Monday, February 26, 2007
last night i dreamt that i failed my a levels. :(
i know that is just my mind playing with itself but it still bothers me.
i think we can have brunch on friday, what do you say?!
heretoday was the outing with the girls! haven't caught up in a long time. a far cry from seeing each other every weekday. i missed them! so we talked alot as usual and updated each other and got :( over this coming friday, and shopped! i'm really thankful for you girls. you all 've been such great company and great girlfriends! meet up on friday for breakfast!

lunched at new york new york! sandwiches, mudpie (brownie chocolate cake actually) and icecream, waffles with chocolate, ribs with cream pasta.
then i went to candice's house for steamboat. alot of people were there. us younger people ended up playing after dinner. we sat around watching some toy dog that could flip and laughed at it so much because we made it look really retarded. then we played pass the can but got bored after a few rounds. then we played pig upstairs.

and there was abigayle the 7year old snatch thief. (hahah kidding lah) but she really took jasmines $10 note and refused to return it. but it was very funny and she was talking about her little bf etc. er, and of course, nuts. lol.
ok my butt hurts now. goodnight
Labels: CNY, GFs
Saturday, February 24, 2007
yesterday was sam's 21st.
view the photos
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
went back to work today.
some big boss of the company went around giving out angbaos(with big sweep tickets inside wth!) and oranges.oh bother.
i'm so proud of myself i did almost three days worth of work in a day.
i didn't know good christian-themed movies were so difficult to find. i hope i find something tomorrow. i have to.
SO, i was wondering about my results. it'll take up more of my thought and prayer space as the unknown date draws nearer. ohhh scarrryyyyy. i know i said i want to get 3As longgg ago. call me crazy, i'll call myself crazy too, i think that's asking too much. so i'll ask for anything A,B or C (no D E F please) but not all Cs or Bs, at least one A for me......... :/
10 more days to the end of the contract (excluding two days of leave left)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
i promised a picture of the shitting nian gao pig .... and i deliver..

this is the pig. quite cute. 

i've spent the past few days visiting quite minimally but catching up on sleep extensively. and now i'm going back to sleep again.
i was surfing around nus' website and i still can't figure out what i really want to study. food science? practical but still involves chem and lab work, service hotel management? might as well go to poly. social science? this is tough. oh and i hear that results are coming out on 1st/2nd march? ok never mind about that goodnight.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
yay i'm going shopping with my mom tomorrow! in a really last minute attempt to get new clothes.
went for uyh's surprise birthday party after work! :) so fun, so many of the ymers were there. went to collect the cake after work and boy were they heavy. met the al chew mark ed shan earlier and got 100$ WORTH OF ICECREAMMMMMMMM. 10 tubs! haagen daz tiramisu quite nice :)
ohhh but the cakes were better.

in my opinion, the chocolate truffle cake (2nd picture) was better than the chocolate banana espresso one. but those who don't have a liking for rich, thick chocolate may beg to differ. the chocolate was rich and smooth, just like chocolate truffles! and the base was digestives. this is good cake! whereas the cake in the 1st picture was made of the usual sponge cake and bananas but of course with something special on top, granola!
click above for ALL pictures.
happy chinese new year everyone. have fun slacking at home and visiting if you must. remember to collect lots of money to pay me, eat everything there is and grow fat! fat=prosperity and wealth! lol
i havent plenty of food at home now. i have sugee cookies! and there was a hamper from somewhere which contained a nian gao-containing plastic pig. and the most interesting thing is, the nian gao comes out from the pig's ass.(?!) i'll take a picture of it tomorrow to put up.
as for me, i'll spend my new year slacking, catching up with sleep, watching movie if i can and stuffing myself. maybe i should start running again. i think my ankle should be ok by now.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i just had a ym camp comm meeting earlier on. they came over to my house. yup and we got quite alot done, with all the big shit dinners and hugeass bungalows.
next time if samlim is coming, please tell him that we're meeting earlier. what happened was, mark called him to ask him where he was and he said he was at kovan. then i called about 15mins later he was only waiting for train at kovan. so the first time we called he was actually at kovan AREA. dude your house also kovan area what. wah best. no one can beat that, seriously.
i'm going down to ntuc with my mom later to grocery shop just for the heck of it. i'm having a slight headache actually.
i'm going to sulk and mourn the fact that i have no time for cny clothes shopping so you'll see me in clothes that are un-new. new year-no new clothes. :( and its all because everyone has been taking leave these few days. arghhh. i find it quite irritating actually. so they all take leave and i have no choice but to live with it.
ohh and i ordered two cakes from cedele for tomorrow (yes i sneaked downstairs at 4pm) and it costs $86! but they sound like they taste good. chocolate banana espresso and chocolate truffle cakes! :)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i spent my evening with jessie wenhui jas eliz jeri and alethea, all my valentines! :)
i'm a little lazy to even type now so just know that i love you all ok!
i'm glad i could meet up with you all esp since i havent seen some of you in quite a while. go st james one day! see you all on 3rd march!
oh yes and i'm not allowed to take leave on friday because they need more hands so they can go home earlier. so much for planning to cny shop.. :( now i don't know when to take one day off, after cny?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
happy valentines day everyone, in advance!
yay i'll be spending it with my darling girlfriends! :D
this would be the only year that i don't have presents for anyone. i don't know what to make and i don't like to give edibles.
i'm tired. i'm going to take leave on friday and go shopping! i forsee crowds doing last minute cny shopping.
oh and i found out that there are more little miss junkfood tees up on the website now! i want! just that it'll cost $30+.

so cute! jolene, see this!
yesterday i woke up with and my calve muscle cramped and now it still feels contracted. :(
Sunday, February 11, 2007
i'm really tired now. i got home late last night, almost midnight, and i slept for about 5-6 hours, then i was out the whole day. :/
actually i have alot of things to attend to. i guess i haven't snapped out of the relaxed, worry-free life i've been leading this past two months. work doesn't really matter all that much and i've been hanging out quite alot with friends. ok that's one good thing, that was something i really wanted to do. so now i finally realised that i should start thinking about and planning YM events like the camp and movie screening and my groups steamboat dinner, think about my role as mentos...
ok that's alot to think about.
i suddenly got reminded of my so-call food blog which i don't use anymore.
yesterday i said white chocolate was still chocolate :) but actually i don't really like the white chocolate parts of the donut. some taste alright but some taste like almond. i don't like almond and i am not a fan of white chocolate, so i take that back.
next, i'll go buy pop'doh donuts, the one at taka basement. they look pretty too :D
today we attended the event "soul2soul", a valentines day outreach event, planned by our yacell! :) yay -applause- we didn't go as guests but as waitresses and waiters. it was quite enjoyable actually. (we got to eat some extra food as well, so that means we got the mud cake too!) the fish was surprisingly nice and the chicken was quite good too.

the girls with the little flowers. sorry sam i don't really know how to remove red eye, i tried using picasa and the editting prog but it turns out like green eye so i think this is better. can't really see anyway.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
oh this is after i sampled some of them. the lotus mocha(the paste on top really is lotus and i mean the tau sar/lian yong LOTUS) but it doesn't taste weird. the white chocolate part has a hint of almond but it's chocolate :) the peanut butter filling one is nice of course, peanut butter rocks! i think the apple cinnamon is the best out of all i tried. it's like apple pie and the apple is crispy.

jasmine! :) hahah thanks for coming to queue with me, if not i'd have been bored stiff. enjoy your donuts too!
now on to the rest of my day.
this is my lunch. turkey cranberry wrappo. i didn't taste too much cranberry and the serving is quite small. they ordered in cos they had a lunch meeting. i was SUPPOSED to be answering calls but no one told me clearly what i was to do so i was doing my usual 'chores' and ignoring the ringing. they can't expect me to run everywhere either if calls are not diverted to my phone.
ok then i walked to raffles city to get donuts and on the way city hall looked good so here's city hall for you, then the story goes on as above. GOODNIGHTTT
and to all you who just received your results, cheer up soon k. :) love you all.
Labels: food
Thursday, February 08, 2007
the o level results will be released tomorrow.. and you know what this means?! the a level results will be out sometime soon also! i'm a little fearful now. i don't know what to expect, i don't know what i should expect. my two years in TJ hasn't been really productive and my results were way below average. it dawned on me that i have not thought about what results i really want. do i really want 3 As? do i just want results good enough to get me into a university. my heart is pumping faster even as i think about this.
lub dub tricuspid bicuspid semilunar valves all at work, and they go faster faster fasterrrrrr. it'll be even worse on that not-really-anticipated day, it'll go so fast the pressure will be too much for the aorta to bear...
ok what i'm really saying is, i'm not mentally prepared for this, not at all. i don't see myself getting my a level results, i can't see myself in the hall waiting, i can't picture the surroundings. i'm not familiar with this school thing anymore.
so what am i going to do after that? will i still feel like travelling? why do results get released earlier and earlier?!
ok i shall not get you too jittery so in an attempt to deviate (really don't think about it anymore), come, let's talk about donuts. i'm going to order donuts tomorrow so i'm happy about that. if i do bring them on saturday, expect them to all be cut up cos i have to try them all first.
tomorrow is going to be quite fun. i'll have to stay in the office from 11 to 1 to answer phone calls because the staff will be out for something. actually i don't know what they'll be going for but it involves everyone of them. good thing they ordered o'briens sandwiches so i shall enjoy that while being a good receptionist of sorts.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
i must be thinking about donuts too much. last night i dreamt that i was buying krispy kremes in some other country. only that krispy kremes weren't exactly donuts, they were something with icecream. i got two boxes and thought that i would come back for donuts tomorrow. weird. then after that i saw some of the ymers (in my dream of course)
i dreamt about donuts! HHHAHHA
anyway i stayed home today cos my eyelids were puffy, i know it sounds weird but its part of the sensitive skin thing. i have sensitive skin, eyes, nose... :( so it's been good hiding my face from the world, except that i had to stay in compass point for a pretty long time waiting to see the doctor. and best of all, i got to sleep in later and even took a short nap.
now i've used up the full two days of mc! two more days of leave to go! hey this kind of things must fully utilise ok.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
you can't have your cake and eat it
now give me your cake i'll eat it for you!
i know alot of people are watching the singapore thailand match now. i'm being a girl so i'm not watching that.
yesterday the ym had funtosa and i was made to go at 1030am with al fc and ivan. we took the monorail from vivo to sentosa, alighted at the beach station, intended to go to tanjong beach but didn't take the beach tram. most of the time was spend throwing the frisbee around and playing bridge and daidee (forced by circumstances, i finally gave in and learned daidee because there were 3 people left)
quite a few new people were there :)
after that we went for dinner at vivo, sat upstairs at the open area overlooking the water body between vivo and sentosa. then we realised that half the ym was at carls jr. anyway then i stayed around at vivo till 10plus with chew edward mark sam shawn for starbucks. so i got home very late. since i forgot to bring my camera, chua jolene and whoever else who brought cameras please send photos to me!

my one and only photo so far
we're the rabbits. the miffy kind of rabbits. cute cross mouth-ed ones.
Labels: ym
Friday, February 02, 2007
the workload is increasingggg. now i have too much on my hands (compare this to when i was talking about reading story books and writing letters). i don't know whether they have too many things to do because there are actually more trades to be settled or whether they just decide that they will give me more to do so they don't have too much to do. :/
very very busy. busy busy busy. today i stapled swift messages, typed fax covers, faxed out confirmations, photocopied a whole lot of things, sort advices, matched alot of trades, tried to resolve the printer issue because the printer's being really annoying. it's not working and i have to call the IT people so many times even i find myself a bother. i even left almost half an hour late. and they keep putting stuff on my desk actually i'm really irritated but i know i should not show it, lest they think i have A.P. cheryl pull out trade for me, cheryl match this, cheryl photocopy this, cheryl fax this, cheryl why is the mail still here (that's because there are so many different types of mail and nobody wants to go through with me regarding what to do with all of them so i only pass on those i recognise and leave the rest in the tray. i've opened all the envelopes already, can't they go retrieve it themselves?). wait lahhh i don't even have time to take water
on monday, i have to update a whole list of broker whatever contact list thing because i couldn't do it today. that means i have to borrow a computer :/
i rush rush rushed the whole day, i even rushed home. i don't know what i rush home for. maybe it's to be far away from the office as quickly as possible, maybe it's because i'm hungry and want my dinner (oh and i also haven't had time to snack at the office), but i suppose my reason for rushing home is so i can watch the 7 oclock show while having dinner.
if not for the good pay i wouldn't stay three months.
boo i haven't ordered my donuts. jasmine we mustmustmust order them next week or else i'll be very sad :(
ok i'm going to watch tv again. i LOVELOVELOVE weekends.
i have one more month to go. one more month and no more admin! i'll bear with it, this is all part of the work experience, i'm now training myself to be more organised than organised. right now i'm going to tag/label some of my posts.
oh but if you are looking for an admin job with 1.2k pay/mth (with cpf too), they'll have to find an admin staff after i leave. probably will start beggining of march. so let me know then i can quickly tell them and reserve the job! that is, if you can get used to all the paperwork. if you don't work for the full three months you'll probably find it better than i do. i recommend 2 months. :)
Labels: work