Tuesday, May 30, 2006
dumb mini world buns at four leaves. i never got down to buying those mini buns even though i've seen them many times before my eyes. first thing i thought of when i saw the words "mini world" was the cambodia trip in dec 2004 where sherman goes "welcome to mini world" when boarding the silk air plane. next thing i was picking up those small cute miniature buns and pastries who were probably calling out "welcome to mini world" too, just inaudibly. since i was craving for pastry i got 4 little pastry buns and one non-pastry, but when you add them all together you'll find that it isn't little anymore. but they're so easy to peel ( i peel at bready stuff most of the time), chew, swallow. walking to and fro all the way from my house to compass point can't possibly justify my chowing down 4+ of those things. so in addition i went jogging and tomorrow i shall go to the gym after a morning worth of bio. moral of the story? don't visit mini world.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
we made our way down to GSS again today but i have the mentality that during the GSS, it only makes sense to buy things on sale. but you know how nice items are always NETT price during sales, which is so unfair because everythings supposed to be on sale! so those are on hold.i believe that soon, more discounts will come my way. patience.
other than that, i will only spend if i go shopping with my mom, at least i'll have lesser qualms about making purchases, because trying to resist buying is painful but having to spend savings is even more painful. so when i save my own money (which i am trying to now) the higher the tendency to window shop only. here i'm being pragmatic/ forward looking, whichever it is [i'm always confused about these two terms] because my primary motive is to save for a holiday trip where there are nicer places to shop at.
shopping is the most productive in pairs or alone. :] ok so much for shopping.
i have to go to school tomorrow and sit through 4 hours of food chem lectures & i will so fall asleep. in fact, i feel like sleeping soon.
oh, i sat at table 60 yesterday night at the hawker centre :) :) nothing much but i'm in a stupid nonsensical blogging mood now.
Friday, May 26, 2006
i'm now shuttling between computer and my sliced fish kway teow soup. halfway through the initial proper speed dinner, i felt quite full already and i don't like to waste food,neither can i leave it for my mom because by the time she comes home the kway teow'd be soggy. so i take a few spoons and come here and back again. now i should go remove my contact lens.
TJC stupid rule #1 and #2i TOTALLY regret going to school today. wrong decision! WRONG WRONG WRONG. i obediently stayed in the library until 12, thinking i could go home then. but to my horror, (no i'm not surprised) we weren't allowed to go home till 4(which they "generously" changed to 3pm later on), meaning no one could get past the security guard at 12+, not unless you have a green slip which is the most troublesome piece of paper ever. it's then that i thought "too late to get the form because i already wasted one whole morning, what more a few more hours.-should have gotten the slip at 8+!!! let me say that this method of LOCKING us in school like PRISONERS, does NOT work. you keep us in but that only fulfils your authorotative evil agenda of keeping everyone in school.i don't even know where the teachers are. moreover,half the school ponned today. so that leaves us in mental torture, just a mild form. this is stupid rule #1. mind you they do this at every supposedly free and easy event like sports carnival and sports meet.
i was told very hmm, "nicely" in the morning that folding up the sleeves of my tee was wrong. i didn't question why because i know that won't change the rigid structure and mindset of the discipline whoevers but i left it folded because it's not my fault the sleeves were too long for my shorter upper arms. then i decided to walk around but i'm such an unlucky girl i bumped into tong again who told me again to unfold those folded sleeves which i eventually reluctantly did. now he claims to recognise me already luckily its the holidays and one month is quite a long time so by term 3, i'll be forgotten, in this case a good thing. i'm one who, if you tell me to do something against my wish, the harder i'll stick to opposition until it reaches the point where if i go any further i'll get myself in hot soup. after all this, i still don't understand the rationale behind "no folding of sleeves"
if you don't like such things hindering your freedom, please do not come to TJ, better off that way.
today, the library was my home, i spent my time reading a book and electrochem notes, and sleeping. bad way to end the term. see, i should have stayed at home!!!!!!!!
since i was to get my own dinner, i detoured to ntuc to get foodstuff and ended up getting these and halls green tea candy which is my current favourite metholated sweet.

i love brownes yoghurt! :)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
sports carnival
1st day of sports carnival went alright. passable but still miss-able. i wonder how i'm going to spend tomorrow, probably wandering aimlessly around school. yes i'm still considering giving it a miss,nah but i'll go for the sake of handing up my 3 copies of the letter saying that i won't be late again (seriously what do you need 3 copies for?! such a waste of paper. i'd bet the papers end up being rough paper) so i won't incur the wrath of tong.
watched the bunch of people run the 290th round, and the turtle mascot which was cute indeed. and the vp flying down flying fox. and in the next few minutes, i too was signing the indemnity form and getting clipped on for flying fox! well, that was the best thing i did at sports carn so far. at least i can say that i rode it once in my TJ life. it was yay fun! :) caryn send me the photos of it! :D nothing like a mini adrenaline rush in the morning. and we proceeded to hang around the sports com , a mix of a good and bad idea.
chanbara wasn't very interesting, given that my vision was blurred, the inner surface of the helmet had been in contact with 238947520 faces ewww, the best part was us leisurely 'sparring' amongst ourselves. really, how much can you get out of a 1half hour session with around 60 other people? if there was any effect at all, i was associating the handheld light beam things that the traffic wardens at scotts were holding(long red cylindrical shapes connected to a black handle) with the 'weapon' used in chanbara.
went lunching and shopping after that! but the sales haven't really started so i'll just visit another day. lazyyy already, goodnight.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
now's my chance, finally, to catch more sleep.
since the next 2 days are sports carnival, i'll exempt myself from some schoolwork.
i've been exempting myself from other programmes already, :)
while other people are in school playing inter-PDP games and training away for titans and doing their part for the 290 rounds (an annual running event, where the sum of rounds everyone participating runs adds up to [age of school x 10] and of course there's the staying over in school just for that bit), here i am at home leading my sedentary life, viewing some youtube vids. well, not for long. i'll go on my inconsistent jogging routine soon.
sports chanbara in the morning, out after school (or badminton finals match but i prefer going out) and friday? hmm... hey at least i will be there for one day of sports carn. i was MIA for the whole of last years sports carnival. anyway, someone suddenly sprouted the idea of going to ECP to cycle/jog when we were heading out of school, so we tossed it around for 4 pedestrian crossing intervals, back and forth between not enough money to rent bike today (you know i like to bankrupt myself so i don't overspend, other people do that too), perfect weather today, not in proper running footwear today, then we decided to go home. :/
have i mentioned how much i hate my nose for being my nose? i was about to start warm ups and head out when, wham! the return of the sneezing bout. so now i'm patiently waiting it to go away. and its 6.30 already! :( i hate it when i start sneezing for no rhyme or reason. if there's anything i would opt not to have if i could alter traits be a partial designer baby, it's this sensitive nose of mine. it's not a good thing to use so much tissue paper and have running nose-like symptoms almost everyday :(
Saturday, May 20, 2006
TJ dance : reverie II- dancing... la mia vita
firstly, lovely performance! for all the effort, time and everything else you all put in, all worth it! :)
this is SAJC performance i think. actually i love all the backdrops. but my camera isn't very good therefore the pictures didn't turn out as nice and sharp

some better shots.
missing some people but heres some of CG29 with our beloved dancers -aprine and fel! :)
and after the event, we took absurd photos at the stairs. i'm not going to show them to you because wacky photos are not meant to be posted on a public blog. but i leave you with a photo of the 4 culprits.

jeri me jiadi and caryn.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
- drama syf yesterday!! great job everyone, proud of ya'll! :D now to wait for the results.
- after that i went down to support the boys vball finals, very close fight but yay for 2nd! but honestly aj was good too.
- dance concert tomorrow! :]
Monday, May 15, 2006
teachers are starting to get on my nerves. i don't say that only because we all decide that we are beginning to dislike some ways of our tutors. each (not all) of them contributes to a little fraction of 1 whole nervy (not in the 'nervous' way obviously) me. i would liken my tolerance and temper to an extended action potential graph (see, i actually REMEMBER my bio concepts) i tend to stay below threshold potential most of the time, but, once you get me past threshold potential, i shoot all the way up, generate an action potential, only to come down slightly later. sorry if my concepts are a little wrong here and there or if you don't get what i mean but this is the best analogy i came up with. and it's not only teachers, even peers can get on my nerves when i'm in such moods.
it's simple, respect is gained. once i lose any teeny weeny bit of respect i have for you, it's gone, forever, until i leave school and forget. but for now, i'll continue to boycott all i can, ignore and avoid and blackface all i can. i know it won't really work but if i remain smiley, that'll be so false. the lengths i go just to ensure i actually get a respectable testimonial. :/
Sunday, May 14, 2006
jasmine's birthday
wheee letter and pressie soon. but for now, the photos! i'm sure you had a funfunfun birthday! :)
jas at nooch, with the miffy balloon(of miffy holding a balloon, lol) we sneaked out to buy, and cake which you can't see. i love miffy! 1)miffy's a rabbit 2)x-mouth = cute! 3)miffy on the balloon was dressed in the same colours as me therefore when i took the free yellow CK balloon, i ended up looking like a miffy imposter.
love you jas!
everyone. well, everyone cept for NTU alvin. 
famous amos butterscotch pecan cookies! YUM!
darlings! :] glenda jolene candice sam and jasmine!
i just went to check out church camp photos from a aspc photo album link in unc.richard's email. anyway, i found in them the 2002 church camp photos, where most of us looked er... we look better now. and also, the 2004 camp-the year of the musical glass cups and hermit crabs. and the 2005 frasers hill camp

and i got myself a sneak preview of this years church camp location. :P seems like quite a nice place.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
looks like the load isn't really lightened, there are actually more weights that came after the train of tests. when can i not have so many things on my mind. and the YM's really facing a ARID period now, yes we are and so am i. yes pray i will but it's quite a bugging issue. i myself am not even doing enough about this and more. i haven't been a good DP leader, haven't devoted myself to ym, and have been doing everything at the 11th hour. really, whatever it is, poor time management or whatnot, -ok i have nothing to say-
no more. i'm just following the motions. no emotions in the motion. must do this, ok i do that, why i do it, i really am not clear. and it's irritating me how the weather now has reached a warmer period although it poured this afternoon. and it sucks that the study room has no aircon, the fan isn't helping much, and i can't carry my computer into my room. if you realised, this is one negative complaining blog entry.
doesn't help also that i have to clear that weekend homework 'to-do's' and today i've accomplished none of that because i'm such a lazy slacker bum, who sleeps in late and feels inertia and requires more force than 100000000N to move, who should really stop snacking so much on marie biscuits and dark chocoalte and should stop watching tv or coming online. grrrrrr.
i would really love to do something well and put in all my effort now but i don't think i can. neither can i take a break from doing stuff because i see the JCTs exam timetable staring back at me though i was happy that i only have FOUR highlighted lines of which three are afternoon papers. maybe its time for me to start journelling again. i can't take it out here forever. i must do this, must do that, how can i do so many things at a time? now i look at my life and can safely say that nothing is going well, at all. nah-ah (ewww so typical a statement) but it's true because i say so. this is a sign, this is a sign. :/ so many obligations, i'm really sorry if i can't make it or didn't go to the choir/band/... concerts, i apologise to my musicians for tomorrow and if in anyway i have been an unsupporting or busy friend.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
i just got back at almost 10 and that leaves me with even lesser time. luckily all the tests are over, the bio spa was pure torture because i had to cram in all the skill A information at the last minute, i didn't complete my revision for chem test and math test, my brain wasn't even fully awake let alone remember to do continuity correction (yes i plain forgot even though i wrote 'binomial to normal' on my paper)
the school should really learn to plan the dates of tests so that we all won't have to suffer under the hands of late night cramming. so, tests aside, i'm going to get a good rest and sleep in and yes, worship prep. zzzzzzzz i'm going to doze off soon if i don't move around so i'd better. so tired. tired tired tired. everyone who's tired, get lots of sleep tomorrow!
i have the impression also, that tomorrow is saturday. nono, tomorrow is FRIDAY. FRIIIIDAYYY. this week, i've also spotted a trend. a useful trend.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
i'm so busy i'm gonnna dieeeeee.
i have math test tmr normal binomial poisson distribution etc etc poison me pls. and chem test on thurs i hope i can pass+ bio mock spa skill A (which means memorising 3 or 4 pieces of paper's worth of answers, oh my poor brain) plus i have drama till late everyday because syf is next wednesday this includes prac on FRIDAY the public holiday too. PLUS theres worship to prep for (for saturday, fyi) of course theres obligatory tutorials.
oh i'm going to freak out. no time, i mean it, no time!
Monday, May 08, 2006
i was ... as usual on my way home blahblahblah and to my surprise,
"IKEA coming soon" barrier(or whatever it's called) in dark blue and yellow at the TPE exit to pasir ris, along the 88 route. that means its a 5-10min bus ride away from my house! how cool is that?! ikea finally braching out and coming to somewhere closer to me. so probably in the near future, when i feel bored, i'll head down to ikea for a walk. :)
and have i mentioned how i sometimes tend to link peoples faces to animals?(no, please do not think that i always see people in the animal light. not true)
so i was watching so you think you can dance and it suddenly dawned on me, that pokey hair guy ryan resembles a MOLE! don't you think so? haha ok enough of this.
almost, accidentally. welllll, i ALMOST coincidentally again. :]
Sunday, May 07, 2006
my blog is turning more random.
in the first 8 weeks, a foetus is female. only after that do some change into male genitals.-something i picked up from watching tv. i never knew that.
and, theres the ring/index finger thing, where one's brain sex is indicated by the length of those two fingers. the longer the ring finger, the more testosterone, and a female would tend to be a tomboy. so i look at my own hand again and by my own judgement and sight, i notice my ring finger on the left hand is longer than the index and on the right hand they are about the same length. scientifically i'm not meant to be that feminine.
i finally got this sorted out. ok slow lah, but i have concluded that if you are in a cold surrounding, you emit more heat and thus lose more heat energy. exothermic.
busy week- plan comm camp, plan agenda, meet uyh, prep worship set, study for all the tests and spa, sunday shopping.
GE 2006
hello i just spent my saturday night and sunday morning tuning in to the general elections results. it turned out to be quite interesting since this is the first time i bother to watch (because its a sizzling hot topic and the next elections i'm officially legal! but i never really wanted to read the overwhelming coverage in the papers) from the astonishing number of people who are so enthusiastic as to go down to the stadiums, to SDP head complaining about the lights being too bright "even blind can see" (i think he couldn't find anything better to say) and PAP candidate's interview which i could make mostly nothing of "it's important for them to get an education then they can have a family"
(WHAT?! hahaha) -this is what i caught
well, i'm sure there'll be much "
post-mortem"-as tjc likes to call the evaluation process after revelation of results, but is not an appropriate term. let me do my own little evaluation here which is partially studying for GP. votes do speak for themselves and the opposition is growing strong,especially the WP, which only goes to show that people are either totally supportive of the opposition or more against the ruling party. i believe they may not necessarily be voting FOR the opposition, but AGAINST pap. of course there are the number of spoilt votes too.
you don't want the pap, neither do you feel secure with opposition as most contested wards display a new line of opposition candidates whom you have never heard of or seen before.
1: spoil your vote by crossing in between or doodling all over
2: stay away from the centre from 8am-8pm
3:vote for oppo anyway only if you will never consider voting pap in.
for the PAP, not a very strong mandate if you look at percentages. given that all are a little over marginal, averaging 60+%, pap may publicly say that they are contented but deep down nah, who really would be contented with a b4 or b3 type of grade if in the past you have gotten distinctions the last time, and when you think you have worked hard? moreover, here are political veterans contesting newbies as young as 24, its like pitting a uni grad against a primary 1 student in a test but only doing marginally better. their enormous bubble has been deflated abit here, probably by the bolt of lightning. -pop-
Friday, May 05, 2006
tomorrow's the official voting day, your future is truly in your hands (well, because you use your hands to cross the box,hold the slip) ahh but anyway, politics sometimes is a waste. waste of energy, newpaper paper, tv airtime, and everyones time. and its also not a very nice term, since its often used in the context "office politics" so on and so forth. but what i have to say about the campaigning and the past 1 month of elections buzz, is that the campaign lorries are firstly, quite pathetic because i've only seen those with the speakers blasting loud words which i didn't bother to make out & they were driven by one lonely expressionless driver.
the lorries are also scary because they remind me of all the war videos i have viewed with scenes of curfew patrol. imagine little truck-like vehicles travelling up and down a road lined with shophouses, from them sound speaker voices, and in a distance lies a barbed wire short gate. but i think its just me. most other people find them irritating.
so we were told to EVACUATE school today by 1pm. this led to massive flocks of students at the small gate, at the busstop and on the bus. winnie jeri and meeee went a-lunching and then shopping! :) today, i shopped economically. for slightly less than $20, i got myself two items. i shall save the rest of my wishlist for GSS, shopping frenzy! :)
oh and i got a dose of eyecandy (SUGARRYY) at taka. :D ahhhh my eye gets "tooth" decay! jeri, i still think he's cute, haha. i shall continue in my state of daydream. goodnight.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
i forgot if i stayed up until 01:02:03 04/05/06 because i didn't take notice of the time. haha one such poker "flush"-like thing will come up every year until 2012... so, maybe if you are free enough, you can start taking note of such times. :] speaking of which, maybe i'll start a countdown to school holidays. although a fraction of me doesn't want it to come so soon.
i also realised i haven't written letters in a long time. well, i kinda miss writing letters. and my not-so-half-day DAY has been extended because of syf meeting thing. :( :(:( :( :(
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
i come now as the messenger of good news!
the great singapore sale starts on 26th may!
its only 2-3 weeks away (i'm sure there'll be some pre GSS sales) and i could postpone my shopping plans till then and suppress those shopping cravings, i hope. i'll just occupy myself with other more "important" matters like tutorials. yes , that's just what i'll do. (nods)- maybe in between i can sneak in a shopping trip? :) but i've been doing fine without it too, so no hurry.
and ohhh i had a sweet dream last night which contributed to at least 10% of a happy mood today and the still-caught-in-dreamland feeling post-waking up. but in time to come, as with all my other dreams, this will eventually be forgotten. i can't dwell on it more than 24 hours can i.
hurray to a shorter week! (but it doesn't work out for me) reason being, lessons on friday will cease by 1250, and my last lesson ends at 1250. so what difference is it? :( but i'm satisfied with a SEEMINGLY shorter week and an imaginary half day on friday.
Monday, May 01, 2006
ok i forgot who i lent these dvds to but whoever has it can kindly return it to me ;)
before sunset
and the mardi gras stuff, the apron and halo
wheee thanks and nightynight!