Monday, November 27, 2006
this is the ultimate slacker life. i woke up from a 9-10 hour sleep, then i took brunch and a little bit of snacks, and now i'm going to take a nap again.
nice rainy weather
i better start packing later. wow ym camp is tomorrow! excited x 10000

so today we went to city hall to celebrate the nov birthdays. guys i tell you, please learn to be punctual or at least only slightly late and not majorly 1 and a half hours late your future girlfriends will get pissed with you forever. so we were left with not many choices in terms of places to eat because at 8freaking30 almost all the places were closed and we ended up at nydc having a hilarious and expensive(21.40) dinner, and sharing 5 (or is it 6? lol) mudpies for dessert

Friday, November 24, 2006
this is a bad situation. my grad night is less than 2 weeks away and i haven't found any dress to my liking. nice pretty party dresses that fit well are the most difficult to find! i combed the whole of vivo today and the whole of far east and i don't find suitable dresses. i want to find nice dresses! :( pooiiiee. i don't want anything too plain and i don't want to get a dress for the sake of getting a dress so i'd better find something i like really soon. reallyyy really soon. ordering online isn't an option either because it'll probably take more than two weeks. its not that i didn't want to order beforehand but there were no cheap nice dresses! the nicer ones were all expensive.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
i'm so happy and relaxed i decided to blog more
i'm now in 1 massive msn convo. good ol' days of online crapping with the ymers. hahha and another group convo i think i'm getting confused
anyway my brain has begun its deteriorating process and now you can tell that i'm more blur already.
its 1.42am and here i am again.
i'm starting to think this is getting more fun.
now i can bake all i want,
go out all i want,
do all the YM-related stuff i want,
stay online as long as i want,
watch as many dvds as i can,
shop as often as i like,

this is our celebratory haagen daz icecream
our class earned a 50$ voucher from the school when we got top 10 in napfa. the chocolatey bowl and the berry bowl.
in the chocolatey bowl is vanilla caramel brownie, midnight cookies and cream and cookies and chocolate. topped with crushed cookies and hot fudge. in the berry bowl is raspberry sorbet, summer berries and cream, and strawberry. topped with..strawberries and almond flakes. YUMMEH!

this, ARE my STACKS of notes and tys. if i were to pile them up, they would well be around 1 metre. 2 files for each subj. these notes have sentimental value. i've spent 2 years flipping and disfiguring them, but, i'm more than happy to chuck them aside.
OVEROVERFINALLY! this was the time i was waiting for, for what seemed like forever! and now it's finally arrived! but yet again, i think it hasn't sunk in yet so when we were at vivo today(yes i finally also broke my suaku-ism by visiting the most talked about mall in singapore) we weren't feeling all that happy as we thought we would have been. vivo city wasn't exactly as fascinating as i thought it out to be when i first heard about it. but they do have a whole range of shops and a huge f21 which is so very good! :)
when we were busy mugging we kept thinking about the end and all the fun waiting there but when you finally get there, there's the empty mugging space to fill, firstly, then i realise i keep asking myself "ok what will i do when i get home?" now it's not a matter of "no time". but you know what, maybe it's because i've already started happy-ing the past 3 days. go chinatown, online shopping...
so for now, i need to plan what i want to do. first up, SHOPPING! i'm so excited i'm going shopping for the whole day tomorrow with my mom. i have to find my prom stuff.looking for more of a party dress rather than a gown. not a big fan of gowns, dan yam and the likes, too formal for me. and maybe i'll head down to orchard also... maybe suntec.. :D and to help my shopping spree, right now i'm selling my stuff to make room. OKKKKK
i really hope the bank my mom works at have temp jobs. i'm quite excited about going to work even if the pay is not very high.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
i know sometim back i was all excited about taking up stuff like dance and whatnots after my exams, going exercise alotttt. but now i think i just want to go out with my friends, get a job, and still exercise.
i hope the bank my mom's working at has vacancies and will hire temp. anyway the next thing i'll do is apply for relief teaching it pays pretty damn well! :)
worship retreat and studying tmr, then wheeee
Monday, November 20, 2006
i went out today!
we were supposed to be out lunching and studying but look at what it became. no one really brought stuff to study although we planned to study. so we ended up heading to city hall, to bugis and then to chinatown. ooo, chinatown has really good stuff for DIY and even more than arab street. speaking of arab street, i was able to find us the way to the charm shop which means my sense of direction is not bad :) haha so at chinatown, i found cheaper gold chains, nice elastic belt clasps, etcetc. clothes may not be as good as orchard but the accessories beat orchard's.
yup, so today was a really fun filled day. never in one month have i been out shopping for so long. 10-6. we are quite amazing. it's the effect of (not so full) release. we only do this because mcq is on thurs and we have TIME! i slept for about 2 hours only last night but i'm still up and running and energetic, well, not now but earlier. now i'm just watching tv wasting away my time waiting to sleep. must be the adrenaline.
last night i was thinking about all the things i'll be doing. thursday is haagen daz with the class to spend the voucher we got from being top 10 in napfa. friday is vivocity with mom. saturday's YM's megajunkfood, sunday (or sat) is out with kayak gang. and soon, clan outing and huanggong gathering and YM CAMP! :) i'm so excited about christmas too!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
we had ym anniversary today! retro theme! but no one really dressed retro lah.
i'm sorry my speech was kinda impromptu cos i was trying to figure what to say last night but sometimes i er, get distracted so i start looking at photos while trying to make the ppt slides. anyway, to refine what i said and to add on because i couldn't be too long-winded just now, i didn't want to take up too much time.

the YM has really been where i found great people and a fantasticwastic GOD! friends that will be there to encourage me, to listen when i talk and whine, to go shopping with me, get high with me, go kayaking, and be that little nagging (in a good way) conscience in me to hold me accountable, make sure i have done what i'm supposed to, be that brother and sister in Christ who will love you with the love of Christ (i know sometimes we don't but we try)
and among the great friends are those in the YCOMM! i know i forgot to mention you guys just now but i really appreciate you all and all you have contributed and helped me. from the time i first joined the comm and "WE LOVE YOU WE'RE ALL THE SAME AGE", the times we stayed up late just to evaluate and type nonsense on the screen, the comm retreats where we bake brownies, sit comfy during meetings, go night jogging. comm meetings that have dragged on an on but now are much better thanks to tabulated agenda and the feasting during meetings, i know it's been difficult sometimes but we'll continue to be A Great leader, not leaders but a leader, together, with God as our leader as we lead the YM. (and all of you should join the comm because we have much fun and you'll love the comm!)
and thank God too for the KayakGANG although we keep adding on people as we go along but, yes, the original people and plusplus people like jol cand glen .. i remember the (not so pleasant) elmo times, when camp comm meetings meant kayaking at east coast and late nights at tani crapping away about whatever caltex fill yourself up with petrol, take a picture of the sky and guess where, peanut butter nonsense. waste time but these are the stuff that i'll remember above the stuff we planned for the camp (maybe it's just because my brain has amazing storage power for useless information) but still, it's always good to have a bunch of people who always celebrate your birthday, we celebrate each others bdays! and yes we'll make it up for those we did not. :)
yes and SAM JASMINE AND I date wayyyy back. we were the "charlies angels"? apparently (so corny who gave us this name?) i prefer we call ourselves the elmo, ernie and bigbird (and cookie monster sinyi) anyway I LOVE YOU GIRLIES! sam, for always saying that she stuck to me cos of the precious moments bible but i guess i'm really thankful for that bible then! jasmine my good friend in secondary school and will always be. i rmb you were my dp leader once :) together we braved the horrendous storms of the O levels and now the now As and poly assignment life. but we still have each other, SHOPPING BUDDIES!
and more than all that, the YM's where i really found God for myself, in the middle of my YM life. no matter how far i drifted, when i go back to YM, He's always there and even for a while, God is back again and once in a while there will be some song or some verse that spoke volumes about the situation. i think it's wonderful how at times we have these sermons and camps and we'll see a massive response from the YMers, that step to rededicate, to renew and surrender, that really puts me in awe of the way He works. so it's my wish that the YM continues to grow in His strength, to live daily for Christ and have that passion for Him.. to be that star that shines, the light that glows, the ambassador for Christ in church and during weekdays, to be filled with love for each other that can only come from a loving God.
so i'll be here in the YM for as long as i can manage because i love the YM!

this is what yihui's group did for "what the YM means to me" and i like it cos its colourful! and also cos it has almost everyone in it(see those little stick figures) and the rest of the presentations were wonderful too, from the heart :) and if you've read till the end of this whole entry and not cheated, i've all the videos from just now, some cut short but still the essence is captured, if you want them, ask me for it preferably after the 23rd so i have time to stay online for as long as the thing takes to be sent.
oh yes, happy birthday esther kwan!!! the kwan fei!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
wahhh i'm so pissed now.
the chem paper 2 was pui for me
reason being, nothing from thermochem came out which sucks because i spent time on thermochem and i know how to do thermo. and it's plain weird that they didn't have a single question on thermo this year (!??!)
and of all things, they set question after question on hydrolysis for organic. urghhh. all those electrolysis stuff, bonding, why Br not reactive, why I2 don't react with Fe2+, why CuI reaction not feasible but will occur etcetc. my chem goneeeeee. :(
ok going to study bio and do chem mcqs.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINYI!<3confession time.
i haven't been mugging hard the past 3 days although i said i was going to
i slept most of friday,
was out most of saturday and today
of course i took a 4 hour nap today too.
i haven't been shopping in a long time, i know most of you exam people probably wouldn't have too. i think i'm getting more
suaku. anyway that extends to my wardrobe also, which hasn't seen anything new lately and this is where my creative juices are supposed to come in but i can't mix/match/createnewlook because... because ..:(
ok anyway after my exams i'm going shopping and use my savings. thanks to school and exams i now have alot of moolahhhhh! $$ chingggchinggg. :( my muscles wasting away already, they are 'de-firming' plus i can't go jogging even if i wanted because it always rains, the gym is so far away and i'm getting lazy! howhowhowhwhwowhow
wow i went to cold storage earlier and they were stocking up on christmas goodies. one whole row of shelves of nicely packaged festive chocolates and candies, spell consumerism.
i love ben and jerry's chubby hubby! :)
Thursday, November 09, 2006
we're halfway through the A levels already! :D
now's the time i take a little breather, get some rest, then start the engine again.
4 more papers, spread out all the way till 23rd. i'm not sure how many more days till the 23rd because i don't know today's date. oh ya it's the 9th? anyway i keep thinking today's friday.
how were the papers? i found them quite alright. i know some people thought that they weren't but i guess it's all a matter of expectations and standards. to me, being able to do most of the paper, leave no question entirely blank, have some time to check through a couple of questions, that's good compared to the past few examinations. i want to get at least an A since i've never gotten it, hopefully 2 but ABB would be fine by me too. (AAA would be a miracle)
i'm done with math! no more binomial normal poisson hypo testing estimation CLT (but i still like stats), no more differentiation, integration, trigonometry AP GP sigma functions and all that crap. speaking of math, i have one thing to comment on, about the math paper. WHY IS THERE LOG?! i never learnt log in JC, i know i learnt log in secondary school but i might as well have not learnt it because i still cannot do log for nuts. so i managed to recall that log-base-9-nine is 1, so something's better than nothing.
chem paper 3- food chem was good :] i like food. but it just so happened that the inorganic chem that i slaved over didn't come out as expected. out comes one question on AgNO3 and whatnots which was the section i happily skipped because i can't seem to memorise that. never mind about that, but transition elements, beryllium, thermal stability never come out? so much for tutors predicting questions ahemmmm, they better come out for paper 2. i'm going to try to mug hard for paper 1 and 2 because you never know what one mark can do for you.
bio- paper 2 was fine. didn't finish writing my ecology essay though. nothing else to say but i hope i get an A for bio. :/ right now i don't know if this is a little too out of my league but i cherish the nothing-is-impossible hope and will continue to.
yesterday i was daydreaming about christmas. imagine all that christmas shopping, the pretty decorations lining orchard road and that holiday air. :) and our huanggong dinner!
on the other hand, my nose bled last night and again this morning. it was due to the force of me blowing my nose. i have to blow my nose everyday, sneeze in the morning or night or both, and it's something i've grown to live with. i do of course get irritated with this problem, especially when i am in the middle of studying and have to stop and wait for the sneezing to pass then get back to work, after which my nose would either be blocked on one side or i'll have to keep blowing it. tissue paper, i cannot live without tissue paper. but the nose bleed was quite scary because i press my nose and out came fresh red oxyhaemoglobin-ed blood. eeew.
Monday, November 06, 2006
hello everyone who's studying for bio! there's so much to memorise i'm overwhelmed now and i don't know how i'm going to cram all that in, in one night. i've been trying the whole afternoon already. and i still have a few more topics of math to cover. :/ since there's so much to remember, may God bless you now with
- chunks of information that have RFM>68000, that they can't ever be ultrafiltrated out and will stay in the blood.
- brains half like the Golgi Apparatus, to have a cis end, where ER vesicles of info fuse but no trans end where GA vesicles can bud off from.
- memory like ...enzymes that lower activation energy and increase the rate of reaction so that you remember faster and go through notes faster.
- ... and myoglobin that has a high affinity for oxygen and which only dissociates when partial pressure is very low.
Friday, November 03, 2006
today's the first day of the A's and since it's 11:59, i have only one minute left to call it 'today'. exam jitters: it starts the night before, not being able to sleep easily.i stayed awake for a slightly longer time than usual and my mind start drifting, which eventually led to slumber. but then i woke up to the vibration of the handphone at approximately 530am and only managed light sleep after. then i woke up and got a blocked nose (not a good start!). never mind.
fast forward.. while climbing up the stairs to the exam room i got that sudden spurt of adrenaline(or whatever hormone yadahhh) that made me want to smile. it's so exciting don't you think? it's starting and the first (or one of the last, but if you prefer to look at life as a series of examinations or tests then no, it's only the start) important exam is going to end sooner than i know. yup, but in case you start mistaking me for a psychopath, well, i'm not! i think i only smile knowing that i will soon be released from some of those ugly restricting 'chains' that tie down us exam-takers. i didn't mention that 23rd is tha day we have freedom because i am reminded that totally freedom is idealistic and quote "one must give up claims to iindividual freedom in order to know the best way to ..." i can't remember. anyway, 23rd nov is when we have FREEDOM, and that's our definition of freedom, which is not what society defines freedom but who cares!
the GP paper was, how do i put it... weird. quite weird. but since everyone thought so i guess i'm alright and normal. let's start with the essay. when i first flipped the paper, er, i flipped. ok not really but almost. first thought "what kind of questions are these?!" i think last years paper was better. at least it was the only paper i got a 60 for! anyway, i had to choose right, so i chose "how far is your country prepared for future crises?" :/ i don't really like talking about singapore but i had to choose the best out of the horrible lot. i hope that was the right choice. the compre short questions were ok but when it came to summary and AQ, totally bleaaahh. firstly, i spent alot of time trying to find content for the summary and re-reading the question. the AQ was the killer of the paper. why must the author be that abstract. it's like ahhh, philosophy... for aq? i tried. i tried to understand the philosophical view behind it and some of my phrasing was (in exchange for the abstract statement), kinda abstract too. i hope it didn't go out of point. pooey. :/
i think the examination period has taught me important lessons (oooo!). firstly, i'm becoming a more optimistic person. it's been a long time since i was the most optimistic one but i figured that it is very important to stay positive and not let anything bring you down, especially at the crucial juncture where breakdowns are the worst case scenario. therefore people, stay happy :) smiley face! secondly (and finally), exams and results are not everything and it's not the end. i know this statement has been repeated many times but more often than not, it floats over my head then floats away but now it makes sense. i've been thinking alot, by this i mean daily, about what to do in the future, what if my results turn out like crap, which career path to take... and why i make more sense out of that piece of 'advice' is because i think i'm beginning to leave this aspect more in God's hands + trust. good, prayers half answered.
back to same old story, i have been eating alot (it's comforting to know i'm not the only one but that's not a good thing) and i feel like some glutton. somehow i have no recollection of consuming more during o level period. now i shall steer clear of any sleeveless or fitting clothes. ewww i am very digusted but it's psychological thing. it's very difficult to restrict eating and study at the same time. after this i promise i will exercise everyday and shed the extra flab and feel healthier.