Thursday, March 29, 2007
going down for BnJ's interview at the vivo branch on monday! :)
ok i hope i get the job, if not i'll be :( cos it'll be april already and i don't have a job yet, i need income before i spend all my savings.
there's nothing to do at home, there's nothing to do online, there's nothing to do outside! so what am i supposed to do, go back to working right! slacking is tough. i can't imagine myself hanging around for another 3 weeks.
having nothing to do today, i went to vivo with al and enlin. walked around, then went to visit aunty margaret. so here i am back home, with nothing much to blog about once again. byebye
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
yes i've decided not to wait for their reply email, which is taking an annoyingly long time. i will go down to the vivo branch on of these days to get an interview, (cos i hear from cindy that the o level people are leaving soon anyway) :)
great, i just need a job now. 3 weeks slacking around at home is more than enough, i want to do something again. i'm getting lazier by the day you know. i sleep so much it's scary.
i have nothing much to blog about now because i'm leading such a boring life. yayers to going out tomorrow.
blahblahblahblahblahblahblah :P
oh yes i can tell you about my horrible dream! hahha its stupid. i dreamt that i was on my way to some mrt station with some ym people lah, i can't remember who i was with but who cares. then we ended up missing the stop so we had to cut across some hdb void decks to get back there, then at one of those, there were a group of people and what, baboon(?) parts, like all chopped up and separated (arm legs etc. no red butt though! HHAHAA) and dry. then some people started to give chase and i couldn't run fast (this must be because i wanted to go jogging but didn't cos i was napping- yeah this part's for real)
i think i'm going insane. somebody saveeee meeeeee.
ya blahblahblah whatever i just wasted 1 minute of your life. byebye.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
i think i'm a little shopping deprived. i just spent 56$ on f21 online spree.
i couldn't decide on one so i just got both.
to justify this impulsive act- there's 15% off
i got two tops for 56$. they would cost (48 x 2) in singapore. that's a saving of 40$. ok.. so yay! i hope they fit well.
i went gymming today. :)
i'm tired now. :(
i want to sleep :)
ben and jerrys haven't replied :(
so should i be pesky and email them. or i just wait and wait somemore..
Monday, March 26, 2007

sam me jasmine at yacell dinner at aunty genin's place.

shawn dog. shawn with the toy dog, totally engrossed in some shooting game

dessert table spread!
today i had a runny nose.
what i did today- i went grocery shopping, and i used up more tissue paper.
today samantha jasmine and i whipped up our own dinner.

pasta with lotsa cheese topping. broccolli and sauce and alphabet soup(not in picture)
the next in thing. tee and running shorts with heels/wedges.
the food was good. and we had a great many laughs while viewing old photos. ym camps 3 years ago etc. hilarious! we were so unglam. i know at that point we didn't think we were unglam. i wonder if we'll look back three years from now and think "gosh we looked horrible last time" (although i think we look more presentable now :))
Saturday, March 24, 2007
i'm watching final destination 2 now. freakkyyy, the way they die.
went for dinner with shir sherms and enlin after ym! haha then we went for BEN AND JERRYS! :D yes i want to work there, stupid why haven't they emailed me back. haha i know its been 2 days only but quicklyyyyyyyy.
oh today i was wearing my kellogg's apple jacks tee right, then when i walked into the room al asked "are you wearing an apple jackass tee?"
hahah wth, ok he wasn't wearing specs but anyway, then i was going home from dhoby ghaut, this surveying guy came up to me and said "hello apple jacks". for a split second i was thinking "huh?!", then i was like OHHH. haha it's weird.
Friday, March 23, 2007
i went jogging today!
i haven't jogged in like, 3 months!
slight pain in ankle, but then again, it's like that everyday
soooo, today i accomplished something.
also, i walked all the way to compass point to run some of my own errands. i wanted to pay the uni app fee but then i forgot which button i'm supposed to press. then when i pressed the right button, i didn't see "nus" in any of the options, so i haven't paid them.
oh, i just baked cookies, again. those peanut butter choc chip ones. this time they're more buttery, less floury. yummy!
i'm returning to my nocturnal habits again. i'm sleeping at 2 and waking at 1. whatever.
I DID three things today!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
i applied for NUS already.
Single Degree Choices:
Choice 1: Science
Choice 2: Arts and Social Sciences
Choice 3: Pharmacy
Choice 4: Bioengineering
Choice 5: Project & Facilities Management
Choice 6: Medicine
Choice 7: Not Applicable
Choice 8: Not Applicable
major focus on the 1st two choices. the rest are accessories and placed there for the heck of it. seriously, i don't even know what choice 5 is about.
i feel a little insecure. i HOPE i have considered this carefully and won't regret it later on in my life. i did spend alot of time praying about it you know. but i still feel like i did this on impulse, because there's a dateline to meet. i will be fine, i will learn to trust.
now i'm going to apply for NTU, with business, sociology, psychology... and so on.
going to visit aunty margaret later on.
here i am to edit my post because if i were to post another one, i'll have 3 posts in a day. but actually i have nothing to update about just that we're going to have a girls cooking session on monday! and i owe NUS $10.
hahah ben and jerry's just got back to me.
so cute they are called "the happy people co."
anyway wow thank God. save me the trouble of trying to contact them!
yay haha so exciting!
* ok i forgot to say this but, i haven't got the job yet. they just replied me and told me to fill in some questions and they will get back to me if i'm shortlisted for a final audition(whatever do they need an AUDITION for) check this out. there's shortage of chocolate. haha. i don't really understand what that article's about because it's all business-y. but who cares, there's a cause for panic! chocolate shortage!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
you won't believe what i did today!
i slept until 1pm.
i napped again from 3.30 to about 6.
time spent awake: 1-3.30 + 6-now.
total = 8 hours
which means i spent 16 hours sleeping!
i didn't go jogging today because it was freaking raininggggg!
this always happens. when i want to go jogging it rains. ahhhh
inertia! i don't feel like moving or even getting out of the house. i'm so bored at home someone save me! SAVE ME. ok organise some activity for meee.
oh yes i tried calling Ben and JERRYS but they never ans the phone so i think i'm going to call their branch tmr. if not i'll call the number on the webbie again. but yet again, i think they didn't answer cos i called at 6plus. ohwells.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
i've just applied for a BnJ's job! :)
i hope they pick up when i call tomorrow. haha
i love icecream.
to do list:apply for NUS and NTU
sign up for dance
do DP material
anyway, i accomplished nothing today, except that job application.
i'm going jogging tomorrow.
caryn zouk how? :/
yacell dinner on sunday!
Monday, March 19, 2007
yay today i went all the way down to raffles place to have lunch with the
LUNCH BUNCH at china square.
whoohoo it rhymes. yeah i shall call us the lunch bunch
feels weird being back there. it just feels weird.
then i went down to city hall to window shop with glenda birthday girl! ahaha. i got my miffy pouch. SO CUTE! :) oh and i got a 15% discount cos i used lady's card. lol JOLENEEE.
glenda went for breeks interview and she got a job! hahah congrats babe! work hard and enjoy working at their bar counter. will visit you if i can.
anyway i'm going to try applying for the ben and jerry's scooper job! part time! then i can be close to my love everyday. ICECREAMMM. i think i'll like working at such places. cos they're so happy happy. the decor alone makes me happy. ok i think i'm going a little too excited here, before i even started on anything. i would like to work at the cathay or raffles city one please. note: if i ever land myself a scooper job, please do not ask me for icecream treats. one scoop of icecream is almost an hour's pay. meaning i may have to work the whole day in order to give everyone a scoop each. hahahaa but they have sampling!
oh we went to play with lego at robinsons too! hahah i think i dent the plastic round chair when i sit on it(it's a kids chair) but it's those kind of plastic that can pop out again to resume original shape. the disadvantages of being too heavy. oh this reminds me, i want to make some lego accessories. but i don't know how to drill hole in those blocks.

and this week is discovery week!
we all discovered many things today that were once unknown to us.
yay for discovery day! let's just say i've found out more than what i expected to. it's alot to take in for one week. i'm quite proud of myself because i discovered them myself! no one told me anything. hhaha. if you, in general are wondering whether i discovered anything about you, yeah i probably did! but yet again, maybe not! :P
today we had ycomm meeting, then i met sam and jolene in town, followed by glenda's birthday dinner. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEARIE!
glad you had fun! LOVE YOU

i've been kissed alot today! by girlss! hahaha
tonight, there was great cake, great joke and jokers.
photos of today, enlin's bday, movie day, and 2b gathering all in
this albumit's really taxing on the mind, trying to decide what course to apply for.
my mind's in a whirl. i'm not sure, really, i ain't. i don't want to make a hasty decision and regret it. this is big, it's going to determine more or less what job i have in future. i don't even think or consider a double degree or scholarship. actually sometimes i think i'm not aiming high enough. but the thing is, i don't expect anyone to look at my grades and take me in for such programmes. nobody would, in fact. i know that by 'good A level pass', they mean they want Asi want to study something that will make me go 'oh that's really interesting', something that will make me want to find out more on my own accord, something i can apply in daily life, walk along the streets and realise that i studied about that before in school.
i just checked the FST(food sci and tech) website and their FAQ says that only 45 applicants are accepted each year. shucks do you know what that means?! the chances of getting in is almost zero. and what's my B and C compared to the many people who may be applying with As in every subject. but i thought about it and i don't like that it's so chem-based. all the organic chem shit. but if i finally decide to give it a go, i'll just live with it because i think i would enjoy the other components like nutrition and food creation, food processing etc. and i know that i would probably like to go into nutrition if given the chance.
but yet again, i'll probably like to take a course which provides a wider range of job opportunities like sociology(correct me if i'm wrong). studying how society acts and reacts may be interesting too.
but psychology sounds alright too.
there are the science options to consider also. and maybe the tourism hosp course in ntu.
now you see why i have endless possiblities (but not anymore when you consider my results) and now you know why i can't decide.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
yay i'm back from ddp camp.
'way back into love' from music and lyrics is now stuck in my head and it's playing on my computer now. hahah i went to figure the piano chords earlier too. i think i'm mad but it has a nice melody.
ddp camp was good although most of my dp group wasn't there most of the time, i'm still glad some of them came down for abit. i'm going to start praying for my dp group members! :) other than that, all has been shared in the sharing sessions. (sorry i'm just lazy to type it here, maybe i will one day)
i heard that a pigeon flew into our room on the 2nd morning while we were sleeping. (we were sleeping in the non-aircon room and the windows were opened.) don't you think it's quite hilarious, to find a pigeon walking around the room?!
we also found out that tani has many interesting board games. my favourite is the 'mad magazine game'. the objective is to lose as much money as possible. it's really ridiculous. they have cards -like the chance and comm chest cards in monopoly, and they say things like 'if you can stay airborne for 37s, you lose 5000' or 'act like a rock'
glenda's birthday dinner tomorrow! :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
enlin's birthday party!

the girls! jolene me enlin candice.

happy birthday ENLIN! glad you enjoyed it. ketchup and chilli sauce packet throwing war, magic relighting candles and pig!
met up with jolene candice mark choy alvin edward sam at cathay to catch "music and lyrics". the movie was alright.
ok i have to continue preparing for ddp camp stuff. will be away till saturday! :)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
my tummy hurts. hurt yesterday, and hurt today.
i think this is my first proper cramp.
yesterday was my first day of joblessness. it was good
i stayed at home and slept alot and watched tv
it was good until the aches started, then all i could do was sit and not move much
today i went with jeri and jolene to the nus open house.
1) all unis shouldn't be so far from home
2) NUS campus is huge
3) i am still undecided but i think i want to do food science? well, but social science is an option too. social science is good because there are career options like PR management.
regretably, i didn't have time to go over to NTU. i quite liked the nus atmosphere although i think some buildings really need renovation. other than that, all's good. but i can't compare because i haven't visited the other universities. i would go to NTU because of the business (tourism and hosp) course but on careful consideration, i'm not really sure whether i want to go into a business fac. i don't really like business.
ok i'm now wasting time watching royal tanenbaums or however you spell that. goodnight.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
today is a good day! and tomorrow will be a better day!
yes! today was my last day at work! :)
it's goodbye raffles place for now (and hopefully for a LONG time)
to sum up everything,
- no more squeezing with the morning crowd
- no more waking up at 7.20am
- no more tissue paper packets on seats
- no more having to decide where to lunch at every single day
- and the best part, no more stapling swifts, fixing the printer,faxing advices, matching trades, checking settlement, filing, photocopying, updating broker list, people constantly coming to take up my table space to check the bloomberg comp, feeling bad about using so much paper.
- no more affordable and quite good coffee
- no income after tomorrow
the best part about working at one raffles quay is the building (though it may have shook a little yesterday). i like the rainbow lights at the linkway and the office pantry's view of the seaport. so now i've had a taste of admin and i know for sure that i'm not for banking and banking is not for me.
to you all who are still working at hectic raffles, bear with it and look forward to the end of the month or whenever your job will end. i won't meet you all for lunch! hahha (unless i happen to be around that area)
on one hand, working keeps me occupied for the whole day. however, it's also due to work that i haven't been able to devote much time to YM matters and my own spiritual health.
almost three months have passed, so there's only about 4-5 months left till uni starts. within this 4 months, i will:
- get a job in service/f&b just to try out
- try to exercise more although my ankle still hurts abit.
- put more heart into ym
- try to avoid becoming mentally slow and work my brain more!
you know, i'm kinda worried that i can't write a proper essay anymore, that my spelling will go haywire, my grammar will be all wrong, i will once again forget what denatured enzymes is.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
i was trying to shop for a course online. it's not fun, very tough.
all the snail mail from the universities are coming in.
it's times like this when i pray so hard that God will show me the right direction so i don't make any funny mistake in choosing.
ohh i'm checking budget airline flight prices now! :)
bangkok! haha i hope we can make this trip!
yay tomorrow's my last day of work!
today i had to type out the whole pile of 3rd party funds shit. nope i didn't finish it. it's impossible. you know how thick the stack is?! sorry jawn you'll get to touch the keyboard alot then.
anyway i thought of something else i can do while being unemployed. bake and make desserts! i haven't tried anything from my dessert recipe book, so i will!
oh anyway PL has some receptionist job available. the admin manager is going to call me tmr. but if it sounds like too much admin, i don't want. but if i will only need to commit short term and the job scope is to answer calls and tend to incoming people, then it's fine :) no more paperwork please.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
i think i just found myself something to do after my contract with the bank ends on thursday (taking friday off!). i'm going to sign up for dance lessons at studio wu. join michelle. its 90$ a month and unlimited and now's the best time because i can go all i want until i find another job, maybe in april. i'm finally going to do something that i said i wanted to do before the As even started. next comes driving, but no hurry. it'll just be cool to drive to school, that's all.
ok now regarding schooling. i haven't read the nus letter for the registration online yet. it was sent to me a few days before the results were out and it's still lying there now. i've just narrowed my choices down to nus food science and ntu business(tourism and hospitality), but my options are still open to fass etc. now what are the possiblities? food science is interesting, food is a good topic, but i don't like chem that much. tourism and hosp is good because there is good career prospects. but yet again, there'll be stiff competition. it's like life sciences when that course was hot and people thought that singapore will be big in that industry.
i was just talking to michelle xueling and winnie online just now and we were talking about these(refer above). we decided that our A level certs won't even matter in a year to come, and that we should just get a decent degree, then we can go off and pursue different dreams. being an air stewardess sounds nice. according to mich whose father is working in SIA, starting pay is quite good too. if all else fails, i'll set up a sushi shop in raffles. haha. we'll see how that goes.
oh yes and the buzz buzz. the tremors today were apparently felt in our office builiding. at that time i was downstairs so maybe that was why i didn't feel it. so when we came back from lunch, there was a whole bunch of people gathered below hong leong building. when it was almost 2, the bank staff were evacuated. it's strange because 26th level wasn't affected. the stupid alarm bell just went off (like the usual false alarm) anyway ok i just wanted to say how close i was to all the commotion. goodnight.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
photos from betty and sam's surprise bday party
herewe had a 2b gathering at mr tang's house today. we had a good time laughing at the crazy stuff we did back then, talking about working life, PL. i could never ask for a better class than 2B! it has been 4 years already and we're still so close. :) 2B is the best class ever without a doubt. now we shall all wait for him to upload the group photo from the camera with a timer that sounds like a ticking bomb. meanwhile, here are a few pictures.
muthu clan photo! everyone was present!
EVAN tang kai. no words can describe how hyper he is. he jumps around, punches the toy dolphin, runs here and there, purposely falls, does some breakdance-like moves on the floor, whines. haha but still cute :)
after that xueling jeri and i went to ikea for dinner and to stroll around. in the end we sat ourselves down on a sofa and talked. and when the crowd started coming in the 'view the house', we'll move house. it's a good place to talk because no staff will chase you out.
firstly, thanks everyone for the concern, for calling/smsing. really appreciate it.
here's part of that slip. B B C b3. its extremely crumpled because i put it in my bag. not very nice looking also, so i can bear to crumple it. i'm fine with everything except for bio. i was hoping to get an A for that. anyway, i really must say that i've come a long way, rather, we've all come a long way from failing tests and getting Fs, even Es and Os for prelims, to this. congrats to everyone who got As, even if you don't like your results too much, keep looking up!
actually i'm quite surprised that i'm so calm now and am not the least bit devastated. i only cried abit when in the toilet after getting the results. it's a neutral feeling honestly. i'm neither :) nor :( truly it's only the peace that God can bring. i've been telling God that i'll leave it in His hands and i think that helped. and that He's been with me throughout this exam phase, i'm very thankful!
our cohort did well. there were about 250 students with 3 dist and above and some intelligent people get 8 distinctions. i marvel at that but i don't want to understand how they do that. so the school is having a half day on monday. it was quite fun going back to school, seeing all the year 1s and 2s doing what we used to do, looking like how we used to. and this will probably be the last time i set foot in TJ. (and probably the last time i'll see certain people)

eyin jiadi jeri caryn jialing and i went for lunch before going to school. went to a coffee shop opposite school for western food. the shops named e black board. we ordered and shared. the carbonara was nice, but the soup was bland. the desserts not very nice either. i'm really thankful for this bunch of you! we've braved two years worth of storms together, together with all the gossiping and fish soup. do meetup regularly because i will miss you all! now i'll start to shop for a course to get into, go for open houses, read through the whole stack of information books given to us.
went for sam and betty's surprise birthday party in the evening at aunty genin's. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU TWO! :)
Friday, March 02, 2007
actually the new phone is quite fun. i can upload music files, transfer many pictures from my computer to my phone through the usb cable, so much more than whwat my previous phone could do! i was having fun meddling with it earlier.
today i'm on leave. going back to school later. we're going to brunch at some newly opened western food stall opposite school. apparently they serve tiramisu too! wow i hope we don't get disappointed. i dread having to hear the principal speak. the anticipation can kill, really. maybe my heart will beat so fast i'll just get a heart attack or something.
quite happy now i just sold quite a few things online. my cupboard rid of a few more pieces of clothes that i don't wear anymore.
5 of us lunched tgt today. we went to toast at oub centre. not quite worth the money, considering that you get 2 thicker slices of multigrain bread with super salty smoked salmon. it's nice but it could have been less salty please. excessive salt->kidney failure you know. it sucks when it rains at raffles place. we wanted to eat zi cha at boat quay, then it rains, again. and not every place is sheltered so you can only eat at sheltered areas, which are either expensive or not very nice. unless you have an umbrella(or a newspaper which will turn soggy in the case of heavy rain), you can't go to places like golden shoe, lau pa sat, china square, boat quay, where the food is cheaper and nicer. :( by the way, raffles place really needs a sushi takeout shop (like edo sushi or sushi deli). this is a good idea, i'm copyrighting it. :P if i don't have a bright future in terms of studies, i'll set up shop at raffles.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
to me, getting my results is scary because:
- i did very badly for the prelims (like Es and Os, no kidding) and i'm really afraid that i'll see those again although i know this is the As, a whole different ball game. but it happened for the Os, i got the same results as my prelims.
- my intuition and instinct tells me nothing about what to expect.(well, except for the dream which i will choose to ignore)
- i don't have a specific direction to head towards regarding what course i want to take. so it's like walking in a thick fog. you just carry on walking without knowing what lies in the next step.
i just got a new phone, the motorola v3xx. not a phone i really wanted though, but yet again there's no phone that i really want now. all of them are not aesthetically appealing(either that or the price is sky high). i had to get this because my samsung one doesn't give out sound anymore :( so when i make calls, the other party can hear me but i'm unable to hear them. anyway i was having a hard time transferring all my contacts to the new phone because samsung can't trf to SIM card! now i have to figure how to make the phone store more smses. and then i can proceed to check out the other functions like music uploading, video cam, video calls etc.
i hope it doesnt rain tmr, then we can go to boat quay for lunch! :)