Monday, April 30, 2007
the real world is a bitch.
the whole world is a bitch except for my friends and my family, really.
turned out what i said in the friday/saturday post is something important. let me now go into detail.
first i was called on friday by (let's call her "Q" although her name doesn't start with q or anything like it) Q (who is a shop supervisor of sorts) to go down to the office on monday to discuss something with "L" (the equivalent of a manager i think). and i was told to bring my uniform and tee (so i obviously turn paranoid because there's no reason why i should bring them down). yup so that bugged me for a very long while but i still slept well and still got my weekend fun. i asked Q what the discussion is about, she obviously chose not to reply
then i asked Q a second time yesterday abt the discussion. this time she replied telling me she doesn't know exactly what it's about. (later you'll realise that this is a lie) fine. so i went down.
point 1: L told me that the roster doesn't work for them, they don't want someone who cannot work on so many days. but the thing is, i have stated very clearly at the interview that i can work every weekday but can't work on weekends. and they told me they're fine with it. and i said EVERY weekday, which is ALOT OF DAYS if you count. plus, they said at the friday meeting that 14 days is "quite covered" for someone new. so they are contradicting themselves. i don't know how you factor what i said into the roster but that's your problem. ok, i take it that the roster issue might be a misunderstanding.
the rest of the points: Q gave feedback to L saying my attitude sucks. really WTH, i tried as hard as i could to take in as much as possible, write what i learnt down (you want to have a look at it!?! !?), read about the products, ask questions (i'm not going to ask questions for the sake of asking, i'll ask when i have to). so i took a one hour lunch on wednesday. that was with two other colleagues mind you. never mind about that. so on thursday i bought food back but i wasn't aware that i'm not supposed to eat at the shop so i brought my stuff down, fine by me, i complied so that's not a point against me. and now they tell me that i can't take so long a break when they themselves said that we can take either a half hour or 1 hour break?! why do they keep contradicting themselves?! secondly, i buy food back for you (which took up 15 mins of that time) and you still say such things? how am i to know that some person haven't taken lunch and dinner. so 1 hour minus the 15mins i was back at the shop and 15mins queueing for YOUR food, thats only half an hours break.
next, they claim that i'm not familiar with how the shop works. if they leave me to handle the shop on my own, i won't be able to manage, "and most of them are independently handling the shops now."do i know how to work the POS? i know how to work it, just that i believe that it's always important to clarify because i don't want to key in anything wrongly. i may have came across unsure when i ask about the CC codes but i'm sure you rather me ask than key in wrongly right. anyway i've only been at the shop for two proper shifts so if you expect to get someone who learns the ropes so quickly, and in two days, to be as familiar as someone who has worked there for 1 month, you're going to be terribly disappointed. i think i took one of the shortest times to learn how to tie those ribbons. give a guy that task and it's going to take a long time.
now L has heard my side of the story. so i'll meet with Q on wednesday to clarify all those things she said, most of them totally untrue. even if they decide to let me continue, i'll have to think about it. i won't use the words "give me another chance" because in this case, i haven't done anything wrong by me. if i know i'm wrong i'll say it, like the bus 62 thing, partly my fault. but this, i've done nothing wrong.meanwhile, good luck rostering all over again, you'll have a hard time and i hope i don't end up in the same uni faculty as you. i hope one day you'll realise that God says not to lie, not to give false testimonies etc.
i should have taken more samples last week, gave ALL my friends samples, i regret that i didn't. i can't stop you from saying what you want to, but as long as i stand by what i believe in, and my conscience is clear, i'll just like you to know that what you said is false and i don't think i have any respect whatsoever for you. my choosing not to continue working there is not because i'm guilty but it's for the good of both parties, so that i don't have to force myself to be in an environment i'm not comfortable in and i don't have to work with such people. secondly, so you don't continue to step all over me. this is not attitude, this is merely standing up for myself. i can do without this job i think i'll be much happier somewhere else, maybe godiva. :P
thanks jas for listening to me rant over the phone, choy over sms, and some of you whom i've yet to talk to but will talk to. yup i need to keep talking about it until i feel the need to stop. haha. and my mom and dad have been great too. :) i was thinking too how i miss school, how it's free of all these troubles, how people may sometimes be horrible but not to this extent. so you see, the world's a real bad place to be in. only friends and parents will stand by you, only God will keep assuring me of His unconditional love. no matter what the world thinks, it only matters what i am in His eyes. Before i left the house just now i was flipping the Bible and i came across these verses:
17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.for now, yay for labour day! i hope we get to go ecp or something. and i always look forward to the weekends! :) i love my job, i love chocolates, i still will, but as for the people, i hope i never meet you all again.
Labels: rants, work
Sunday, April 29, 2007
i'm having a headache now. it's hurting alot.
i'm going to sleep soon.
yay i baked chocolate cupcakes! but no icing cos got no fresh milk.
went bowling for ym today. hahah at least i got a few strikes, over 3 games. :) sometimes i get an extra throw because the barrier didn't go down and the pins don't get swept away. always at my turn. haha that's good for me.
behold, the powerful commanding force of 'X'!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRICIA! :Djust for the record, sam jas and i are planning to go tanning and cycling on the same day. (let's see if we really accomplish that) goodnight! i think i need to conserve energy for my crazy, packed, and totally insane day ahead.
Friday, April 27, 2007
i was really sian today i don't know why. probably has something to do with waking up early, travelling alot, worrying, and reaching home late.
had a breakfast meeting with the prestat people.ohh breakfast was at spinelli! :) then i left to meet jasmine at amk hub. yeah we're on a mini quest to explore singapore, especially the little areas and heartlands where no one frequents as they do orchard. nothing much there. the ntuc is big but it's just like any giant or carrefour. lunch was good though!
we had sushi! :)

soft shell crab hand roll

cheese delight

and spicy chicken!
and more...
i actually wrote a whole paragraph here but i deleted it. i guess it's not really important after all. i shouldn't be paranoid and waste my mental energy thinking about such things because in fact, there's nothing to be worried about. but i've been kept in suspense the whole day and i don't like that.
went towning with sam after. wasn't really in the mood for it (you can tell because i got bored after an hour so i people-watched at the mrt station while waiting) but it's times like these when you buy impulsively, retail therapy being the number one excuse. but i like my impulsive buys so that's A-OHKAY!
oh yes and to reply to the tagboard messages, yup i like the job because i like chocolates, although hanging around there for the full 8 hours is exhausting and there isn't as much freedom as an office job.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
today sales was good! :) yayyyyyy
in the sales sector, i guess you get a sense of acheivement when you've managed to sell something.
i'm very tired now. and i still have a breakfast meeting tomorrow.
luckily i have something to do after that.
doing the accounts for closing is terrible. its just like working in a bank for 15mins. :/
ok, sampled chocolates of today
mandarin creme (dark):dark chocolate shell over mandarin creme fondant. orange and chocolate-great combination.
cream toffee: a not so soft piece of toffee coated with white chocolate. good if you're craving really sweet sticky stuff.
dark arcade praline trl: quite nice actually. its a soft centre (which tastes like hazelnut) coated with a dark chocolate and nuts outer. smooth chocolate!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
i just found out earlier that i'm working PM shift tmr! hahaha oh just as well, i can sleep in later, have lunch at home, eat less for and have an earlier dinner and sleep with a less expanded stomach. i just had my dinner close to 9. blahh.
today i rushed from RC to EP. hahha short forms rock because you don't understand! :P but it doesn't when i realise that i still have to type it out. but i don't if i don't want to. so i don't want to. (hahhah i sound so diva-ish, eeekss) raffles city to east point. i'll be 10 mins late anyhow. actually i planned to go kek seng tmr but i have to workkk.
ohkayyy. today i
tried brandied cherry, rose creme, white sweet orange wafers and rum hand rolled truffle. just so you know and so i know too,
brandied cherry is a slightly shrivelled piece of cherry (with seed) bathed and soaked in brandy and covered with hardened dark choc with chocolate rice at the bottom. it's kinda like xiao long bao, replace the soup with brandy, skin with chocolate shell and meat with cherry.
rose creme is.... ROSE CREAM! TADAH! hahha its like a white sweet paste, kinda like icing but not as sweet, then there's a sweet rose scent to it. so its like eating flowers. plus, there's a small piece of crystallised rose petal on top, real petal! this is something new i'm sure you haven't tasted a chocolate and flower combi.
white chocolate wafers infused with sweet orange is slightly on the sweet side because its white chocolate and i'm not a big fan of white chocolate. but orange goes well with chocolate so thats great! they should put orange in dark chocolate wafers! and i figured that the hand rolled and dusted truffles are not as great as i thought they'll be. they should put more alcoholll hehhhhhh :) anyway they are all a soft centre of thick smooth and rich chocolate coated with a layer of dark chocolate and then dusted with cocoa powder which is bitter. so first you taste a bitter plain thing, then you get the sweet part. quite messy cos the powder falls.
there are so many things to remember. and i think my brain can't really function as well as before. today, it was boring in the morning. got slightly better in the aftnn but still quite boring. it helps that the place is colourful but i think sooner or later i'll be complaining again. then i'll start calling people up. then i'll visit people... :/
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
went down to the office and shop today.
tied many ribbons.
i still have to familiarise myself with the shop.
i tried one truffle. the cointreau one. :)
and i got a few pieces of dark choc truffle. i think.
so now jasmine winnie and i are working at the same place again.
hahha jas and i have telepathy!
so i left the shop at 430 and hung arnd at the thos sb pushcart talking with jas and winnie.
oh yay i got a 'prestat babes' tee (on loan i guess) and its nice ;)
oh ya jas and i were walking arnd RC (raffles city) and we came across a booth 'philipsecurites' or something like that. they were giving out free donuts with every survey filled. so we did the survey and got a donut factory donut! haha no need to queue! :P this time it tasted better than the previous time.
you know what, the grass is always greener on the other side. just like how the chocolate is always richer on the other side and the oranges are more orange on the other side and the rainbow is more colourful on the other side, the clouds are darker on the other side? -> hahha i think thats true most of the time. when you're at this side, it may be raining on the other side, unless of course it's raining at your side. oh yes i forgot, the whole point of this paragraph is to say that i wanted to find a job badly when i was bumming and being useless at home and now i miss bumming and dread waking up early in the morning.
now i understand why so many singaporeans are displeased with the gvmt and authorities. not entirely against them but regarding the case of the stupid ezlink card, sbstransit is definitely taking their own sweet time to return it. you know why people get pissed? becauseeeee they aren't efficient at all. RETURN MY CARD YOU AKLHFJKLSDHFLSDLUH. my mom has called so many times and emailed them too. i know they have many cases to deal with but thats not an excuse to take 3 weeks (and counting) to return one carddddd.
oh yes if anyone of you wants to get chocolate, i have a 40% staff discount. that'll be about 2$ a piece of choc instead of $4 each. the more you buy the cheaper a piece. i must say, they make good gifts. they come in nice boxes, so nicely packaged, plus they taste great... :) the perks abt this job is of course, the chocolate. i have to sample each type of chocolate. that means that i would have eaten approximately
100$ $200 worth of chocolates by the time i'm done. yay!
Monday, April 23, 2007
today i finally went back to working.
i worked two jobs actually.
went to prestat and i was told to go in to the office tomorrow to help with a big order. so i rushed all the GST calculations today and yes i'm done with it!
so i'll be down at the shop on wed and thurs (shucks i thought i'll start on monday). and i have friday off. but they're having a breakfast meeting on friday, for like 1 hour :/
i can't wait to sample the chocolates. :)
Friday, April 20, 2007
april photos
everything works out fine in the end.
i'll be going to work at uncle larry's office on monday and maybe tues too.
on monday i'll also go down to the prestat office to sign the contract, go through a short orientation abt the products and get the uniform(hot pink shirt!). then on one or two more of those days i'll go out with jas to ikea etc. then next week i start work proper. yay, it all falls into place, and thank God for that! :)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
i just watched 'sweets for my sweet' on ch5. i want to go to max brenner's one day, when i feel like indulging in the (sinful) world of chocolate. suckao, hugmugs and all things chocolate!
speaking of chocolate, i went for an interview at
prestat today. in case you don't know where or what that is, its a shop selling (expensive) chocolates, located at raffles city shopping centre. yay i'm going down on monday to sign some contract thing, and i hope i'll start work really soon! MEGA YAY i'll be working with CHOCOLATE. oh LOVEEEE. hahaha :D cool!
ok anyway jasmine and i went explorin' singapore today!
first we lunched at OOTP (where we got complimentary drinks thanks to jas-staff privileges!)

our B.L.T crepe (bacon lettuce tomato cheese) and drinks
then we went to the equinox to check out the view from the 70th storey.

the lift interior

the clock at the lobby of swissotel.

the spectacular view!

then we walked to bugis to shop for abit. -yay i got my skinny jeans!
then we went to NLB, where we took the lift up to the 14th floor, then down, then up and down again. adrenaline rushhhh. this is some model of singapore's water caatchment areas at the NLB.

hougang, buangkok and sengkang! haha
then we had 'high tea' at azabu sabo. we had icecream actually. and alot of green tea! :)

matcha, black sesame and chocolate jap icecream with fruits and chopped nuts with oreos at the bottom!

art exhibit outside raffles city.

made out of brooms, toilet plungers, rakes, hairclips, mopheads, toilet bowl scrub etc.
ATTACK of the flies! alien bodies and skulllszzz. :/
i never knew discovering singapore could be so exciting. to go to places i've never been before (not like city hall) we should definitely do this more! :)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
got an adrenaline rushhh from spreeing online. hahaa.
had to rush to get the orders in.
now i'm at peace.
yay got my f21 stuff yesterday. happy ;)
went for one lesson of dance just now. shit now my thigh muscles are feeling weird thanks to the extreme stretching.
i hope i get a job tmr. i just spent money again. i need more credit and not debit.
going out tmr :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
spent the evening with my dear (part of the) muthu clanners. :)
i wake up at 12plus so my day starts when everyone is already halfway through theirs.

everyone! me winnie jeri michelle jessie

dined at changing appetites!

kahlua cheesecake. yum! all cheesecakes at half price on tuesdays.

cheese chicken. (served with nachos and slices of mango)

oreo cheesecake

dinner at out of the pan yesterday with the kayak gang. haha it was quite funny watching the guys calculate and figure which item was most worth their money, filling in the feedback card, making stupid comments.

berry waffle

tiramisu crepe.
to add on to my to-do list, rather, my shopping list,
i want to find a nice-fitting pair of skinny jeans!
oh yes by the way i didn't go get my free cone today :(
i was at city hall at about 7pm only.
there, i passed up my chance to get 'compensation' for the time and money i spent waiting for them to get back to me the other time and travelling fare. all because i didn't want to leave the house earlier.
Labels: food, friends, GFs
Monday, April 16, 2007
since i've nothing much to update about, here's my to-do list:
- start looking for a laptop
- try making cream pasta sauce + bake + watch dvd!
- go to the zoo
- ikea
- go gym
- look for job (ya i'm tired of this finding a job thing already. i'm tired of finding, tired about being lazy about it, tired of talking about it. so try not to ask me, i will update when i find one)
that's enough. hahaha, jasmine quickly come accompany me!
oh i just bought merci chocolate today. it makes me happy. happy to know that i finally have something that's worth eating, in the fridge. and happy to sleep tonight knowing that i'll wake up and find chocolate in the fridge and eat it before i even eat breakfast(or lunch)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
hahhaa errrr
gahhh i missed posting on FRIDAY THE 13TH!
went to tim's house just now for some parents cell group gathering thingy. yay for cheesecake from baker's story! :D i want somemore!
so we ended up playing table tennis and it was funny when we were whacking the pingpongggg (PINGPONG!) ball around.
great. so i'm supposed to lead worship tomorrow and i'm still not really sure about the songs. why do i always end up doing such last minute stuff. i didn't even call my group members, i just smsed them for abit. ahhhh.
if you're bored like me, here's some mrt thing i did while emailing sam to and fro the other day. hahah it does kill time, really.
EW: (woohooo i've been to almost all the stations)
[Y] Changi Airport- study(nice place to study really), send people off
[Y] Expo- metro sale i think.
[Y] Pasir Ris- everyday when i was in TJ, to take 88 home. my nearest EW line MRT.
[Y] Tampines- to go to tampines mall/take a bus to ikea
[Y] Simei- yesterday for dance lesson
[Y] Tanah Merah- when i take 12 instead of walking to bedok from school. and when i go to the club.
[Y] Bedok- walk there from school everyday. siannn.
[Y] Kembangan- to go to my friends house and that orientation game(aiya i've travelled to alot of EW line because of that. waste money)
[Y] Eunos- to go to enlin's house (on her birthday and for the wake) and for stupid orientation game.
[Y] Paya Lebar- the same orientation game.
[Y] Aljunied- my friends house once, bus 62 from PL goes here.
[Y] Kallang- indoor stadium, kallang theatre.
[Y] Lavender- IC and passport stuff.
[Y] Bugis- Shopping.
[Y] City Hall- Shopping. i think i go there as much as i go to orchard. orchard gets boring sometimes.
[Y] Raffles Place- for threeeee months. THREEE MONTHS! and i had to squeeze with the crowd every morning and evening. bad place
[Y] Tanjong Pagar- wanted to go for the rockclimbing thing there once but we didnt rockclimb in the end.
[Y] Outram Park- YES IT IS OUTRAM YOU GOONDOO. transition to east west from NEL and to visit aunty margaret at SGH.
[N] Tiong Bahru- i don't think i've been there.
[Y] Redhill- maybe when i went to ikea.
[Y] Queenstown- Church of our savior event and IKEA.
[N] Commonwealth- errr i doubt.
[Y] Buona Vista- HAHAH elephants stay at changi airport!
[Y] Dover- :~'s grandmother died lah don't bluff me.
[N] Clementi- nah
[Y] Jurong East- iceskating. once.
[N] Chinese Garden- no.
[N] Lakeside- nope
[Y] Boon Lay- maybe. but it must have been years ago.NS:
[N] Bukit Batok- nopeee
[N] Bukit Gombak- nopeee
[N] Choa Chu Kang- nopeee
[N] Yew Tee- nopeee
[N] Kranji- nopeee
[N] Marsiling- nopeee
[Y] Woodlands-ehhh, causeway point?
[N] Admiralty- nopeee
[N] Sembawang- nopeee
[N] Yishun- nopeee
[N] Khatib- nopeee
[Y] Yio Chu Kang- hope you meet elephantys and bug teeth buddha's back there. went there for the youth rally at pres high.
[Y] Ang Mo Kio- UYH's birthday, the latest. used to stay at angmokio when i was around 4 or 5.
[Y] Bishan- j8.
[Y] Braddell- some amazing race thing for ym eons ago.[Y] Toa Payoh- sports stadium for sch's badminton/volleyball/basketball match. my friends house to bake after prelims!
[Y] Novena- forgot
[Y] Newton-after church at SIM to go to orchard.
[Y] Orchard- no i haven't been there and i'm lying.
[Y] Somerset- ...
[Y] Dhoby Ghaut- :# waffle face
[Y] Marina Bay- haha my friends and i went there once thinking it was near esplanade(this is when it was just built ok) then we wandered awhile. meanwhile, my friend misplaced her ezlink and we found out that its super ulu. other times to have those bbq steamboat things.
[Y] Harbourfront- yeah i pay 2.10 to get from my house lrt station to harbourfront. ?!?!?!??!
[Y] Chinatown- went there after the last A level paper for a lack of a better place. this is where i got the gold chain for 2.5/m. no more already. :(
[Y] Clarke Quay-err i dont know. maybe maybe not.
[Y] Little India- buy those indian cloths.
[Y] Farrer Park- once i forgot for what
[Y] Boon Keng- the christian bookstore near there
[Y] Potong Pasir-aunty genins house
[Y] Serangoon- go to your house lah! (sam's house)
[Y] Kovan- heartland mallll siaaaaa.
[Y] Hougang- i stayed opposite hougang mall for a few years in pri sch.
[N] Buangkok- no its not my lrt thing. thats bakau. it used to be unopened until people put white elephants (HHAHAHAHA :~ ) there etc. so the train will pass it by everytime and a few times i think "what if i saw something standing at the door on the other side"
[Y] Punggol- overshot my house. i was studying bio for o levels :!LJL:KAJFLK. there's an easier way to get to punggol from here. just run.*in case you were wondering, :~ is an elephant face, :# is waffle face. my little creations (out of boredom). thus the talk about elephantys etc.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
i don't know where to start. i have this empty feeling. you know the feeling when you think you're really bored, there's no one to talk to, nobody to go out with, no job yet, there's nothing to look forward to, there's nothing else to do but blog. but at the same time there are things waiting to be done, such as preparing for worship, planning a catching up dinner with the girls, calling the cell group(but it's 11 now so i'll just call you all tomorrow or friday!). but i just don't feel like doing anything.
now let me try blogging about my day backwards.
i came home.
before that, i went to dance lesson, with my only experience (which is almost no experience at all) being mass dance. sometimes i think my memory sucks. i can't remember the chereo for pop jazz anymore, sometimes i think i'm not naturally coordinated, all the right leg right arm left leg left arm stuff. sometimes i just don't think about what i'm doing. so, like mass dance, i think i will take some time to get it. i haven't decided whether or not to sign up yet.
before that i went down to PL to fill in the waiting list form for relief teaching. prior to that, i phoned somemore schools around this area. i've covered most pri schools and a couple of sec schs so i really hope that one of them will call me soon, but not all on the same day. if all else fails, changi airport it is! i need incomeeeee. someschool please call me!! now i know how difficult it is to find a job (that doesn't pay $4.5/hr)
oh ok somewhere in the middle of all those i took a bus. (this is so stupid but i'm going to blog about it anyway) my ezlink had no money so i paid in coins but didnt have enough money so i just paid 60cents and showed the bus driver my student pass. so as luck (or the lack of it) has it, an inspector came on. then i didnt know they checked whether i'm paying adult fare or not. anyway to cut the long story short, the inspector guy (yes muhd ta-something i remember you) retained the card after i paid the adult fare. this requires me to make a trip all the way to buona vista to get it back. after that i told my mom and she called them, and the SBS staff told her that they aren't supposed to retain the card after topup (let alone make me pay the fare again) i know it's my fault that i didn't pay adult fare but it's MUHD's fault that he took my card when he's not supposed to. so now, you inspector guy, bring the card back to my house and give me back $0.55! i'm not going anywhere to collect it. luckily my dad doesn't take public transport so i still can get around singapore with his card.
the morning was spent at home.
:( it's difficult to plan dinners. dinner on tuesday ok girls!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
i didn't go out today. instead, i phoned schools.
today i called sengkang pri- sent them a resume etc.
called PL sec. going down tmr to fill in the waiting list form.
called compassvale pri but i didn't get what the guy was saying.
tomorrow i'm going to tryout more schools around here.
and finally i'll be going for danceee in the evening!
Monday, April 09, 2007
i lazed the day away again. i don't know why i'm so lazy but i need to snap out of it. i woke up after sleeping on the tv room couch the previous night because i encountered some stupid insect in my room while i was drifting into slumber. then i immediately switched on the lights and jumped out of bed, convinced that something was crawling on my bed. i have yet to find that horrible flying pest but i am sure it was there, it couldn't possibly be a figment of my imagination because i won't want to imagine insects crawling anywhere near me. ya ya, laugh at me, but i am disgusted at the thought of some icky insect crawling on me and all over my room. YUCK. i hope it doesn't appear again tonight. i hope it isn't even there anymore. anyway i woke up and decided (actually i decided last night)that i want a macs big breakfast since i have been craving it since i was still working at the bank. so i got my brunch, then i watched tv and read a book. and i did that for the entire day, on the couch.
so here i am, again, starting to consider possible jobs and where i could possibly go to find them. tomorrow (i hope), i will go out and walk around sengkang and try to get a relief teaching job or something, if not i will go down to changi airport and find a barista job. i have always thought of the airport as an interesting place, where people or different nationalities pass through, where the atmosphere is unlike any mall in singapore (though it still does have some mall-like qualities). went there a few times last year to mug for the As, yup i like it there!
i think the reason why i'm being such a bum is because i don't see a real need to get a job. maybe once i start thinking more about the potential holiday in july, i will get up and start working. but it's definitely getting boring around the house and to think i'm even tired of shopping and wandering around orchard. i have had enough of bumming the past 4-5 weeks. i know i will one day look back and miss these days when i did nothing at all because, if you think about it, i will never have an opportunity like this (unless i become a rich taitai which may or may not happen- the chance of 'may' being much slimmer than 'may not') the next few years will be spent studying, the years after that and until i retire, i will be in the workforce.
i don't think i would want to be a rich taitai anyway, it's about as boring as working. (and bumming at home). i also haven't exercised since last monday. :( and i kinda miss studying too.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
hohohohohoh :D i'm watching mr world 2007 now.
all i have to say is, the brazilian (and spanish) contestants are damn hot :D :D
the singaporean guy, though, looks like an ah beng.
peace! hhahaha
have been at aunty margaret's wake the past two nights plus this morning. it's really amazing how much faith she had even though she was so young in the christian faith. i'm sure her life was lived well, as a testimony to others. so, to the family, keep holding on to the memories and have the faith that she had! :] <3
ok and BnJs called the other day to say that they've hired some people so they aren't hiring anymore. so there, i've decided that i will probably try relief teaching and tutoring. yep. no icecream scooping. maybe i'll work at the airport. haha ok
oh by the way i cut my hair. no i didn't DIY. my fringe is shorter now. not used to it yet because i'm still at the "i think i look weird" stage.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
photo post ahead!
-back to school

below the concert hall. what used to be the carpark and assembly grounds.

stairs to the basketball court

jasmine and i. we had fun waving to teachers and disrupting lessons.

what used to be the general office block.

on your left is the concert hall. on your right the science lab block. now with 2 more levels.

red brick area and that garden thing. i'm glad they cleaned the water. at the top of the picture you'll see that they built another staircase.

ebernezer block. still looks the same.

the track. they made the centre of the field concrete. blehh. anyway, nice sky today.
air-conditioned multi purpose hall.

the toilets, preserved in their original state, only that they are divided into two sections. we all know that we love our toilets!

well area. with lousy tables and chairs.


soon-to-be concert hall. looks good!

the stage. reminds me of syf. hahaha
oh and there's going to be a funfair this year in september! let's all go!
the school looks quite dull now, i guess that's because it's all grey coloured. PL was the best thing that happened to me, so far. i made the best friends there and had the best time there too. :)
dinner with jeri!

sakae at compass point

gelato! chocolate peanut and tiramisu flavour!

the park at compassvale. gahhh my legs are amputated!
jeri and i

i am half translucent, and i defy gravity.

jeri trying too. haha
there are more stupid photos were those came from but i'm not posting them. goodnight!
Labels: GFs, school