Wednesday, January 31, 2007
woohooo i just ordered two junk food tees and one tie-back wetseal top online!
i'm a happy girl now. :)
they were having discount on junk food tees so i got two because i would need them when uni starts. adds up to only about $13 per tee, its so much more worth it. i wanted to get the little miss sunshine/naughty/chatterbox tee also but it'll still be abt 33$ and i still think that's abit too much so i'll just wait for a sale price or until i feel more generous with myself. but there's always the danger of it being OOS.
today someone in my office got 6 pairs of shoes at one go. talk about bagging bargains.
funtosa on saturday! pray for no rain at sentosa!
Labels: shopping
Sunday, January 28, 2007
went out with the girlfriends today!
lunched at cafe melvados and then headed to town for a while

with jolene and candice!




my lunch! BROWNIE!
and we had a DP outing yesterday to town after street i! and here's the new cell minus tricia :( !LOVE YOU ALL! :)
ohhhh i just found out ssomething interesting. it's a really small world after all.
Labels: GFs
Friday, January 26, 2007
i've been busy the whole week at work. they have been handing me more stuff to do (i heard that they planned to load more work on me) so i've been kept busy. this is better than having nothing to do.
photo from yesterday!
today they celebrated the january birthdays in the office and they got three cakes from awfully chocolate. i had the chocolate rum one! :)
i want
donuts! i'm now oogling at donuts (please click on the link and oogle also) and tolerating a stomachache at the same time.
yay tomorrow is DP hot and tonight is the yacell girls retreat at tani!
and yay again because my pay is credited into my account already! payday was on 24th jan but i didn't know. :D
Labels: GFs, work
Thursday, January 25, 2007
yay my ankle's much better after seeing the chinese physician. it's a whole lot better in fact. it's not a sprain type of pain anymore but a aching type of pain. my mom told me that i'll get rheumatism when i'm old, something that comes with a sprain. eeks. i sure hope i can be up running real soon! :)
yesterday xueling cindy winnie and i went out for dinner. acutally i wanted to buy DONUTS but the queue was really long at 7. let's just say there were eat least 30 people in the queue.
another week over. 5 more days to next pay. 5 weeks more to the end of my contract.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
yesterday a new perm staff came in. i got chased out of my desk to the COMPUTER desk because there were no more tables and they needed the computer(the one that i didn't have access to and therefore couldn't MISuse).
so now i am seated at the computer desk and it's crowded. people come up to my table very often but not to visit me, they come to use the bloomberg computer. i have stacks of paper to plough through but i don't get the space i need. the tray of mail are still at the other desk and i'll leave it there until someone gives in and moves the computers somewhere else. oh yesterday two pieces of paper fell into the gap between the drawer and the cabinet. since there's no way to move any of them, i haven't retrieved them but i think they're not that important. but there is the danger of losing documents to THE GAP. i think i need to complain about my poor working conditions :P
i am just small fry.
Labels: work
Sunday, January 21, 2007
i am :(
my ankle is hurt again, -hits head- because i went to play badminton today when my ankle wasn't fully recovered. but i didn't even run around, i was cautiously stationary most of the time. argh and it is frustrating because i don't get to go out and exercise. and of all times, the time when i can spare all the time in the world, i get injured. rrrrrrroooooooaaaarrr. saveee meeee. jeri i can't run for an even longer timeee. what can i do? weights? the cycling machine thing?! i'm going to visit a sinseh one day cos i think such stuff are better solved by chinese medicine. although its not as bad as the previous time, it still hurts like crap. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
today was packed. after service there was the funtosa meeting, which i crashed and ended up in their advanced party for that day. then there was the first comm meeting (well it's the first official one). it went well! :) except for the part when the computer swallowed our minutes.
after that we went for badminton and prata and i'm really too lazy to say more. :P
edit! :
not into pills or anything but the rainbow pills are so cute.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
actually, i updated my blog yesterday but there was an error so i wasted my time. i hate it when this happens

this was dinner with the cousins at holland v.
we had spizza! :)
we were planning to go to perth to visit sometime in july. then maybe take a domestic flight down to melbourne or sydney and maybe in time for the hillsongs conference too, since there's a budget flight to perth now. but the airport taxes are hefty and for that, i'll have to reconsider.
yes and last night we went for the true yoga cardio wave trial but then the instructor for cardio wave wasnt there so i'm actually not very sure what class they put us in but it seemed like body combat, those kick punch jumping stuff. they did try to get us to join but i won't because the guy was irritating and i don't want them to get commission and i already have the club membership. the lift lobby was nice though.
i woke up at 2pm today. i think i'm going to bake now.
Labels: family
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
my brain is rotting and i have proof.
today i saw a bottle with the label "denatured alcohol". for a moment i thought "hmm, denatured... sounds familiar, where did i see that?" then i thought a while more. i thought about organic chem, i tried to recall which word comes after it, but i couldn't. trust me i was searching my memory until it finally occurred to me at dhoby ghaut station that DENATURED goes with ENZYMES ->denatured enzymes, and suddenly i was enlightened. This shows how ineffectively i study, how mindless what i'm currently doing is so much so i forget about denatured enzymes (something i've been learning about for at least four years in science) and if i really get the relief teaching job, i should start studying all over again.
in between this i was having coffee with jas at raffles' tcc. their service is not good. the waiter forgot to key in the order and only remembered to ten minutes later. (i was also asking jas about 'denatured' and even thought of coming home to google it)
it feels good to know that my next pay is coming in 1 half weeks. i've spent about 1/3 of my december pay already, not to mention that at least 1/4 of that 1/3 went into transport fees.
ohhh and i saw a cute guy at dhoby and he alighted at sengkang. hhaha this is rare. oh well, just thought this was actually blog-worthy since cute guys are rare and few.
last night i went for dinner with faith then we went grocery shopping and i ended up buying stuff to bring to office to cure boredom and make my life more colourful. to think i actually was expecting to lose weight while working, now i think the opposite is going to happen especially since i'm sedentary now and my only activity is walking. all because of the stupid ankle bone that still hurts and the job that makes me want to sleep and do nothing else when i get home.
that being said, i'm looking forward to friday because jeri and i are going for that true yoga free trial only that we're not going for the yoga class but the cardio wave class. kinda like a gym lah
Sunday, January 14, 2007
it has been quite a while already but my mobile line is now 3G and i can mms export my photos to my email! here are some really old photos

jeri me and winnie during first three months.

siok me and fel at sports meet 2005

that ball of fur looking so angelic when it first arrived.

that's jeri's hammie. wooo so tinyy! it's licking water.
went for dinner and shopping with jasmine on friday! i'm sure glad we could meet up after work! LOTSA LOVE! chocolate buffet when we feel ready to depart with some money. ahh i know for fullerton chocolate, it'll be worth it. 

our b&j's icecream! dublin mudslide and coffeecoffeebuzzbuzz which by the way is too long a name.
hey i want to try donut factory! but the queue was too long. there were like 20+ people in the queue. at this point jeri will cut in and tell me donuts are fried. i know donuts are fried and unhealthy but i'm just attracted to pretty food. :)
i finally got down to eating my godiva choc bar. i couldn't bear to eat it 
i think we should go for dinner everyweek after ym. ok not everyweek, but almost every week! last night we went for dinner at dhoby ghaut but just ended up sitting around talking and having an illegal gathering. i think i should quit snacking so much.
today al evan uyh and i and later edward went lunching at al-ahmeen(sp?). heheeh canada sounds fun and i am dying to go on a trip now. plsplspls i want to go ono a trippppppp.
yay i love this week cos there are more appointments for me to look forward to. monday- lunch with eyin and dinner+movie with faith, tuesday- lunch with winnie (jasmine join us!), fri/?-true yoga trial session with jeri, sunday- prata after church. and somewhere in between dinner with the girls.
and i had a pointless dream just now, again. i dreamt that a few of our classmates were sitting around and suddenly some military guy got me to work there. so i was following those people around, armed with guns etc. then dunno what happened they were going somewhere and ran up a bus and suddenly i realise all of them were gone. so i sat down and saw that they were hiding under the seats. hahha so i starting kicking the man under the seat in front of me. i wonder what this means. interpreter please?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
yay hello jasmine! congratulations on joining the raffles place bunch! sorry we didn't exactly eat good food or treat you to something but, another time! maybe nearer the CNY period when you get your pay and when we all have angpaos! then we can have all the coffeeclub, spinelli, pipers pies and rocky master we want! but for now it's golden shoe(if we can ever find a seat), lau pa sat, banquet foodcourt, the hawker fare which i think is so much more worth it than the basement of caltex house.
and just when i thought my job couldn't get more interesting, today i went to collect some stuff from downstairs. i don't know what they are but i just collect them like i've been doing for the past one month. they're impt stuff just like most other things in the bank. i remembered i brought everything up, but then apparently some jolly woman (jolly because i wanted to say jolly ol' fellow but i realised that sounded like i'm referring to a guy, kinda like santa clause) who passed me her paper direct said that i left it behind. wahh lauuu ehh i brought everything up ok if i ever find out that i in fact brought everything up and i'm not remembering wrongly, i'm going to.... i don't know. but if i really didn't and i'm so totally blind and my brain wasn't functioning, then sorry to that person. butttttt i can recall what i brought up because today there were too few documents. there were 2 in the general log book, one from the freaking nice handwriting person and one aussie dollars one from that person, and 1 in P&R which was an envelope of 9 cheques. so there, that was just for my own reference. so anyway they're going to ask someone more experienced to collect so that means i don't need to be back by 2pm woohooo. i was pissed for quite a while just now cos they (they meaning the head of department who told me about it) made me sound like some irresponsible young girl who just isn't thorough enough. but i think i'm terribly neat and organised around the office. hehheh at least it's not same old boring job and it IS part of the job experience so it's not that bad after all. no harm done, nothing lost.
i like to save money. i have a feeling alot of my pay is going into the other real savings account (not the NETS one). i am one who 'feels the pinch' of spending what i earned by my own efforts.
i just got a letter stating that i'm on the waiting list for relief teaching. by what i hear, you can be on the waiting list for a freaking long time, but i hope i get a relief teaching job after this boring admin one. or maybe i'll try something service-related, something different and something i'm more likely to pursue.
you know what, i have this craving for pasta. it has been quite a few days already. i want pastamania because it's not very expensive and not bad tasting.
Labels: work
Sunday, January 07, 2007
my nose is bleeding again. yucks. this must be at least the third or fourth time in the year already. and i don't recall blowing my nose that hard. oh no am i eating too much chocolate so much so that i get extremely heaty and start having nose bleeds. maybe my capillary walls are weak, maybe something is wrong somewhere inside. maybe i should just sleep. i'm quite tired now i'm typing with my eyes closed.
oh wait, before that,imust scan in my neoprints! yes we took neoprints today! hahhaha candice me and jolene. :) the tiny ones turn out funny when scanned. before we went shopping we went for lunch with the twisted people. twisted-minded and twisting, i really don't get the A thing and i'm quite glad i didn't. twisting because they were twisting some puzzle thing somewhat similar to the puzzle that looks like handcuffs.

HUGS! ahaha i say hugs cos i think i say 'love you' too much though you can never hear enough of those :) you all are great shopping buddies and company! (missed you today glenda jas and sam!) jolene thanks for tolerating my whining about my toes being squashed.
ohh look it's back to work tomorrow. :(
i'm going to try my best to lunch at lau pa sat everyday or brign food from home. i spent more than $100 from my nets already (this is not including cash!) and don't forget adult fare, it's robbing me of my pay!
i found out yesterday, while trying to run for the bus, that i still cannot run properly because the bone at the side still hurts. it's really frustrating, i'm so unfit but i can't do anything about it.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
2006 has been one bumpy ride. the school year started out alright, with orientation and all. then the workload started getting heavier and i couldn't really cope and was still failing tests, even my prelims, but in the end it all worked out and A levels were alright. in the course of it i also relied on God more through prayer.
i'm really thankful for my friends in class. the few of us who talked more and got closer. the times we go to chinatown and arab, talk in the library when we were supposed to be studying.
i also exercised more (though i don't really get to see the results cos i don't follow through) i know i want to start all over again because i'm growing to be a bum already and i really don't want that to happen.
then there were the YMers. i believed i said this already during sharing/reflection but i'll say it again. i really appreciate you all and though i only see you saturdays and sundays mostly it's wonderful how we can be such a close group of friends! to the kayak gang, ahhh we always have fun and thanks for all the birthday stuff (although, guys, i found out how much the cake is already and its not 60$ for sure lol). and then my darlin girlfriends who are always there to listen, talk, shop, eatm take photos. the ycomm, yay it's been a good year working with you all and thanks for being the help you all are and more! i talked to more people this year and i want to continue to talk to more people in the YM! :) yayyyy you all are my treasure and i'm really glad i found you all!
i probably did talk to God more more towards the end of the year but i don't think my relationship is anywhere near strong yet because there are too many other elements for eg, the Word, missing from my life. so one thing i want to do is to have bible study this year. yesyes.
this year, a lot of things have changed.
- today i paid adult fare. i had 1.30 in my ezlink, which would have lasted about 4 trips on a bus, but this time it could only be used once because at the end of the trip i had $0.02 left. this sucks, i would have to topup my card more often, and transport fares more than double.
- to everyone who's going back to school tomorrow, don't sulk, especailly if you're having orientation cos the first two months will be the slackest school time of your life. sooooo, tomorrow i'm not going back to school! yes!!!! for the first time! but i'm going back to work. :( i miss going to school. actually i just want to go for orientations. blehhh.
all this bumming is not doing me any good. i think i'm mega unfit now my ankle better get well for good and then i can go exercise. and true yoga better call me back at the right time. oh yes they have some free trial thing at their oub centre but i think they called alot of people cos they called jeri too. but it's great cos one, its near my office and two, i get to choose from yoga, dance, gym. but its a one-time thing only :(
i found out today how useless my studying chem was when i tried doing sam's chem holiday homework but i couldn't remember how to do quite abit of questions. it's been only 5 weeks and my brain has long forgotten such stuff.
- today we had vision casting meeting and i'm now an advisor/mentos! i'm olddddd. but i still have to prepare a speech for saturday.
and to end the word-y post, a picture album! :) wheee
Labels: new year
Monday, January 01, 2007
happy new year!
yesterday (last year), a few of the 2B girls jasmine michelle jeri cindy xueling came over for countdown cum sleepover! we watched vcds and drank icewine.

i had a wonderful time with you girls, we are such bums. we watch movies, snack, sleep, wake up, take breakfast, watch movie, fall asleep again. and when they left, i went to sleep again. hey and i'm still tired. i love you all and hope we can meet up soon too, maybe CNY! :) hahaha i think 2b was the best class i could ask for. we still meet up so often even though we weren't in the same class in sec 3 and 4, all went to different JCs... and we still have stuff to talk about. :):) missed you yesterday winnie jess bev esther.
ahh sorry jolene candice enlin and everyone else, couldn't make it for countdown with you all last year. i'll spend this year's with you guys k! :)
tomorrow i'llbe meeting with the ycomm for vision casting meeting. i missed you all who went to canada, yay welcome back!
and i have to remember to call people.