Tuesday, July 31, 2007
ahhh i'm officially overwhelmed!
uni admin matters are a great big bother.
i didn't bring my giro form today because i didn't see the form when i was
pre-registering so
i'm going to have to bring it down
tmr. and the
cpf thing also. i can't find my
singpass and my mom can't find hers so we can't apply online and i have to go through manual application.
what's worse is, the printer is really screwed up the paper keeps jamming and i dont really bother with punctuation now cos my hands had chocolate on them and i found out that my
dbs internet banking device fell in the paper inlet and was stuck inside.
wahhh i feel so dumb now.
and i didn't get into
fst so i have to bother myself with appeals and stuff (that is, if they even allow appeals).
i'm quite sad about this because i just watched something on discovery travel and living yesterday about those candy and snack factories in the USA and i was thinking "
wwwaaah i want to work at those places next time" (of course as a flavour scientist and the likes, not a factory worker) now i have to plan my "strategy" carefully so as to ensure i am not at a disadvantage IF i transfer. this
fst thing is so (insert appropriate word here). i can't decide on my major yet because of this, because
i'm still hoping there are appeals. and i couldn't transfer during the transfer period because applications were opened till 20
th. how far will i go to get something i want?
on top of that i have to think about what modules i want to take this
sem and bid on the 2
nd, which is
thursday. looks like
i'll spend the whole of
wednesday night deciding and evaluating, and the whole of
thursday staring at the comp trying to monitor the status and
bidbidbid. it's not fun , AT ALL. i want to get this whole phase of uni over and done with, and go on to the more interesting part where i get to use the gym after school and go to
vivo and have lunch with my friends.
oh yes and i have to buy my laptop tomorrow and get a loan and wait a few weeks for them to arrange an appointment (i don't know what for) and then eventually collect it. and i have to remember all those important dates.
i'm glad i didn't sign up for orientation because i will be in a greater mess if i did.
haha oh yes today i was at matriculation, and we had to take queue numbers. the ticket read : "please taker a seat..." what?! yes i will taker a seat thank you. NUS
leh, how can they not run spellcheck on their queue number machine. so much for "write right" and good
i got a
bagfull of brochures and misc items from the fair and i had to lug that all the way home. round 2 tomorrow.
Labels: school
Sunday, July 29, 2007
evan's birthday tomato sploshh!

jolene and i, photo frenzy! we took at least 10 photos.
we then proceeded to uyh's house, where we feasted on THOSE YUMMY TRUFFLES from canada. :D i'm such a glutton
when it comes to chocolate
the guys bought a whole lot of tomatoes (i keep spelling it as tomotoes theres something wrong with me). TOMOTOE~! hahaha. so her friends brought her downstairs, and before she knew it, she was being tomatoed. getting tomato on your teeshirt is digusting. please do not ever do that again. mark's pretty good at this, his shirt was still clean after the whole tomato fight.
the birthday girl and chocolate truffle cake. chocolate truffle cakeeeeee :)
and this is a very cool picture of evan and the flying tomato.
ok i've had enough of typing "tomato" and misspelling it as tomotoe.
here's mr daydream, the cutest mr men rightrightright. yes faith i finally received it! (and roc) THANK YOUUU!
actually i have nothing much up this week. most people will be away at orientation and i'll be home sleeping. i'm either slow or blur or both. i was sent the email about sci fac orientation. and on friday i finally decided that i should sign up for it, but registratiosn were already closed! :( am i not meant to be participative at all?! that's fine with me because i get to sleep in late for an extra week. but i would have gone for orientation if i could.
Labels: birthdays
Saturday, July 28, 2007
drug syndicate
i witnessed a police chase last night! super COOL!
you would have seen it in the televised news today. it's about a drug syndicate and traffickers. if you haven't, read this
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/290935/1/.htmlit took place at about 2:15am. i was about to sleep when i heard sirens. so i got up to see what was going on. woaahhh then i saw these police cars chasing this white lorry. then the lorry suddenly turned to the left-turn zebra crossing area at the road junction, and stopped. then a bunch of people got out and ran all over the roads (it was 2am therefore not much traffic) then the police started chasing them and so on. for most of the time i didn't know what was going on, so i just watched. i got quite a good view from my window (luckily they cut down some trees recently). groups of kaypo people also congregated downstairs. actually i would classify myself as kaypo too, except i didn't go down.
and... photographic evidence.

somewhere in the middle of the 2nd picture, you can see the lorry. the police cars are those with the blue lights. i thought it was pretty interesting to watch. free show at 2am! haha.
weather's so cold! i like! but i have this theory about how you shouldn't stay in a cold environment for too long because subcutaneous fat will accumulate. think polar bears and insulation. but i guess it's more an adaptation to climate rather than weather.
went for nus sci fac dean's welcome tea and briefing on friday. wow i woke up at 7 to go for this! and endured a long nausea-inducing car ride there(not because of my dad but because i was sleepy). ohohoh i was half-sleeping in the car right, then suddenly i felt a tap on my shoulder. i opened my eyes and saw a cockroachnymph-looking thing in front of me. ewww. but ahhhh mysterious. maybe God tried to wake me up so the thing won't land on me. hahah ok.
the talk was generally boring. CORS is confusing but just think of it as bidding in a game of bridge, and also bidding on ebay. so basically it's bidding and pure chance. i want to go for student exchange or summer programme, and i still pray for FST although i didn't stay for their talk because i wanted to go home and sleep. took a long time to get home. maybe i'll just sleep in the streets everyday hahaa. nah.
oh yes and while i was walking home in the drizzle, and i was listening to my mp3. in the middle of a secular song, a christian song started playing for a few seconds, then back to secular song for a few seconds, then the christian song again. but when i tried to rewind the song, it didn't play the bits of christian song already. wow God speaks through mp3 players too! hahah but unfortunately, i can't remember which song that was. :( sorry God, i was listening, but my memory's bad.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
i'm stuck in science fac, at least until october.
i called today and my call got transferred all over the place (so irritating but never mind). after being pushed to another in charge 3-4 times, i was told that there're no vacancies in FASS and i would have to wait till october. only then i can try to transfer fac.
i don't have a choice now. 2nd round of food sci results will be out next week only. so from now till then, i'll try to pray super hard that i get in. otherwise i'll try to bear with this temporarily. :( where did this system go wrong?!?!
something to do with too few vacancies in fst, and deadlines. deadlines for transfer, application...
let's talk about happy stuff now :>
met jolene after my one-day work assignment at uncle larry's office. hahahaha ya i was transferring calls (maybe i was as irritating as the people who pick up calls at nus)
we went to hip diner usa cos jolene had voucher.

we shared a choc cookie milkshake and mixed grill platter. the milkshake was good. the first sip i took, i went "so thickkkk!" ahhaa. it's really just blended chocolate icecream with cookie bits. mixed grill portion a little small (for two people). i mean for that portion, it shouldn't cost 18.90.

milkshake :)

this is a photo of me when i was a baby! cute right! i look like a boy because i had minimal hair. so fat somemore. never mind it's ok to be a fat baby. i'll scan in pictures when i have the time.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
clan outing! :) :) :) :) :) :)
i bought pop'doh! 5 for $5. and it's nice (nicer than donut factory), especially the smiley-faced one. so cuteeeee.

donuts, cake, and coffee. mmmmm :)

our donut faces. and my mr smiley, well-loved by everyone. then we ate it, so byebye smiley :(
look! so cute! they're like donut babies all lying on a tray. "buy me, buy me!" ahhaha.reminds me of kogepan.
it wants coffee! :D
it was nice meeting up for good lunch at taka, donuts and coffee at tcc (not forgetting the freezing air-con). must meet in school ok!
and back to the topic of school, i'm dreading school. mainly because i haven't fixed my course of study and everything's still uncertain, which makes me unsure, undecided etcetc. while everyone's registering for orientation, reading up on modules, i'll still have to bother myself with transfer procedures. i hope they let me transfer now instead of waiting for the next application period, which will be around october? i'll call OAM tomorrow and see how it goes from there. i hope i can get it all settled by the end of the week.
thinking out loud:
tomorrow i'll ask if there are appeals to fst, but if my chances of getting in are low i'll just ask for a transfer of faculty. which means i have to arrange to meet the dean or whoever who handles such stuff and that means i have to go down to NUS and choose between sci fac dean's welcome or this. best case scenario: fst/smooth transit to fass. worst: i get stuck in sci fac but not taking fst.
it's getting to me
there are so many things i'm thinking now but ahh well... i don't knowwww. i have a feeling i'm the one creating all this confusion (i think the word's not confusion but never mind i can't think properly now)
whatever ok goodnight
Labels: GFs, school
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
fst and uni
i didn't get into fst :(
big fat :(
i hope they got my application form and it's not lost somewhere in the mail.
nah who am i kidding, it's probably my grades.
actually there are still 10 spaces left. i suppose those are the "will be considered after an interview" type of slots.
but for now i must praypraypray about this, then go through the hassle of switching faculty if i must. so mafan :/
but i really don't like the idea of taking other courses in science.
think DNA, genetics, development, plants (!), and lab work (!!) in FURTHER DETAIL, FOR THREE/ FOUR YEARS!
but it'll be quite a pity to give up studying science after 4+2 years of bio and chem.
i recognise that this is one of the most crucial decisions i have to make in this lifetime. because it will determine my job and as a result, my salary and a whole host of other 'life' matters.
and i haven't thought much about uni life except for "what should i do during the holidays" and "what will i do after school everyday". i tend to avoid thinking about the academic part.
ok i will think about this later. clan outing tomorrow ;)
for now, i'm bloated and having slight cramp-like feelings.
uni cell outing
we had our first officially uni cell outing! went to vivo and had dinner at
the mussel guys. but we didn't have mussels. the main course portions were small, but not for pasta.

dory with herb sauce and baked rice.
we just sat around at the basement after dinner and talked for oneandahalf hours! hahah europe on arh. or sydney. whichever we have money for. i don't mind either, i just want to go on a holiday. yay this is going to be fun! no.money.for.car.
this is my poor little sick hamster. it has an infection for sure. the lump in the ear is increasing in size and it bleeds/weeps everytime the hammie scratches it. i tried looking up hamster diseases and infections but i can't seem find a description that fits. according to me, it's a cyst in the ear? so let's just leave it as that. yup, so my hamster looks :( it just sat in the food bowl stoning, then it somehow fell asleep there. i have a feeling it will die in the foodbowl. haha. for now it's still eating and drinking and runs around once in a while so i think it can live for at least one more month. it should be at least two years old already anyway.
they cut down the trees in front of my window :( i don't like the idea of being seen standing at the window. i want to change my curtains. speaking of which, my parents are going to let me redo my room (since they can't get a new house and are not intending to move in the near future) OH YAY i am going to paint my room royal purple and get light purple curtains and get a goldrustic-framed mirror... wheeeee
FST is slowwww. they haven't posted the application results. faster lah! i've waited so long already.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
there's a donut craze in singapore.
there's donut factory, munchy donuts, and i recently discovered summerhouse donuts which has a shop at amk hub, not forgetting vinco and pop'doh (and probably countless others i don't know of)
everything but donut giants dunkin donuts and krispy kremes! :(
i want krispy kremes please!
oh yes i have a new tagboard in case you haven't realised. yay i can view it now!
dinner with the uni cell grp tmr ! :)
school's starting. :(
Friday, July 20, 2007
mind cafe
mind cafe!
today jiadi eyin jeri and i went to mind cafe at prinsep st.

this is the (usual) food collage. fish and chips and chicken main course were good. the rest are average, but the desserts are not worth the money.

a few of the games we played. the mona lisa one is boring, clue is not very good if you're not thinking (but the markers were disney characters so that's cute). haha and game of life simpsons version. we took quite a long time to figure this out. and we ran out of blue people so jeri had to marry a pink person. which, unfortunately, makes her a lesbian.

haha i was a millionaire in my simpson's life, eyin had fast reaction so rocked at 'go bananas', and jiadi was about the only person who used her head for clue. :P

Labels: food, GFs
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
hk trip concluding
now i will do a concluding post for the HK trip.
after the influx of pictures, i think you'll appreciate some words here.
hongkong was fun. not much shopping due to time constraint and a tight budget, quite alot of eating(both good and bad food. i think you've heard us grumble enough about manfung at lamma) but things like mango dessert was fantastic, and the dim sum brunches.
i would have shopped more if i spent more time there. 1 day per theme park, took up 2 out of 5 days.
so i will probably head down to orchard one more time before the end of the GSS. urge to shop not satisfied. i suppose bangkok is better for street shopping, from what i hear.
hongkong is similar to singapore in many ways. the mtr, the airport, the shops and dining areas (other than the little cafes here and there). but HK is more mountainous (even oceanpark is on a mountain), the CBD is more happening in terms of lights and display, transport cost is higher and shops open till later, especially those along the streets.
going trippin' with friends is definitely enjoyable. i would love to spend my uni holidays going on holidays with my friends. people who will be free in dec or next may-jul let's go on a holiday!
if i had the chance to go back there i would, but more for the shopping than anything else, since i've already been to the peak, ocean park and disneyland. wheeeee
i've never taken so many pictures at one shot (430-more if i had space but thanks to 512Mb memory card i had to delete some and resize to 2M instead of 3M)
it took me a very long time to upload these photos, blog about the trip with visuals, and upload them to the albums. whew i'm almost done. photos all at the bottom of this post.
it's back to school soon for plenty of us. i'm dreading it a little since i haven't touched notes and boooks for months. everyone seem to be going for camps. i'm one of those few bums who haven't gone for any. oh yes and i still have to sign up for driving practical. bahhhh
PHOTOS (in 3 albums)
and will soon be located also at the box to the right.
day one and twoday three and fourday five and sixDONE! FINALLY. happy viewing!
it's almost 6am now. (but i woke up at 230 so its ok)
Labels: holidays
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
HONG KONG (day 5 & 6)- the peak

went to st andrews church on nathan road for service on sunday. lovelovelove the stained glass. back to aspc on sunday! you all are missed!

i like these old church buildings. i know the church bulding does not define the church and how you worship etc. but this certainly adds to the grandeur

the peak tram.

at madame tussauds. aaron kwok. andy lau and bruce lee were,unfortunately, under repair.

yeah i make a good pres of the US.

hail hitler. no actually i wouldn't, but it's a picture. so pose!

spot the difference

LKY. theres another funnier picture but to ensure my safety, i wouldn't post it.

i like this picture too! haha.

monroe! there was really wind blowing from the platform.

box the boxer.

the beatles.

twins. and us acting cute along with them

wonderful view from the peak. pictures don't do justice to the spectaular view. it looks much better when you're there in person, so you'll have to go see it for yourselves one day. its a waste of electricity but the lights are so beautiful.

our last dinner in hk.ate at a spanish restaurant next to the hotel. spent a bomb there but the food was good.

jasmine and i, about 3am at 7 eleven. after drinks at 'all night long'. live band. quite good music. we got to request songs and shout into a mic too(shout because after drinks i don't think i would sound like i'm singing)

then we headed back to the hotel room after getting a bottle of 43% vodka for like 8sgd and 7up. and we started playing scrabble and making a list of the bad things that happened to us (like in the picture above). green fat kid, pacific coffee waitress who kept telling us we couldn't do this and that, funny names we came across, and last but not least, THE island.

then sam jas and i started to play 'who what huh why' which was really hilarious because we started to sabo jasmine and she got quite confused. then we got sam to drink half a cup at one shot, afterwhich his head started spinning. then there comes a point when we start laughing at nothing and talking crap (like birdfriend) until we fall asleep at about 6/7am.
and on the same day we wake up at 1:30pm after getting a call from the hotel reception to chase us out of the rooms.
went to east tsim sha tsui after, to the harbour + avenue of stars.

chinese junk

sam ate the friend of his (mynah) birdfriend. i guess this pigeon is "major" haha.

the HILL. we had to CONQUER this daily. hey it was a challenge to drag the luggage down ok.
then we flew back. but i didn't get to buy krispy kremes. :(:(:(:(:(:(
because we were running late for our flight (if we reached the counter 2 mins later we would have missed the flight so thank God we caught the airport express train in time)

(in the chow yun fatt way) WELCOME TO SINGAPORE.
Labels: holidays