choc chips! and we put in much less oil of course, because their suggestion of 1/4 cup oil is absurd. oily cookies are gross. the fun bit was in slapping the sticky, dark brown, chunky cookie dough onto the baking tray. we got our hands covered, and licked it all off at the end, YUM :) the cookies turned out WONDERFULLY chocolatey and near perfect! with the second tray we made coonies(hybrid of cookies and brownies) because there was no space on the tray and we decided ahh heck, just fill up all the spaces with dough so it'll be continuous.

these are the coonies, sorry for the blur picture. i specially saved three pieces (there were only 3 left) to bring to church tomorrow. :)
after the movie, we decided that we would do what people do best on april fools, make prank calls! called a few YMers, so to all you who read this,i shall not keep you in suspense any longer. if you received a call at ~7pm from someone who went "hello" in a weird deep voice , followed by "you kicked my dog" or "are you ___(name)" or any random lines,yeah it was us, and it was me talking if you couldn't make it out. boo to those who did not pick up their phone or hung up after saying "wrong number" haha. of course there were those who played along for a couple of minutes, like
enlin&cellgroup - because we called enlin and i think the phone got passed around.
who's this, i don't know you
you ate my food. did you eat my brownies?
hello peter
i think you got the wrong number, i'm not peter
oh, who are you
i'm alvin
no you're peter
who are you
i'm bob. (pause) bobby (pause) BOO!
don't hang up on me
where do i know you from? army?
no, you know me from spca, because you kicked my dog
no i didn't kick your dog
i'm going to kick your cat!
.... ( and whatever else) LOL.
and jawn whom we called first, but he called back and said :
hello this is singtel and we're going to call the cops if you prank somemore. and a whole lot more singtel crap. haha.