Saturday, July 29, 2006
oh no i'm going mad i'm starting to smile at the computer screen haha.
anyway, yay it's youth sunday tomorrow! :)

yay the proud creation of the decor comm! all for the sake of bright and chirpy and youthful. :]

smileS2006 :P oh man we should upload it there

the worship team

our loot. yo hoho!

A chilli crab, durian dinner. too bad no photo of crab.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
today was pets day in school, not a bad idea. not alot of pets but there were the cute little animals at the holding area which we played with and now i think i want to go adopt some puppy. when my hamster dies, i'll probably get another hamster and a dog. but dogs are expensive and need grooming etc. hmm, but i think they are adorable. :) which outweighs the trouble. plus, dogs can be walked and hugged. anyway here's my little contribution to pets day, since i didn't bring truffle.

and... we had drama farewell today! :( :) :( :)
i'll miss everyone, as much as i sometimes dread rehearsals and staying back late, i like the company, feasting backstage at rehearsals (esp in 1984) and like i said in the speech which they made every year2 give, everyone putting in effort. reluctant(maybe me only lah) at times but still committed and passionate. and it's great to see how far we've progressed to staging the play in school and at esplanade and i heard the response and feedback was very +VE! lalala and i think the present rocks!
Monday, July 24, 2006
i am at home now.
no school today! :P
be envious y'all!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
the exhibition was a disappointment. i thought it'd be more interesting than this. all i saw was masses of old folks, all i got was shoving and kiasu-ism. i don't in any way intend to sound mean but this is worse than great singapore sales. i know there is free samples to grab but relax lah. i was so irritated i tell you. so if you're thinking of going, don't.
but i found a new food place. 'new york new york' at citylink mall. it's next to HMV. i want to go try the food there. actually more like the ambience. they have those cubicle-like cushioned bench seats. the typical cater-to-the-youthful-crowd kind of design. which is cool :) i propose the next gathering of any sort be there.

kenny rogers- my mac and cheese sidedish. no corn bread :(
Friday, July 21, 2006
haven't blogged for days
school's uneventful, i've been online lesser, reaching home earlier, napping more, sleeping later at night, saving money.
and tomorrow i'm going for the health and you exhibition at suntec with my parents and kenny rogers after (ahhh i'm tasting the mac and cheese already!) actually i'm looking forward to all the health stuff, the fresh and exotic fruits (and the samples hahha) and inspiration. '
there's youth sunday coming up yay! and alot of ym related emails and replies in my inbox i admit sometimes i get lazy to read but i'm going to try to read and reply. this is why i don't think email meetings are good for me.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
xueling's birthday celebration yesterday! happy birthday AH MA i knoow you secretly visit here so it's not a secret but i'll call it a secret anyway :P

food glorious food. photos of everyones food! soup bread bowl, half chicken, seafood pasta, salmon mushroom pasta, my fish baked rice, icecream, APPLE CRUMBLE MMMMMM!, birthday brownie.

for easier kope-ing, non-collaged photos.
and if you guys realised, it's the same people as
on youth day last year when we went to watch initial d.

ok i'm getting lazy so here are the others.
birthday girl,money face, icecream love, me jas jeri, jas me esther, flower formation, heryshey's kissables i bought the other day which is just m&m's with a herysheys brand, chocolate my mom bought, some durian thingy.

more photos
Thursday, July 13, 2006
yay our class is going to watch pirates, dead man's chest tomorrow! :)
yesterday there was an NUS admissions talk in school. after listening to the science fac talk, i probably shouldn't be taking science anymore. they sound boring i slept through most of it, i'm not fully inclined to science i only like the foodchem/nutrition and possibly some bio related courses. no math, no physics, no chem for me. i didn't get to hear the arts fac talk but maybe arts and social sci will be better for a change. i know i'm supposed to know what i want to do now and stick to it by now. unfortunately, never in my life was i really decided on what careet path to take so i'll still be at the trying-out stage. and my subjects of interest is quite diverse. oh well...
Monday, July 10, 2006
i haven't updated proper in quite a while.
photos of
tuesdays dinner with the girls :)

waffles at gelare!
banana caramel
the others' dinners :chippys fish and LJS and everything else.
saturday -youth rally for almost the whole day. we were at covenant presbyterian church and it was a great time of learning and interacting with youths from other churches, worshipping,praying,discussing. the workshops were good because they were kept short and sweet and to the point, albeit too much time being spent on the interactive part.the speaker was quite engaging even though he looked old and boring. anyway in view of WC, they had some soccer evangelism stuff.

the $5 small soccer ball.
baked s'mores brownies when i got home, using cereal as the granola substitute and marshmallows that went too gooey and soft but still nice!
sunday- went for a prata brunch after service. then we borrowed vcds and faith came over, finally got to see 'i not stupid 2' and the lame laMB laMP jokes.quite sad at some points but i don't cry at these kind of shows. then i watched 'the gods must be crazy' recommendation of sam sim. (continued with 2nd disc today) it's about bushmen in africa, contrasted with more urban civilisation. but that's not the main thing.a coke bottle fell from the sky one day because a pilot threw it out of the plane but bushmen being bushmen, they thought it was a gifts from the gods. so they used the bottle for alot of things and then decided that it brought them bad luck cos it hurt kids on the head. so one guy set off on a quest to return it to the gods. also in the grasslands were terrorists, a scientist and a teacher. one day the bushman got caught for hunting deers(though he wasn't even aware of his offence) and ended up working for the biologist and the terrorists caught the kids and teacher and the bushman is the hero who freed them yay. quite crappy lah. but funny. coke bottle lol
i watched the channel 5 pirates of the caribbean: curse of the black pearl. yay finally i watched almost the whole thing. not bad, maybe i'll go watch dead man's chest. that's 2 johnny depp movies in 2 days. "sleepy hollow" on sat night and this. he will forever remind me of willy wonka.
today i went to school at 12 i did not watch the WC finals, which means i did not watch a single match at all. thanks to this i got more sleep. but the change in timetable fooled with my biological clock, which went haywire. it was confusing but i got through the 4 periods.

this is my dinner. aglio olio- pasta olive oil garlic chilli redpepper parmesancheese + some extras (salmon broccoli quails egg meatball) i'm still very full now.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
sorry for the previous :( entry but ok i'm going to try to make it go up from here.
<3 you all alotttt for being so sweet! -big long HUGGGG-
today was soccer jersey day
26th is pets day where we all get to bring pets in to school
monday is 'report to school in the afternoon' day because the morning is for WC fans to snooze after the finals.
TJ trying to be more interesting huh.
ghost whisperer is quite a good watch,
other than that i watched a docu on the 7/7 london attacks on nat geo
and there's some show 'starved' on channel 5 at around 12am or so. actually it's the 2nd time i watched it. it's crappy with humour. it's about a few men with eating disorders bullemia and the likes.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
in fact i am depressed. i am not ok now. still not ok. no retail therapy or good food is going to make me feel better this time. why, i shouldn't even be blogging. you should know what i am talking about i just got some of my results back and it sucks so bad i am stupid i don't know whats punctuation i went to the gym after school because there must be some other outlet and chocolate or icecream is not it'll only make me feel even worse for getting fat so i might as well channel my energy to exercise. i like to escape even if for just a while.
so emo i tell you, so emo. the path in and out, so emo, the train ride, so emo. i actually had to look down at my shoes sometimes i tell you it was so embarrassing. i wonder if people noticed my on-off tearing i hope not. so loser. whyyyyyyyyyy. ahhh jeri i'm whining noww.i wonder if employers ever look at these promos JCTs results what if my A levels are majorly screwed up. i have a back up plan you know. i either wait one year and take as private candidate or go overseas which is highly unlikely so. i cannotttt afford to screw up the A levels! why i study more still the same. why can't i ever figure what the question wants. how did i become like that. eh it's not a good thing when all the marks add up to only around 100 ok. though i haven't gotten back all but i can predict bio's going to go down, gp needless to say. i'm convinced. my maximum capability is only O levels. i should not have came to JC what was i thinking.
i know there's the prelims and i can use 2 or 3 more months to mug my ass off but at this point in time i feel horrible. really horrible. when you're here you don't really wish to think about what to do you know what i mean. ya ok i don't wish to go deeper don't ask.
so i went for dinner with the girls cos we arrange already arh not nice to last miinute don't go. yup i was happy for a few hours. :)
i'm going to go do work now and revise. this time for real. FOR REAL i'll go offline too. if by prelims i still fail i don't know what to do already. if i continue to fail my tests . X/
unsmart, out.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
al's birthday party
yesterday was youth day and alvin's birthday party!
good food, cute little boy (no i don't mean alvin)
there was spizza yummm the 'nadia' pizza's good.
and here are photos of chew's cousin! ahhh

i swear he can be a future soccer player.

al and his guys.
then i went over to faith's place.

and got my starbursts and Pods :) <3>
Sunday, July 02, 2006
PL's 90 hour music marathon.
90th anniversary.
popped by millenia walk to support them
yup they had 24.5 hour left.

i did my part ok. $2 (they still have excess postcards from our batch! hahah these are the nice works of some of our batch's papercut pieces which went for sale when we were still in PL. which reminds me, i owe the school money for unsold postcards that are still in my possession, and shall forever do)

with candice after her GB perf segment. 
secret recipe's chocolate banana slice which jolene jasmine and i shared. it felt like some high tea thing, shopshopshop, sit down for cake, continue walking. hahah the taitai lifestyle! i want to be a taitai! :)

at toys r' us. with kids brollys, macdonalds play set, cookie monster, elmo and gay-looking barney hand puppets,3 flower faces

and because we were at millenia walk, candy empire! chocolate pick n mix and TIMTAMS! :]

to make my s'mores brownies! yay brownies here i come!
i think i'll go jogging soon. no exercise for 2 weeks already! :/
pretty topshop skirt!!! i likeeee!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
we went on SIM namly road recce trip this morning and boy does that place look much better! actually i can't wait to move there, it's worth the distance too ;) let's start off with the lounge. the lounge is the bestest place in the entire campus. the chairs are like comfy aeroplane first class seats complete with lounge tables and raised chairs. the place is also very new and the toilets are better just that it's horribly distracting to leave the auditorium in the middle of sermon cos there are doors only at the front. the ym will have our own room (a seminar room) which is like the size of the entire first level of tani and carpetted. and there are whiteboards spanning the length of the walls too(very good for publicity if you ask me) and there's EVERYWHERE to use for DP group discussions. grow ym , GROW.
so jiayen sam yihui peien and i were playing with the ohp etc and koped a couple of things (heeehee). journeying out of the campus, there's island creamery(caryn i spotted your photo!) speaking of which, the YM will INVADE THEIR PHOTOWALL when we move there. but for now these should make you Drooolll. these are photos of our desserts for today!

sam's baked alaska (and she 'subtly' hints about wanting the whole log of baked alaska for a birthday cake. don't worry rabbit it isn't till 8 months later :P)

apple pie icecream! :)
and i just had haagen daz strawberry cheesecake! ahhh i'm an icecream freak.

on a healthier note, KIWI fruit! :]

the studying period- my bio notes (hi faith i used your glitter pen hahh thanks)/chocolate cake in a messy state/the night when i watched the rain/bubblegum photo because i was getting too bored studying.i have a pic of a bigger bubble but this is nicer. bubbleyum!
i need a new camera and phone and soon, a laptop. gadget girl ! i want red gadgets. i loveee red gadgets.
i've been searching for recipes all night long because i want to bake, terribly.all that searching is also making me hungry.
i'm craving mac and cheese now. the kenny rogers one. :p
and i'm going to attempt smores brownies and maybe coffee double choc cookies tomorrow
and one day i'll make those olio pasta and lagsana and peanut butter cookies and... the list goes on.