Monday, October 30, 2006
the As and Os are coming and will come and go just like that. all the best for them! trust God to bring you through and more so, his plans for you!
i don't think i'll be very happy on results day judging by how i'm doing, how much i'm still unclear about, how many chunks of information i've yet to memorise, but (refer above). and i await the spare time. meanwhile, i'm not advancing very well in term of covering topics and doing papers but i'm not too hard on myself because i don't like to stress myself out and i don't think it's worth it. so i'm taking it easier than other people (this means i still watch tv when i take meals, watch the 9 oclock show and ANTM and come blog once in a while...). this is not me giving up, don't be mistaken because i haven't and won't until the 23rd :)
off exams, yesterday marked our last sunday service at poh huat road. the last 8-9 years there have no doubt left me with many fond memories but there's a future that awaits too, that is muchos exciting! some recollection: years ago, sunday school was at the 'upper room', then the cabin, where we also spent some of our ym times.. then there was tani and now we're moving out of the familiar hougang into bukit timah. i'm quite a sentimental person and i'll miss the place but not as much as if i were to leave the church. i got thinking yesterday and i figured that it'll be very difficult for me to uproot if i had to. oh well, just a thought.
ok study hard everyone! if you don't have exams go do your homework lah! :P
Saturday, October 28, 2006
food for company
food entry!
tonight, i made my own dinner !

ok i cheated. this is packet add-water-and-milk-and-boil pasta. still, it's one step closer to being domesticated. one day i'll learn how to cook preperly. but never mind if that day doesn't come, no biggiee. and i went supermarketing alone, guess what i got asides from milk and yoghurt ...

HALF BAKED! :) yes finally i decided that this is worth the fat and i can divide it into 2 servings. so i still have about 1/3 left for tomorrow :D icecream makes me happy! icecream and chocolate? DOUBLY HAPPY!
when i cannot go shopping, magazines are my best friend!
ohhh and i've got alot of money too. don't tell you why. :P

sandwich picture from the other day. current best food: sandwiches! what really got me started were the 7eleven quickbites sandwiches. filling and nice ;) so i try to save money and make my own! i love sandwich!
Monday, October 23, 2006
countdown: 9 days to the start of the A LEVELS.i feel like our school term did not end properly. firstly, the farewell concert was a disappointment. like most people, it felt more like a teachers' day concert and dedication platform rather than a farewell. our concert's supposed to be for us, not 70% for thanking teachers. yes be grateful but do that at the right time. secondly, the final final exams are coming sooner than you know and the prelims are still hanging at Es.
but there's also consolation and assurance.
- we got back our GP mock papers today and this is proof that my prelim was just a test went wrong. my i dare not hope too much because GP is relatively unpredictable. you never know what's going to come out, how the cambridge examiners will grade the essay...
- math mocks earlier. average but yeah, improvement! i almost want to say i like math. i like doing stats but i haven't reached the point of liking math. math results are directly proportional to the amount of effort put in and amount of practice.
- A levels will start and end in no time. once it starts, time passes double quick! looking forward to the end, 23rd. there are so many things to do after that and i have it all planned in my head. so many activities to do, places to go.
- visit vivocity (just in time for grand opening and haze-free, hopefully) & tampines ikea. drool over candy in candy empire (now i can only settle with gawking over the picture in the newspaper) , spend one whole day or more exploring shops without that little nagging voice. spend time in ikea letting innovation take its course and hopefully i'll revamp the room. eat swedish meatballs and hotdog buns, buy swedish snacks.
- go for class outings and gatherings and catch-up sessions with the current class and the secondary school girlfriends! :) visit people's house(you all can come over to my house anytime! bake bake but i got no zapzap)
- exercise! extra intensive over the 2 weeks post-a levels. reason being, GRAD NIGHT! who wouldn't want to look good. but i have to get a dress chopchop i won't have much time
- i can spend ym camp and ycomm camp absolutely free of mugging and homework. play all the way!
- workworkwork. extra income is good, VERY GOOD.
just keep thinking of the things you'll do and depression be gone!
i guess some of us will still land up in the same university. where else can you go, there are limited choices if you're staying in singapore. so see you in due time (this is not the end)
Friday, October 20, 2006
i've stayed home for 3 days already (today i was supposed to go for gp remedial and yesterday i was down for math mocks) and boy have i had sufficient sleep! simply eat, medicine, sleep, study a while, eat, medicine, sleep. i don't regret missing gp remedial though i know it would have been quite useful, because i feel a lot better now than i did in the morning.
i've been missing my icecream and chocolate. :(
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
me down with flu. -coughcough-
monday night runny nose. tuesday sore throat and runny nose. tuesday night- fever, slept 15 hours, today- blocked nose, insensitive taste buds, slightly blocked ears, sexay voice! it's a really bad time to be ill. i went 2 whole days without touching revision. now i need to make up for all the lost time.stupid haze.
we had farewell concert yesterday, the last official school day. no more flag raising, running up lucky heights, being late for lectures, ponning tutorials, eating during tutorials, toilet trips, put bag at stage and go opposite for lunch,eyecandy-talk, periodic food craze ... but there're still many chances to see each other this is not the end. see, there's A levels, the gp extra lessons, grad night, collection of testimonials, collecting results...
eyin: we clash. we CLASHH. i don't think we go one day without having any disagreement. but they don't get in the way of anything so i guess it doesn't matter. and there aren't all that many days since someone keeps ponning school. more than ponning school, ponning PE. i'll remember how you finish up my cereals, finish up my granola bar crumbs, come to school a few minutes after me and we sit at the parade square talking until other people come. EYEC! (OH it spells half of EYECandy!) ahahhahah hahahahha

caryn: scary emilyrose at mardi gras, ftong's favourite friend, 4.5 inch stilettos, fleamarket, gossiping, best impersonator. we the chocoholics! sugar , chocolate and all things nice! HONEYDEEWW watermelon and PAPAYAHH. the baking queen! i never met someone who bakes more often. thanks to you we have sweet apple crumble and muffins and cookies to look forward to. to many more foodie outings to come! :)

jeri: what to say, i have nothing left to say already! you're the best JC pal i have! asides from not being in the same OG and house and pdp, we've been in the same SCG 27, same CG29/05, we dropped econs, take the same route home, go out to study, go to the gym, share interesting 'findings' on certain 'so & so's , spy for each other(mousie1 and 2, twiggies, 60, whoelse), talk about your cat, my hamster... anything and everything under the sun! luckily you like tutu kweh and i like chocolate &icecream and ..., you don't like chocolate and i kinda like kweh. ahhaha. how about dim sum?

*i leave the rest to another time, its 4pm already!
Monday, October 16, 2006
these are my fats
for most of my life, as far as i can recall, i never was fat or plump.
i was a chubby baby, then i started to fall ill more often at around 3 or 4 years old. most of the baby fat was gone by then. actually no point mentioning this.
in primary school, my aunt used to weigh my almost everyday and go on and on about how my wrist was so small and how i was too skinny. i remember the weighing as inaccurate but yes i was quite boney. then, i loved to have macdonalds big breakfast for lunch before boarding the school bus (and watch cartoon network). when i went to faith's house during the hols, we would visit the 'mama shop' quite often and spend money on junk food. you know, it's a wonder how much energy children use. if i ate that amount now i'd be highly obese.
in sec 2, we swore by lunch at yoshinoya.
breaks were great because we ate nasi briyani. then in sec 4, people started getting conscious and i figured, somehow, though i don't recall much of it,that i shouldn't eat so much. so my morning to lunch diet basically consisted of wangwang biscuits, tau sa pau, the green vege drink which i still drink alot of these days(they're not as disgusting as they look!), blahblah maybe i ate somemore when i got home but i don't remember. i think that was approximately when fats started accumulating more as subcutaneous fat.
i've tried to look through past photos to pin-point where the fat accumulation actually started but i can't, because tummy fats wasn't in my vocabulary and eating was a matter of financial affordability, not the calorie affordability. now i have an abundance of savings but not much to spare on the calorie side. i exercise more than i ever did in secondary school. but why is it that as people get older, the more difficult it is to get rid of fats? i'm not talking mass here but visible fat. why do some people eat and not get subc. fat? why don't i eat less and not more due to examinations? whywhywhy?
the point here is, my weight is like a sigmoidal curve and i'm at the maximum of the y axis now. i hope this is the maximum. when you hit the top for something like this, the only way had better be down. and fyi, i have haagen daz strawberry cheesecake and rum raisin icecream, 4 slabs of chocolate, and unmuffin muffins at home now. i don't want to become fat teen! 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, fatteen.
thank god for the gym. the haze is polluting my lungs and i never realised the importance of air conditioning. we ponned our last bio lecture, our last bio tutorial, and yay tomorrow! camwhoring!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
it's mid october already and this means that i'm two weeks away from the big exams and 1 month and 1 week away from 8 month-long break. i'm getting mixed feelings about... everything, from graduating to A levels and YCOMM! this is going to sound slightly emotional. i'm sentimental like that. i take some time to get used to having certain portions of the life i'm accustomed to taken out. and no better time to have an entry to bring you down my memory lane.
we just had our last ycomm meeting just now, officially. the next one will be during comm retreat. i didn't know this earlier because i thought we were going to have a november meeting. it didn't exactly dawn on me that i'm going to miss being part of the comm SO MUCH. actually i haven't reached a final decision about staying/leaving the comm but i would most probably step down. maybe i'll hang around as mentos(or as mini mentos first, haha. mentos is like an alumni) but i was thinking on the way home and yes there's alot to be missed which cannot possibly be contained in this entry i'm going to need to write a long essay if i were to recount. 3 years of monthly (or more frequent) meetings, june and december retreats, the people i got to work with (half the YM at least). and i just went to dig up some old folders which i will go through again after exams,all the good ol' memories. photos speak more than words so, photos it shall be! i'll caption the photos.
in december 2003, the first comm camp i attended and was publicity i/c in 2004. this is sam josh sam and i by the way. i don't have any other photos of 2004. you know, we comm people never ever had one proper shot together as a comm. :( not in 2004, not in 2005, but this year will be different!
2004 is the year of very interesting meetings at evan's house, where we deplete her food supply. half the time i'll be lost, trying to/can't be bothered to figure out what the rest are talking about. now you know why i didn't contribute as much. :P and i think this was the year of "we love you and we're all the same age!"
this was in 2005, on darryl's birthday. this is an almost-complete comm photo. i think we're missing shawn sinyi evan and uyh. still had long meetings. this was my first year as pres. and the road has been made smoother thanks to the supportive bunch of you. we all support each other!
2006, when our meetings shifted to the "table and chair" room and meeting agendas were tabulated, minutes were very well organised. and our comm is 1/4 the regular YMers. this is a photo of us having brownies with icecream during june comm camp. we love our breaks! end-year camp coming up!
this is not meant to sound odd or very unlike me but i want to plan more meetings and comm retreats and have meetings and pray for the YM as a comm and ... (if i step down, the next pres is not supposed to slack and ask me to do for you arh! :P i'll miss doing them but i won't do for you)
the reason why i'm going to miss it so much is because it's been a big part of my life. the ym has been and will always be. more than any school will be because i've been in the YM for a good 6 years already. i know i'm technically supposed to be joining the young adults next year but i'll always be a YMer (I'll PON YACELL FOR YM!) all the years in YM i never really pictured the day when i'll be out of ym. nah, i won't be. you'll still see me whether you like it or not.
and then there's TJ. half of me wants it to be over as soon as possible, free me from this torture! but the other half will miss going to school, having fun with OG15, ponning lectures and tutorials, being OGL for o2 and o1 2006, and most of all, CG29/05! although we're kinda clique-ish, i still love our class! tuesday's going to be our farewell assembly for our batch.
OG15 was good while it lasted. we were almost the longest lasting bonded OG in terms of having OG lunches every wednesday. then week by week the numbers started to dwindle and one day it was 0 and then we didn't really talk anymore thanks to stupid school system of CG and SCGs last year.

then there was SCG 27 for 3 months. back then we didn't have to worry about schoolwork (of course some people do) and could lunch out as often as we liked. it's always the same 8 people though. (see above) to TAU SUAN TIMES, fuzzywuzzy, piffling! and scg 27 reunions that never came to pass. oh well, we still have a forum thread right? 

the people i spent the most time with in school
CG 29! there's too much to say
ok that's it. next entry after farewell assembly. must remember to bring camera. for now, i leave you with all these photos.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
i want to visit vivo city soon :)
although i think this tiny island singapore has a saturation of shopping centres, i'm not complaining. it's quite a intergral part of our life, or has evolved to be. going out, here, translates mostly into shopping. compulsive shopping is on it's way to becoming a psychiatric condition. singapore: shopping, eating, truly.
anyway back to
vivo city, i think the concepts pretty good, with outdoor facilities like a fun pool, outdoor greenery, amphitheatre. shops list is quite good too, foodstuff like ben and jerry's, bakerzin, secret recipe, CANDY EMPIRE!, fashion like GAP, forever 21, and a huge GV cinema. most importantly, it's at harbourfront,on the NEL. no more ''passengers may alight and change to the north-south line'', just one train ride to harbourfront!
i'm getting tired, no i mean lathargic,no both.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
saturday fun!
we had a 'photoshoot'-like thing earlier in the afternoon. we're life size direction boards pointing people to places at SIM namly for the first few weeks(i hope it's weeks only and not months). this way, i'll be in church every week! (i don't have to go for service already, haha. kidding). i think our signs are going to be very funny don't laugh too much when you see them
me, (the hedgehog) and samrabbitsim

then went for dinner at shatec's shavilla with the whole of my parents cell group. went to support my cousin cos he's was the CHEFFFFF. anyway, food photos at

me and candice. (candice your eyes were closed in the other photo :P)

i'm uploading a blur photo because the other one's with flash and i don't like flash
Friday, October 06, 2006
the weekdays of the week are over! :)
and i haven't exercised from sunday. and boy do i feel flabbier. not only flabbier, i feel guilty too.
to make it worse, i brought myself to cold storage after gp mocks to do some food stock-up. luckily i have enough self control to not grab everything in my sight that looks yummy. so i ended up with a pack of mochi (new found supermarket buy!), three 200ml tubs of yoghurt (i think i can start living on yoghurt) and a can of MOCHA!! (yay mocha my current addiction)
if you've read yesterday's life section of the newspp, you would have seen the column on the chopstick sisters, the hollywood chopsticks of today. i must say some of those are extreme. i can understand the less extreme cases like lindsay lohan and the likes, but where i cease understanding is when i see pictures of nicole ritchie, especially the cover picture where she looked like she was going to collaspe jogging anytime. she doesn't even look a tad bit good sporting that "old lady" look. give and take some computer edits, it still can't be anywhere near good. scary how the mind works.
i've learnt yesterday in gp that there's no such word as 'deproved'. to think i have been cheated into using it almost my whole life. but someone should make that an official word since 'improve' must have a close opposite. deteriorate isn't close enough :P
my weekend is going be packed.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
usually my dreams revolve around what happened in the day. and it did, again. today i took a nap for 4+ hours because i was having a runny nose (justified) and i had a nice and funny dream.heh. hahahahahahaha. i woke up laughing at myself but i wish i didn't have to wake up :]
i'm much better now though i think it's just because i'm avoiding thinking or talking about the prelims. as long as i keep away from that topic, my life is fine and dandy. and i find no reason to make my life miserable.
sometimes ignornance is bliss for gp, the more i know, the less i score. the less i read, (not that the score is good, but it is better than when i feel like i know more)
Monday, October 02, 2006
(just like the GP (damn gp) passage says, the inundation of technology has led to a loss of character-building and that's just the case now. i type what i type now on impulse because i can do this is seconds. i can hit the 'publish post' button just like that, without giving seconds thoughts to what i'm about to say)
i don't think i can consolidate my thoughts now
everything's jumbled in my head
i know people care about me but i'd like to be left alone.
think cry pray sleep, whatever i must do, in private before i start talking to people.
i don't feel like going to schooooooolllllll
i know i'm a little selfish here because i'm not the only one feeling like that.
i'm supposed to be leading worship this saturday i really don't know how i can prepare for it given the circumstance but i can try it's not impossible
ok i failed gp.(?!w?!t?!?h?) right. how can i fail gp at prelims. mind you it's the lowest grade i ever got, ever. it's not like i have no knowledge whatsoever, neither is my english atrocious. i don't know what went wrong (right now i don't want to either) how come everyones improving but i'm stuck, not only stuck but deproving.
it's difficult to even think positive now. and negative to the point where i get on the bus and i see a seat right at the back of the upper deck with words "loser no. 1" vandalised on it with liquid paper probably by some ah beng out there. hey i was tempted to go sit there ok but that'll be stupid. oh by the way, no i'm not hallucinating. hallucinating's not my thing.
this is NOT only about GP, it's also about everything else.