Saturday, June 30, 2007
i'm considering baking cheesecake now, but i'm feeling lazy. lazy to walk to the supermarket, lazy to wait 20 mins for it to bake, lazy to wait for it to refrigerate overnight.
and i realised that we can't bake that on monday.
ym today was a "voice your opinion" session about pop culture.
to sum up,
we are like plant cells
cell walls, cell membranes.
the cell wall allows everything, if not most of the substances to pass through, while the membrane filters them.
yes we can listen to pop songs and watch movies and tv
but we must be partially permeable and allow only what's beneficial to enter.
but if ever dangerous stuff enters, i'm sure your cell has some mechanism to destroy them.
no but what's important is the discernment part
blahh i forgot so much of my bio stuff. oh well.
is this the part where my blog entry will have an effect on the lives of others. :P
Friday, June 29, 2007
went back to school with jeri today to collect our a level cert and SGC.
jeri you owe me two birthday presents! :P
i'm impressed. it actually comes in a hardcover portfolio folder.
i'm so sad :( they summarised our SGC write-ups to two pathetic paragraphs, when i wrote a full page for each event. i thought they were going to print what we write.
i was going to blog about the security guard at the school gate. but never mind.
then we went shopping! i blew $100 in one trip BUTBUTBUT i can strike off three item on my shopping list, so it's not so bad.
oh i got king edward VII hall. hello hall life! i hope i get to room with winnie or cindy. wheeeee. actually i'm not exactly very excited about uni and halls and camps and such. not yet.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
i had my hair cut today
i ate a very late lunch with jas at prego today.
here are pictures!

*we dined there only because we had a 25% discount voucher to use.

prego pizza. shared.

tiramisu. shared too. this costs 14 freakinggg dollars. actually we wanted the 7$ one. blehhh.

not excellent, but not bad. i'm having a tiramisu day. i eat tiramisu icecream for breakfast and this for my half lunch.

yeah my shorter hair. excuse my dry hair i think its the after effect of rebonding. the ends go crazy and looks like hay. i hope it gets less dry.
view this video of
al running into a wall. (no lah a mattress)
sorry i don't know how to rotate
*it's funnier if you play it over and over.
oh i think i'm supposed to blog about my hair cut. it's dry and i don't like it yet. it will look better after a month i suppose. i miss my longer hair, a little. 2nd problem- the periodical bloating. 3rd problem- rash on my thigh which looks like a skin irritation because it doesn't really itch. i suspect pangkor and their not so clean beds and rubbishy water. i've been to the doctor already but the meds aren't helping much. eee yuck i shouldn't have to face the world now.
now i hope i'll wake up tomorrow and all these problems will be gone.
Labels: food, GFs
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
i want to go shopping, quite badly.
i want to jet off to HK asap. i need krispy kremes and shopping and disneyland.
and i need to go to the hairdressers and my haircut!
need to go to the supermarket because there's nothing to munch on at home. well, there are, but they're potato chips and keropok and cuttlefish stuff. i don't fancy these stuff that much. i want chocolate and icecream.
and i did nothing today. i think i'll do the same tomorrow.
by the way, i still can't view cbox tagboards.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
i am:
- so bored now
- exploring my facebook account
- full from durian, crabs and icecream!
- happy. actually not really
- (was) having a nosebleed. yucks but i'm used to it
- sore throat and runny nose-less! :)
i want to straighten and cut my hair. like shoulder length and with THE FRINGE. you know THE FRINGE. haha. not bangs. the side swept thingy. i figured my fringe should always cover my forehead if not i'll look really weird. <- because my hair so CMI now. cannot make it. it looks horrible, which makes me look horrible. and that's bad.
to all you people who are going back to school tomorrow. (oh dreaded school) i know how it feels like. must work hard! and to all the exam-taking students, go take a nap, study at night. ahhahah do a bit of last minute cramming (you never know what wonders cramming can do) and tadah you're all ready! all the best and remember to wake up for the exam. aim for promos and prelims!

rainbow! from lin's camera.

people. and food. but mainly people. hmmm...

everything in picture grid! because i'm layz (thats lay-zee by the way) food and more food/birthday girl/playing pig/tricia/me eating icecream/me and jolene/the blurthday girl/choy the unglam (still unglam)

sam lim hahaha/lin and uncle d. (thats what janice calls him)/sam again lol/penny tan. do you have a penny tan?/er, me/spamming my phone camera/the eye/the eye 2/trickpat (?!)/2nd surprise/blahblahblah

strawberry cheesecake from secret recipe. the one i baked still takes the cake! :)

I LOVE YOU CANDICE. although sometimes you so blur (huh?) haha but still cute :) yes you are going to organise a birthday bash for me (no don't bash me 19 times okay)
some church camp videos:
keith dancing- ultimate cutenessedmund-emptysamsim-emptycandice and fishballsLabels: birthdays
Friday, June 22, 2007
church camp 2007
back from church camp and pangkor!
HERE.happy birthday (man) candice! i slept from 11 last night to 1 this aftnn, then back to sleep at 2plus till 7plus. 18 hours! woahhhh. i own! i had runny nose and sore throat for the past two days. mostly gone now. enlin and choy hope you all are feeling better too! church camp was fun. would have been better if it was longer because 4 dayz whizzed by so quickly. the food was mediocre, save for some dishes that were not bad, like the eggs and coffee and some desserts (sago and the pudding thing!). the hotel layout is super weird. we had to walk a long corridor to get to the ballrooms and dining places from our rooms. and the lifts took forever to come. the facilities were quite rundown. so much for 5 star, but its still ok. much better than the pangkor one.we played alot of tennis there, shopped at mid valley, bowled. candice and i make a good bowling team! :)nights were super fun, esp the last night. the first night we were planning for the hk trip, and watched star wars (with the funny bear-looking things) and rolling rolling rolling (lol)
the second night a bunch of us were having girl talk! tricia so funny she's like in her own world. candice super blur as usual. and isa keeps talking to herself when everyones laughing like mad. then the guys came and interrupted. ahahha choy fell off the bed like three times, and we pushed shannon off the bed. i think janice fell off the bed too. funny!
the last night was the best. we had ym prayer revival meeting till 1plus am. alot of people were there, crammed in one room. then we went up to find people playing asshole daidee. so enlin jolene and i sat outside for a while talking. then we played pig and bluff. bluff with five decks of cards! 20 QUEENS! and they ordered macs 100 nuggets +fries+ big macs! plus the donuts. pigs. but it was fun.jasmine and i were doing our laughing thing at 5am again. jasmine we should find you a name. krusty +krepes or kremes. we're a team! haha. birdfriend is not that funny after all. we only went to sleep at 630. refer to pictures below.

one thing i think God spoke to me about was about living my life for Him. not explicitly out of sermon but more from my QT. to sit at His feet and listen. the camp theme song puts it nicely into words:
i made a vow
my life will always honour Christ
whether i live or die
i belong to Him
He bore my sin
i owe this life to my saving King
i am not my own
You are in control
for me to live is Christ
and to die is gain
no matter what price i pay
i choose to give this life away i heart my dp group too, although so often we self-disrupt.

now to talk about pangkor! i expected it to be a beautiful island but no it wasn't :( we took a boat out to another island on the 2nd day but the water was murky and rubbish was floating in at one point, and the water was very salty. no different from trying snorkling at ecp (pointless). so we spent most of our time playing cards on the floating platform. gin rummy, bridge. but the company was good! hahha we spent both nights playing cards too. i never talked to sam sim (m) much before this. i found out he's quite joker too. and jawn is super slow in pig! hahha. GIM RAMLY. LOL.

oh anyway i can't see my tagboard cos got some error. so if you can see it, don't tag yet. if you can't, yay then its not my comp problem.
ok goodnight.
Labels: church camp
Friday, June 15, 2007
church camp tomorrow!
i just found out that theres a gym at the hotel
i hope its not like the gym at last year's. that was lousy.
i want to go gymming!
ya i hope i do since theres so much to do. bowling, paintball etc.
and i haven't prepared for the ym camp announcement
this year i have no food stash
i hope other people have some
actually i don't because i can do without the extra food and snacks.
i want to go shopping.
theres malaysian mega sale on now!
yay! theres f21,topshop,diva, dunkin donuts, guess, ms selfridge, and dorothy perkins at one utama. who cares if the range is outdated its still shopping. :) definitely going shopping.
butbutbut, i pray that our focus will on be on our God throughout the camp and as a church we'll experience Him first hand.
okayyy i'm going to pack. be back 21st! :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
NUS hall application -check
send photos to people-check
type minutes-check
send camp photos-
pack for camp-
spizza dinner to celebrate
picture post!

Strawberry cheesecake i baked from scratch.yay it rocks! :)

pizzas and muffins

birthday boys- the muffin boys feeding each other, sticking flowers in their hair etc.

too many photos, so everything is in picture grid form. jolene/sam/enlin/glenda & jolene

glenda/candice/sam chua/shawn and sherm

shir & janice/mark pouty face/jolene me mark pouty face helmet hair/edward me alvin flowerpower!

more flowerpower! candice jolene jasmine glenda and i

choy's retarded face/mark's long but not so long hair/sam the toucan/alvin the ahbeng/candice glenda and jas/candice flowergirl/the guys/candice waving/the little boy in spizza "billiion billion billion x billion times", "bye i'm going to catch a monkey, and powerrangers too so i can be one of them"

MIFFY imposters! :x

group photo!
ok i'll be at camp the next three days.
back for a day
then church camp on saturday!
will upload more videos another day
Monday, June 11, 2007

everyone say hi to GINGY!
my new love <3
and it speaks gibberish
if you know what its saying (the 2nd part) please enlighten me.
i'm going to bring it around in my bag
hahah but jasmine says its mouth looks scary
adi says its evil in the movie, and it got dipped in milk till the legs dropped off. hmm i would like to see that actually. sounds funny!
and i baked cheesecake just now.
so that leaves me with getting donuts.
Friday, June 08, 2007
i want gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man gingerbread man
and donuts
and cheesecake
woah i haven't updated since sunday.
yesterday i opened my journal and woahhh i haven't journalled in a month!
yea so i'm going to try to do QT everyday. it's quite fun once you get started. everyday God reveals more of Himself, gives you those precious words you can hold on to, FOREVER. :)
and we had a wonderful time of prayer today! our church is having this 24/365 prayer event, where people take turns to pray at tani for 2hour slots or more. during sharing of sorts, we were talking about how youths in general and the void in their lives. it really all boils down to purpose. do you live just to fulfill your own goals or for something greater, for eternity?
tomorrow is my last day at work! after this i'm going to bum and go for camps! actually my mom told me to go ahead and apply for nus hall. hmm, now i don't know where i can possibly stay at.
what if i apply for something near sci fac and then somehow FST doesnt work out and i can transfer to FASS. nah i realised that sci fac is not particularly near any hall, because they're all concentrated at the bottom of the map.
i just spent a half hour surfing around the hall websites. i'm undecided.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
eyes very itchy.
i think it has to do with staring at a screen for 3 hours.
watched pirates 3 with a whole bunch of people after church today.
not a great movie, just like the 2nd part, but still okay to watch because johnny depp is funny, and 'welcome to singapore'? ohkayyyyyyy :/
i'm going to work till the end of this week! :)
i'm excited about church camp, HK and much more!
hahah something random: have you gotten a dejavu about having a dejavu where you were having a dejavu...?! (its as endless as those mirror images of mirrors) by the way, will those mirror images end once the image gets too small? hmmm bye
Saturday, June 02, 2007
choy's birthday celebration at changing appetites.
(supposed to be sam's too)

the food. barbarian burgers, ribs, pasta, waffles, mudpie.

jolene candice and i camwhoring. :)

random shots. chua sleeping/trying to cut the meteorite/
al and sam/sam and al/shannon and choy taking pics to make my cam go out of memory/guys trying to finish the burgers/meteorite face.

*candice, although the thing really looks like a meteorite, it tastes nice :)

group photo! :)
Labels: birthdays, friends