Friday, June 30, 2006
woah i was on my feet for 8 hours. we walked and walked and walllkkkkkked. i should go sleep soon because i have to be up early for SIM visit. this post will be all about shopping because that's what i did for the whole day. first time in a while i could shop without having to think about going home to revise or thinking 'i should be home now what am i doing here'
i haven't spent my voucher boohoo but nevermind i have lots of time to. topshop did have some nice stuff (i loveeee their shoes). i was so excited zara was finally having sales but sales being sales the items aren't really nice, and the sizes for nicer items are beeeg. i found the pair shorts at marina squares branch after going into both zaras at orchard but they only had L and XL :(:( and... the whole shop was in a chaotic mess with really long fitting room queues and long cashier queues. same for mango just that zara had nicer clothes.
so we wanted to go rockclimbing. but when we got there they had no equipment cos there were alot of people and we had to wait till 6 when it was only nearing 5 then and climbadventure's at tanjong pagar which is quite an ulu place. so we went back to shopping. haha cg 29 whoever reads this lets go climbing next friday after school! :)
and for the record, we saw more than 10 TJCians in town.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
yay! finally, freedom, temporarily.
went out after the paper! :) not exactly 'full release' knowing at the back of my head that the results will suck and i will have to continue with this lifestyle for the next few months. but as ms lee so appropriately put it "enjoy yourselves
today! :)"
we went for dinner at pepper lunch, and supermarket shelve shopping, and to cartel for their half priced cakes! ahhh bitter chocolate fudge cake! :):):):) and this marks the end of 'eating at whim'. when studying, you don't think of such self-control, if not it'll be totally distracting and you can't concentrate when your mind is on eating.
shopping tomorrow! yayyayyayyay
the gp tutor who marks my essay will probably cough out innards, think i have bad time management and probably get a horrible misconception. the last thing i want is to be the girl who can't even pen a decent essay.
the teachers who mark my my math script will know that i know nuts about trigo, have bad time management, and only know how to do stats.
the bio tutor who marks my script will... i don't know. i can't describe how bio paper was like. it's just a neutral 'i hope to pass' thing.
the chem teacher will know i have absolutely no time to organise my thoughts
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
JCTs=academic suicide
this will all be over in 27 hours.
then we shall all go shopping, for a movie and have dinner. :)
it will be one little nightmare and i'll wake up to a bright cheery fresh friday with no work to worry about for the weekends. :) as i say, looking forward to something good at the end of it makes it more bearable. mental preparation for the worst does too.
all of you still having CTs, we will pull through this. if you don't have CTs, better be hardworking also cos you don't want to end up like me now.
Monday, June 26, 2006
i just screewwwed my GP paper. i didn't complete my essay. enough said.
i found out that quite a few of us were emotional wrecks for the past few days. we were happily talking and came to the this.
it's amazing how studying, ok not really studying itself, rather, what comes along with it that can cause someone to cry and be super emo. just like how the house is so quiet and you are alone, studying. or how the crowd is at the mango sale/gss/funtosa/overseas but here you are mugging, basically how you could be doing something else instead of having 'no life'. just the thought of going home to study can pull the 'trigger'. feels stupid to feel so upset over something like that right? but hey, sometimes it really can't be helped, sometimes the tears well up like an automated machine. hahh so last night i tried to listen to the radio while studying to keep my mind off negativity.
maybe it helps to find something to look forward to, like a class outing on thursday night. :) wheee. seems so soon! all the better. after JCTs i will do my tys, attempt papers, study stuff that weren't tested this time round, MUG TILL A LEVELS! this is the last test that is going to make me feel so loser-fied.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
it's the start of JCTs tomorrow :(
and i'm going to let this go, again. my J1 lazy attitude is coming back to haunt me. not that i'm giving up but i have too much to complete in a few hours.
i wanted this june holiday to be one where i become more determined to catch up. somewhere in the back of my head i knew it wasn't going to come that easy. right, it wasn't and now i'm stuck with almost all of the math topics, half of physical chem, and a bit of bio. i haven't looked through tutorials! P(failing)=1
if i were to be optimistic here i'd say that this 4 weeks didn't go down the drain either because there was comm camp and church camp and friend time and i read 2 good books, of which one was "my sister's keeper", just completed reading just now, recommended. :)
Saturday, June 24, 2006
i found church camp photos!
we all love photos don't we look under the 06 ones
i'm not at funtosa now because i'm trying to make more studytime
(that is, if i can concentrate and focus)
at 5+am- i was wondering if i will sleep before the sun comes up. and thinking that it's so cool to hear the first buses of the day go past, that i'll be needing to wake up around that time in a couple days.
last night it rained and i sat at my window to watch the rain. i like to watch the rain at night if you haven't already known(i bet you don't), and then wish i could go downstairs for a walk after the rain stops but i can't cos it's 2am. last night i found out why. because it reminded me of holidays, how the night in perth was cold and smelt like the night rain, how sometimes walking in whichever part of malaysia during church camp on the last nights smelt like the night rain, and i can, for a while,well, 'lose myself in the rain'. when you're suddenly studying more you somehow want to escape. well, i do.
see, escapist tendencies again.
Friday, June 23, 2006
i baked cookies! :)

the ones that are darker are coffee+chocolate chips = mocha cookie! the plain looking ones are chocolatechip oatmeal.

and i made a heart cookie! for myselff!!!! :P i even made C shaped ones. cos... (play cookie monster song)
hahah which reminds me, xueling told us a really funny joke the other day. during econs , the teacher asked some guy whether fiscal or monetary policy was best. so, the student pretty much wasn't paying attention... so he answered : honesty. cos honesty's the best policy.
hahhahaha ok jokes over, back to revision. aggghhh this is killing me.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

group photo! xinyang adelene xueling sharon me esther cindy!
if anyone wants to upload church camp photos, we created a shutterfly account:
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
oh mannnn i just made a graveee error by posting when i was signed in to two accnts, so my long post was GONE. argh, why do i always do such things!!!
anyway as i was typing, (ughhh) i just got back from church camp last night and i have created a photoblog
cchurch camp like all other camps and holidays whizzes me away from routine, plonks me in a half lalaland for a few days , where i get adjusted to
hotel rooms
mega junk food- there was a&w a few minutes walk away and i always have alot of junkfood in my room.
buffet meals- where i put on weight and have delicious desserts like cheesecake chocolate cakes fruits and have great entertainment especially on the last night.
distant shopping centre- jusco, which we went to on the 3rd day with a 1 hour time limit and i ended up with some loot(see photos)
gym just downstairs- which i went to twice but the equipment were as good as those in school (yeah 'good') but i didn't go jogging cos the park wwas quite a turnoff with murky lakewater and also cos i don't usually wake up that early
seeing the YMers everyday- this i am thankful for. get to spend quality time with them. i was just thinking about how i spend 12-14 with the ycomm and 16-19 with the rest too! :)
i went into camp hoping that the message would be an impactful one. but all i could do was jot down a few lines and the verses quoted from, half the time i was going to the toilet, eating starbursts, and i admit i did doze off too. :/ but i'm glad it did speak to most of the people there. i thought the worship sessions were great! when i open my eyes i see people lifting hands and worshipping it's a very 'wow' feeling. asides from that, i took shermaine tingyen and jiaen for QT and they bonded so well after the first session they even did the bible study thing together. makes me happy! definitely God's work! and thanks so much camp comm for planning the games and all the groupings although we didn't play the station games. great job! but i did meet God too, at other time because its not only confined to the sermon times.
i broke tradition by sleeping on the last night. since no one really stayed up. but they were playing rounds of daidee in my room and then jolene and i joined them for a game of pig, where i got up to level 9 by talking to sherman. :/ i didn't do my sit there and shuddup thing well like the last time. actually it's more fun at higher levels, i got a few others to join me too HHAHA. :P
i am also proud to say that i did study a little during camp!! but have lots more to go and i have to head out of the house to meet my beloved PL friends for cindy's birthday dinner!
Friday, June 16, 2006
oh yes i took a shot at cutting my own fringe last night. i snipped off abit and it actually turned out ok! :) works better than going to the hairdressers sometimes, because i know exactly how i want it like. i didn't dare to cut it too short though.
the hamster!

seen 70% of the time at that area, biting away at the poor black metal bars. see the brown part exposed?

sleeping in the bath sand. i know its fat lah, this is a result of gobbling my cereal and digging in its foodbowl, sending little nuts and hammie food outside the bowl. and it's also sleeping amidst its own shit. ewwww. i don't understand why it shits in the bath sand anyway.
i'm going to miss this little cute babyyyy chubby wubby thing for 4 days! soo cuteeee
Thursday, June 15, 2006
today is the day where i mark an 'x' on my calendar, or maybe not, because i never have. see, this morning, i realised that something bad happened. it would not have been that bad a thing if it came at the right time. yes i'm talking about periods. church camp starts tomorrow and i'm going to be suffering at the hands of the shedding uterine endometrium. why does it always hit me at such times. having just came back from comm camp, i remembered that prayers do get heard and answered (yeah it just happened yesterday, so yes i believe so). so i prayed that i won't be overly affected by it and also half hoping it would be false alarm (rare but possible) well you never know.
i have a load of revision to do but i'm not doing this on my own. nope.
comm camp was indeed refreshing, God speaking through various avenues, us learning from His word, praying for the YM, for the church camp, refocussing, trying to line ourselves more with God's plans. at least we're now heading in the direction that we can all see more clearly. :) and we love brownies! esp the one with cheesecake! we attacked and conquered it in a few minutes. plus we baked one and finished it too. goober peanut butter is horrible, the texture is so bad it doesn't deserve to be called a spread because for the most obvious of reasons, it can't spread!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
goofy goofy goober goober
i'm at comm camp now :)
see you guys friday or at JCTs
Saturday, June 10, 2006
i like picture posts so i'll try to include pictures from now.
we had megaworship today and what really hit home was how i drifted from God (its now become an as and when thing and probably more on weekends but i'm still serving and all, if you know what im saying) to the point where i know it but there's something mysteriously huge stopping me from getting unstuck in the rut so i don't really bother. i think this shows best in my serving in ycomm. i leave it hanging here i'm not going to elaborate.
asides from that, when darryl/betty (sorry i dont rmb who) told us to think of ymers who haven't been coming for ym, i thought of my dp group girls. well, i haven't stepped out of my comfort zone to reach them and yes i'm feeling bad about that because i know what it's like. i didn't really want to come for ym either when i was in sec 1. a dp leader is supposed to be caring for the members and taking the time and effort to contact them,build a relationship and be a someone who's there, whom the members can talk to. where have i been? and a dp groups supposed to be somewhere where everyone can share openly. i'm not a good juggler am i.
and i realise i'm an escapist sometimes. (read the last 2 paragraphs of this post and you'll know what i mean) well, everyone is at some point no? anyway it's just like me to go shopping when i know i have alot more to study for and then on the way home my mind drifts back to uncompleted revision and i start getting REALLY worried. i could have started crying on the train but i wouldn't.
lesson of the day: don't put jellybeans into the fridge because they turn sticky (condensation of watervapour and all when exposed) and the colour comes off
so now, i'll blog about jellybeans.

the bottom states that "this pack may not contain the full flavour selection" and i'm sad because it didn't contain the toasted marshmellow and root beer flavours which are a few of my favs. i really dislike liquorice and wildcherry and sizzling cinnamon. but the thing is you can't really tell root beer from liquorice so the last time i ate these i took a gamble and popped a dark coloured one in which turned out to be liq which i also immediately spat out. ahh ok i shall not continue. if you want to know why i take photos of the container and the beans, lets just say i was studying.
Friday, June 09, 2006
wheee i went shopping today! i'm horrible for spending so much money especially since its my mom's. anyway i came back with both candy and clothes loot. i'll show you the candy because candy's colourful and i'm not interested in posting photos of clothes.

there, i got the jelly beans and starbursts to cheer me up when late night studying. they are also stuff to munch on when studying gets terribly boring. the others are just for fun and those sit-in-front-of-tv hours.
rockclimbing i know i can't have both, because shopping is almost endless and i most probably won't be in time to get down to tanjong pagar. :/ but i really want to go rockclimbing too!
had a prata dinner with enlin jawn evan alvins tim josh crystal isabelle. the company was much better than the prata and customer service!really, they always mess up orders there. anyway the paper prata was so large, bigger than the one opposite school.
study monsters are coming to get me!!!! AHHHH
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
kayaking today was not as much fun because it started pouring when we were 15mins in. real spoiler. so we had to paddle quickly back to shore and sat around on the beach with the wind so strong the rain kept hitting my face i couldn't see properly, include the scary lightning and thunder. sam i hope you're feeling ok now. :] anyway it was better after that because at least we got to paddle around and play mock kayak-waterpolo with coconuts but we couldn't go too far. the last time we went kayaking the coast guards told us to go back. we spent the next half hour floating around in the water,talking and tasting the worst seawater ever. and the rest of the day in the eastside bumming and having meeting. i want a sunny kayaking day!
yay we're going rockclimbing on friday! supposedly today but there's special rates on friday. so exciting! all the days of holiday should be like that, spent engaged in other activities that you couldn't have done during the school term. going to cut my hair back to shoulder length.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
You Are Cookie Monster |
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth. You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around. You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!" |
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz
ME BORED -chommmmpp- so i did some blogthings.
went for late night shopping yesterday at wisma with my mommmmmma (rhymes) it was quite an experience actually. it was past 10 and some shops were closed but well, the shops i usually go to were opened so thats all that matters. but it was a whole messy scene, with disorganised clothes racks. f21 was quite packed, the line for the fitting room and cashier counter in topshop was CRAZYYYY because they were having midnight sales - 20% off and additional 10% off sales items.
but we missed the last train so we had to call my dad down to get us. hahahaha. so we waited at cine and there were bunches and groups and bunches of teenagers/some slightly older probbably with nothing better to do than to sit around and get hauled into a policecar, smoke drink and waste money on taxifare with midnight surcharge. well i never stayed at orchard rd past 12am to see such things. try late night shopping for the fun of it, :)
r.i.o.t today was cool! many bunches of thanks to everyone who was helping!
still lagging in revision, only did the mitosis meiosis chapter and most of periodic table. see what i mean?
Friday, June 02, 2006

hope you had a great dinner with us (well, of course you did!)
your f21 vouchers coming your way! f21 is weird because they can actually run out of vouchers.

i did this with my gobstoppers!! yes i brought the remaining spheres out of the box for a "photoshoot". (and put them back, my white paper is clean) they've been with me for 4 days already! they weren't the everlasting gobstoppers, they were chewy ones. but they sure are the sweets that last the longest, not in my mouth, but in my fridge. they aren't my favourite sweets in the world definitely. when i was younger, we would suck on gobstoppers and tell each other what colour it was because ever few seconds they change colour and flavour or if i was at home, look in the mirror. now i don't have that much free time to waste looking into mouths, neither do my friends.

the sweet li'l sack which containED my butterscotch pecan cookies. they were so yummy i finished them within 24 hours, 3 servings, wiped out. if it's any self consolation, there weren't many because it was only 100grams. :/ ohwell, sometimes this is why i have to gym. yeah, i'm so proud of myself for making my own way down to the gym yesterday. the club's very out of the way though its near school. on my long walk in it was drizzling slightly and when i was done, i had to walk out in the hot sun. this time i walked on the edge of the road because i fear the cobwebs at the pavement that i walked into the past two times. (there are cobwebs because no one really WALKS into clubs right, they all DRIVE in. doesnt make sense to ask my dad to travel from home either) they should maintain the road too because the drain covers are getting all rusty and has one side falling into the drain.
i hope i can keep up with my study timetable. now lagging already. but no fear, late night studying is near! (i sleep in till 1pm) :P

taken from caryn. this was at the sports carnival, flying fox! caryn felicia and i all harnessed up before heading 5 levels up. hmm, i'm the one in the 3rd pic.