Friday, December 29, 2006
one reason why i haven't blogged in the past 3 days is mainly due to the slower internet speed i hope it picks up soon. i take forever to log into blogger but today i have the patience to sit and wait a few minutes.
another reason is my hurt foot. not that my foot has a direct impact on my typing hands but it affects me. if you're wondering what on earth happened to my foot... i had a slight sprain on tuesday night. i was meeting the christmas party comm for our appreciation dinner which we gladly 'bestowed' on ourselves. heh self-appreciation. anyway i already set foot in cartel and was one step away from our seat when THAT one step had to be the one where i twist my ankle. no i didn't twist it for no reason it was because the floor was slightly wet and i think my heels didn't have much friction blahblahblah.
yah so i took mc on wednesday and spent my day bumming at home. bumming meaning full out BUMMMINGGGG. my fridge is packed with food from christmas (no not turkey and ham, though we did have that but they're long gone). it's packed with stuff i love the best, chocolate and candy! and i just discovered that 'butterfinger' - a candy bar which retails at candy empire for 2.50 but only 1.30 at ntuc (don't you loveee ntuc. stupid CE) is niceeee. i think i have a recent attraction to peanut butter. it kinda tastes like the candy we bought once from opposite school. one of those candy from the olden days. but this is coated with chocolate. double yum!

the past two days i went back to work of course. 3rd jan is gonna be quite a busy day.
i'm excited! we're having a countdown and stayover at my house on sunday! wheeee. hahha and we'll watch movies and we'll have girl talk and :):):):)
and this is the time of the year when i get a odd thrill out of telling people 'see you next year!' it sounds so distant but it's in fact only a couple of days away. you know you know?!?!?! :)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
woah i slept for approximately 16 hours. from 9plus to 1plus. so i was all recharged today. today, i cleared my cupboard and tidied it up. i also dug out some old photos, like this one.

this was at church camp 1999 in hotel sofitel, JB. this was the sunday school of that time. now try clicking on it to enlarge and spot people like samantha sim, samuel sim, yihui, yan, faith, sherms, shirlynn, jillian, etcetc. :)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
christmas is almost here again! each day passes so fast and now it's the 24th again. 4 days after my birthday already. heeeheee although this is may not be the best time to sing "it's beginning to feel alot like christmas", christmas isn't really about the atmosphere, lights, logcakes or santa. it's about gifts. no not any ordinary storebought present put under the christmas tree, but the gift of life and the gift of christ. that's why it's CHRISTmas.
so this year i baked presents again. i baked cupcakes instead of cookies. they turned out quite nice but the icing, using orange essence was a wrong choice it tastes like my medicine. anyway hope you all liked it i think it looked pretty! hahaha. i made about 60+ cupcakes including the ones i didn't give out because i totally messed up the icing on those. and i stayed up until 6am to complete everything, slept for 2 hours then woke up and left for christmas service! :) but i like to handmake my presents.

here are my pretty cuppieeecakes.
i was supposed to have dinner tonight with the class girls. but alot of people couldn't make it so it was cancelled. so here i am at home with my eyes closing and my system ready to switch to sleep mode in 5 seconds.
we had a YM CHRISTMAS party yesterday and praise God for the many newcomers who came. i'm quite sure they outnumbered the ymers. that's because so many people were overseas (next year you all better stay in singapore and not run anywhere during such important periods) but anyway, yes, it was very good! and the party was super fun all went well and yup our efforts are not wasted and once again our prayers were answered. i always find it a joy to plan stuff like christmas party yay next up to plan is ym camp! wheeee christmas party comm must have a debrief cum appreciation meal!

the decorations made by jolene and team. LOVELY SNOWFLAKES! they're hanging from the ceiling.

krispy kremes brought back by the mission trippers from indonesia!! :)
christmas presents from today! which reminds me, i haven't taken out the presents from the huanggong gang! haha. love you all and thanks for everything!
heyyyy adecco hasn't paid me. i thought i'm supposed to be paid fortnightly. come on wheres my 600$!?
i want to watch love actually again but i feel sleepy. :/
Saturday, December 23, 2006
HG dinner
todays photos
work kept me busy the whole day. didn't really have time to slack and go to the toilet once every half hour. there were loads of stuff to clear. there were

cupcakes and chocolates going around.
then the huanggong girls met up for our annual dinner at swensens where most of us will end up eating baked rice just that this time, everyone ordered baked rice.

i love you dearssss. it's always great to meet up with you all around christmas and shar ethe joyyy of opening presents. this years presents were better! haha cos we got income or will have income. i will remember how we shared one cup of peppermint mocha, how we wave so many times just to get waiters to take a photo for us, and most of all, how we linked arms(without winnie :P) all the way to the NEL train at dhoby ghaut. so we were walking in a line behind this group of caucasians almost all the way to dhoby. then we were plotting to give them a shock by singing christmas carols. but cindy's loud voice foiled our plans and then the guy turned around and from then on kept turning around as if we were abit cuckoo (well, we kinda were a little crazy). then he tried to mimick us later on. lol ok we always do such crazy stuff.
ahh i think christmas party have alot of things to settle. maybe its just me but i really think theres alot to settle. i know they met up today really sorry i couldnt be there but maybe i'm just worrying too much. we all put in alot of effort into this and well, i'll have faith that it'll turn out good and our efforts won't go to waste! :)
i'll be baking presents for the ymers! hahha aiya i'll try to make for everyone. TRY. i really am pressed for time. i'm so tired now i'm going to sleep goodnight.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
birthday photos
here. waiting for jasmine and candice to upload.
hello and thank you to all my great friends firstly for remembering my birthday and for the wishes! :) appreciate it alot!!
so today i went to work as usual. aw darn i should have taken leave. anyway i met eyin for lunch, thanks for godiva chocolate bar! :) then it was dinner with the now extended kayak gang although we haven't went kayaking in a long time. went to vil'age for dinner.
thanks guys for the yummmm whatever its called triple mousse chocolate cake with the hazelnut thing below! and thanks to jasmine glenda candice jolene faith for the voucher earrings top postcard roc candy!! LOVEEEEEE!

all the people who made my birthday much more exciting than mundane work. YAY TO YOU ALL!
so i'm now officially of legal age and as most people who turn 18 do, me went to buy alcohol from 7-11! ok it wasn't really that much a thrill. the vodka was 6% and more of a fizzy drink. haha but still.
okkkkk goodnight. actually, you know what, i've got two triple layer chocolate cakes today. lol ok
you may want to know that i keep birthday smses from last year, 2005. i never deleted them from my phone. and this years smses will be kept in there too!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
my birthday is starting on a bad note. firstly due to the monthly discomfort. EUGHH. second day somemore :(
secondly, i'm going to work tomorrow. i contemplated taking leave but, oh well, i didn't in the end.
ok i'm tired and i don't know what to get everyone for christmas. candy empire ran out of jelly beans how sucky is that. i might go down to vivo on thursday because my trip to city hall today was crap i didn't get anything there was nothing nice to get
happy birthday everybody!
that sounded crazy ok i'm tired goodnight.
i hope the workload is lighter tmr. i hope no one comes to trouble me to look for this look for that although they won't know it's my birthday cos i don't announce my birthday to people i hardly even know. but yes, i secretly hope these.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
we gave out the christmas party prayer cookies today. some people actually said they were 'not bad'. ohh that's good! no but the cookie is not the point. then evan jolene and i went on street invitation and we gave out some christmas party invites to some students around there, so yup it was fruitful!

the top one is (no, was) my birthday present from mavis! :) ohhh they look so sweet i just had to admire them before i took a first bite. so i kept staring at and touching the icing while the girls went 'eat lah!' but i can't help it they're so pretty. you know, i never had so much icing in my life. this is icing week. yesterday we had icing overload from cookie baking and today i had two of such cupcakes.

went out with my darrliinnnns!
orchard on weekends is bad. orchard on a rainy weekend is the worst, especially when the passage to wisma is a temporary walkway.
got a few (by this i mean 4) christmas presents i really don't know what to get everyone. i guess i'll once again be making general bakestuff. maybe.
hi sam!
today i rebonded and dyed/highlighted my hair! :)
its abit flat now but it'll volumise more in days to come.
the highlights are not that obvious because it'll take a few washes for the colour to fade.
so yup, no more jet black hair,get used to it!
today we gave out the christmas party invites.

those who dont have i give you later. make sure you dont keep it all for yourself i know its pretty and all but make sure the most you keep is ONE and nothing more than ONE. give the rest to friends you want to invite. and do continue to keep the christmas party in prayer cos it will be THE EVENT that draws people to question and seek.

these are cookies we baked specially for (mainly) adults and young adults. attached are prayer pointers for the party and we want you all to pray along with us for this megaevent. i know maybe some cookies won't taste that nice but then stil do pray because we spent one whole night baking decorating and packing them.
Friday, December 15, 2006
actually work is getting better. i'm getting used to it and i should be able to go through with this for 3 months (now 2 months and 3 weeks to go). i'll make more lunch appointments, go out more after work. today some package arrived but i didn't get down to opening it. so when the guy came to open it, wow inside were BOXES OF GODIVA CHOCOLATES for a few of the office staff (of course none for me lahhh :( boooo) those are quite nice christmas presents they've got there!
i shall not blog more about work already it's boring.
so anyway, we had a clan dinner just now. :) i love meeting up with school mates! i think it's wonderful to have groups of friends that you know you'll still be close to in years to come. yay and we're going to have a stayover at my house right from 2006 to 2007! (hahah one year arhhh) no lah 31st to 1st.

(click on photo to get to photo album)
michelle jasmine bev send me photos from your cameras!! :)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
work is getting slightly better.
at least now i know winnie's at hsbc, which is near where i am.
and next week glenda will be at sakae which is around the area too
be my lunching buddie??? :o)
hahha anyway today the temp guy whos going to uni came back to the office and at least now i'm clearer about what i'm supposed to do and also 2 pairs of hands are better than one, so stuff got settled faster. but yes there's alot to remember and i'm afraid my poor brain is still taking a break after all those studying and exams in november. working is like studying all over again.
what can be filed what cannot.
which document to go to which person
which stack of papers to go into which mailing box
which number to what
get stuff from 4 diff places
where to store the stuff for archiving
the worst is when people come to find you to retrieve documents then you have to dig up from the drawer and folders, rummage and find the number. my eyes very tiredddd
now i hardly have time for shopping. i make sure i get off at 6:15pm. :P but i will be quite tired by then and i have no time to online shop even. :(
but i'll still meet people for dinner. i need to meet my friendssssssss
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
work takes up a whole day. its a 7am-8pm job really. wake up at 7am... get home at around 8pm.then i eat dinner watch tv and sleep. that's all for my day!? :( i feel like i'm wasting my life sorting documents. so uneventful, so repetitive, but i'll make it somehow.
i still don't have my card yet and it's really troublesome
faster someone come and accompany meeeee....
Monday, December 11, 2006
i forgot something, photos from yesterday
out with jasmine and glenda!

coffee club's muddy mud pie! :)

then i went off to the airport to send the mission team off.
and while i'm now at this, i might as well show you pictures of one raffles quay.

this is the linkway. pretty rainbow-coloured lights.

this is the pathway into the south tower, where abnamro's at.
soooooooooo i started work today
basically i'm the manual sorter around there
i collect documents from some printer that keeps printing stuff (i think they waste alot of paper) and sort them according to transaction reference numbers and country etc and then wait for another part of the doc then paper clip them all together, check against some report to make sure that the transaction has been settled, then put it into filing(archiving) when they are done. then i collect some other papers from another printer and sort them according to respective recepients from another department, put them in envelopes and i don't know what comes after that cos i havent finished that i'll continue tomorrow.
the thing is, it's actually quite complicated because there are certain documents in the same stacks that need to be given to specific people in the department so i have to extract them and 'deliver' them. there are so many things to note i actually took up one whole a4 to record what i need to remember. but i think i'll get better and faster as the days go by. i'm the 'i need to sort and organise my stuff' person but i don't know how far i can take sorting documents every weekday for 8+ hours. and they keep coming in throughout the day.
i'm already getting a little bored there. and there's no computer at my desk, all the more sian... and i have no access card yet so i have to borrow peoples card to get in and out of the room. so mafan. i hope my card comes soon. then i'll keep walking to the toilet, getting drinks (free vending machine drinks btw)
i hope they have more temp jobs available then all the other holiday slackers can come and work with meeeee. at least then i'll have someone my age to talk to and go to lunch with. clan outing when, confirmed? someone tell me please.
one thing i know for sure. no office/bank jobs for me in future. i'll be sick and tired of repetition.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
ok i didn't dye/highlight my hair today cos it would have taken quite a long time and i had to go for ym. and if i want to rebond my hair i would have to do it before i highlighted it so it'll take an even longer time blahblah. by next weekend i would have my hair done.
so i ended up going with my mom to ntuc, going home to take a short nap and then going for ym. i bought two tubs of ben and jerry's cos they were on offer. i got marshamarsha marshmallow and chubby hubby. i like chubby hubby. it has peanut butter with chocolate-coated pretzels! (i think i have a secret love for peanut butter, just that i don't eat it that often cos it's high in fat yadayada) i don't think the marshmallow's that wonderful. i would prefer it if they had large marshmallows and not like melted gooey toasted marshmallows. i like icecream with stuff in them. chubby hubby's interesting cos you have the chance to dig out those huge pretzel pieces.

oh yes i got timtams too! :) hahah 'dangerous liaisons'... sounds so 'sinful chocolate'-like. but this is not bad too. there's sticky vanilla cream in the middle. i prefer latte though.
we had christmas party meeting after ym today. we walked all the way from SIM to serene centre. on the way we decided that we would just go ahead and start the meeting while walking. so we opened in prayer while walking and then we got to macs and i ate a fast food meal for a first time in a long time. other times i just kope peoples fries. but i got the student meal but thats not the point. the meeting went well. we got quite a few stuff settled thanks to efficient everyone.
aspc ym is having a christmas party on 23rd dec! it's a saturday. programme will be from 5-9pm. we may just hang around after that! :) there'll be good food don't worry, we're catering all the christmas-y food. and the whole place will be decorated muchhhh, we have nice doorgifts and great music to entertain you too. i may just send you an invite so watchhh outtt (for it)!!!! :P
oh i just read choy's blog. erm...regarding kayaking, i'm going to start work on monday so i don't have my days free anymore! :( unless i take leave one day. eh don't go without me ok if not i'll get angry! (ok who am i kidding)
Friday, December 08, 2006
today i:
- collected my testimonial and chi and pw cert
- went shopping on my own (i kinda enjoy it actually)
i think i'm starting to miss tj a wee bit. i miss walking to the track for pe lessons, walking from lt to lt and from classroom to lt and classroom to classroom, every morning at the parade square, visiting the toilets, walking the long walk to bedok mrt...
i now have my chance to shop more but only because i need stuff to wear to the office cos jeans and short skirts aren't allowed. therefore i need to find dress pants and longer skirts. tops and heels and accessories i have enough of but it doesn't hurt to have more :)
tomorrow i'm going to dye and highlight my hair :D
and on sunday i'll go out!
and monday i start work!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
this is prom in words

the ticket
i like my hair better straight
everyone in general looked good yesterday
went down to town in the morning to do some really really last minute shopping
then i went down to meet eyin and jiadi to do hair
then we cabbed down to fullerton
i didn't really get the oppotunity to walk around and explore but it sure is a nice and grand place
the food was good!more towards the fine dining side. everything from the bread to the prawns to the chicken to the thick cream soup to the dessert and chocolates. esp loved the creme brulee. there was also these 2 whole dishes of chocolates for each table and i think i ate more than allocated because the people at my table didn't want to eat already and good chocolate cannot be wasted! (except for the funny pistachio one which i didn't finish)
a pity our class didnt go out after that. :( i hope post prom was fun. ok there's nothing much to blog about already.
today i went down to raffles quay to sign a whole stack of job contracts. wahhh so complicated. i'm starting work on monday and from then till 10 mar i'll only be free on weekday nights (though i'll try to take leave on my birthday) i'm only entitled to 2 days leaves and 2 days mc so i cannot anyhow go on leave. i say raffles quay is nicely done up! the walkway is lined with rainbow coloured light strips and its very new.

and they have cedele. :]
ok done! :D
prom photoscome on everyone send me those class photos in your camera, ask from me also :)
i love fullerton! :)
didn't go for post prom party though.
more photos soon. but for now, this is my prom outfit

hair done for $18, cab fare $4, necklace $5, peeptoes for 29.90, dress borrowed, makeup done myself (though not very nicely) oooo i saved alot of money. something different among all the pretty gowns and shiny heels and accessories.
i'm home alone now! my parents are away for the night queueing at the premiere tampines thingum. ohkayyy man!!!
got to go sign job contract tmr, and shop on the way, and pop by school to collect the testimonial (oh bother) and maybe cut hair!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
i left ycomm camp one day early to rest and do all my prom prep
i decided that this year, it'll be a simple affair, just like going for any dinner. i'll probably just go join eyin and jiadi to do hair and makeup and just go eat take photos hang out and go home. and this will be a super budget prom. dress- borrowed from sam, heels- yet to buy. maybe i won't even buy, necklace-probably something cheap, no manicure/pedicure i just polish my own nails. today is the 6th already and i haven't gotten accessories and heels so this is pretty rushed. never mind i don't have to look that great only i will care about that anyway. as long as i have time with my friends over a out-of-the-ordinary meal and at a fanciful place like FULLERTON (we paid 83$$$ for this), i'm fine and dandy.
oh yes i got a job already! :) at my mom's office. some income is better than no income so yay!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
today has been unproductive in terms of finding prom stuff. it's been a very very long day.
i woke up early and got my lazy ass down to city hall to meet the christmas party comm and get christmas party stuff. then i went to meet jeri to go my prom shopping. the dresses i saw were either too low cut or too puffy or too expensive or too long or too gown-ish. i think i'm picky but i think that's a good thing because i would only get a dress if i really like it and i don't like to force myself to get a dress i don't exactly fancy. moreover, dresses are more expensive and i will wear it less often, therefore gowns are not practical at all. and i don't have any days left to go shopping because i'll be away at comm camp all the way till prom day. i'm now trying my luck on sgst and worse come to worse i'll alter my sec 4 prom dress but please pretend that you didn't know i'm wearing the same dress because i don't have a choice.
and what's even better, i went to the fitting room, either at iS or at zara, and i left my necklace there. not that it's very precious to me but i think it's wasted. when i realised how bare my neck was, i was already halfway through citylink and note that my legs were aching like mad at this point thanks to kitten heels (!!!) so i was too lazy to walk back. luckily i called jolene afterwards and she had iS telephone no but then when i called they checked and it wasnt there so i just take it that its gone and i went to meet betty and jawn for comm camp stuff. although it was pretty unnecessary, we still did stuff like settle and confirm stuff so it's not entirely a useless meeting. i'm going to have to stay up late tonight to do the planning stuff and whatever i have to plan.
Friday, December 01, 2006

(photos of ym camp at the sidebar)
just got back from the YM CAMP! i didn't sleep for 20 solid hours again, not like last year. slept for about 8-9 hours, but i woke up just now at 5plus to my vibrating handphone, thinking it was the next morning already. i sat in front of the tv thinking it was monday. so i have to set my clock again.
this is the last camp i'll go to as a youth, officially. i'm old already! have been looking forward to the camp for quite a while and i must say i'm not disappointed. God didn't disappoint, definitely. & the fun didn't either.
- floorball and captain's ball from 12 to 4am. there, i finally engaged myself in some exercise after the long break.
- didn't sleep on the last night, as usual
- no krusty this year. i went on a high prematurely, on the 2nd day instead and it's all the rabbit's fault (sam who also happens to be my angel and bathtime singing pal) :p
- we still played pig at 7am today
- now enlin sam and i are bathroom singing pals. we sing while showering! we were singing so loudly that the guys could hear us :p
- lots of mosquitoes
- sermons and altar calls were really great. asides from the fact that the speaker was ultra dramapapa, the message drew the YM back to the basics of God's love, love that is powerful, love that is neverending and unconditional. this is the start of something new in our YM, a revival, believe it!
- prayer is powerful. we got together to pray on the first night during debrief and after some incident and sure enough, our prayers were answered, the camp didn't fall and we even got something great out of it!
now with ym camp over, i still have other things to bother with and it's a mad rush because i haven't planned stuff for comm camp, got anything for prom i desperately need to find a dress tomorrow if not me have no dress, getting a job which means i have to submit my application, edit my resume etc. well, this beats being bored to death at home.
Labels: camps