Wednesday, November 28, 2007
i knew it i knew it.
i don't know why but i just cannot do chem. couldn't in jc, still can't now.
anyway the paper was horrible. i know its 4 questions but they are 4 scary questions.
1) because one part can be worth ten marks, which makes writing 3 full mechanisms worth 30 marks (out of 100 total) and i DON'T KNOW ANY ONE OF THEM which means bye bye 30 marks.
i'm sure i have already lost say around 70marks at least. D: D: D: D:
i feel so frustrated with myself for not being able to remember the reactions and mechanisms. but yet again, i did study for this, which means i've tried at least half my best already (the other half is lost to not starting to study right from the start). but this makes it even worst because then i'll feel stupid for not remembering and not being able to do the questions even though i've studied.
i think i have slight "chemophobia", comes with the experience of failing chem many times over in jc.
the worst is, i can't S/U this.
waqhhhha iofhaowehfkhkjhbiergvuywakvnv,alkdnKBALKSBDASBDIASBFUEAGFUEABVFB
this is the reason why my CAP will be low this sem. thanks to chem
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
i hate chem
because i'm so irritated with chem and myself not being able to study chem or get anything chem-related into my head
which will affect my exam tomorrow and the 4 freaking long organic chem questions i have to do because i don't know anything
yes i don't know anything i can't seem to link all the synthesis stuff together like how an alkene can become an alcohol which can be converted to a halohydrin by epoxide (i know this isn't the best way and this is why i suck at organic chem) because i can't freaking link stuff together. secondly, i suck at drawing mechanisms because i cannot for the life of me remember where the arrow points to and which C is attacked by the nucleophile.
so this is why i have a bad feeling about chem tomorrow and this is why my CAP is going to be screwed up, thanks to cm1121
and because i don't want to fail my chem, i can't study my soci or geog or stats now because i'll be busy worrying about chem. so how am i going to study for the other modules. gahhhhh.
does anyone even read this anymore? i must think of an lj address so i can shift blog.
Friday, November 23, 2007 design festival site
quite interesting
the tee shirt design application is quite fun!
and i like the cute icons.
hahah and if you're free you can go design an icon too. :)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
i have so much revision left to do, i don't know what to say.
i don't know how to complete it and once again, an exam i didn't prepare well for.
anyway, i'm so excited about post-exam stuff!
what am i going to do?
girly sleepovers,
multiple shopping sprees,
falallalala (for now i have to suppress my christmas mood)
night cycling and movie marathons
jogging gymming
watching as much tv as i want
cell group stingray dinner
ym camp
new year celebrations!
ohhhhh so hyped. :)
can't wait can't wait!
Friday, November 16, 2007
i know i said i'm going to abandon this blog.
not yet
i am unwell, ill, sick ... whatever you want to call it.
and this is the worst time to get sick, ever, when i'm supposed to be mugging for exams.
i spent 17 hours sleeping from 9pm-11am last night and from 3+ to 6+. i will go back to sleep soon
i also had the worst lecture ever in my life, yesterday. it dragged on for THREE HOURS.
thanks to the lecturer who doesn't plan time well and fits like 10 presentations in one day.
and i missed the opportunity to just grab my term paper and leave.
all because of a term paper.
thank God i got a B for that paper which i more or less completed in a day
so i was trying to study animal div while sitting through the presentations and i was sniffing away. and i said that if i had a fever today and don't get well today, it's the lecturer's fault. indeed i'm slightly feverish now and i'm not well, so... it's his fault. :(
ohhh to my surprise, i got an A+ for my last chem lab report of the year (3rdand last)
i think they must be wondering how i get A and B for lab reports but fail my chem tests.
yeah i failed both chem tests. sucks. :/ i don't know what to do to salvage my chem results.
i hope the exams don't turn out like that
i am saved for animal diversity though. hahah but still lost for microbiology
in jc, As and Bs are great, wonderful, to be rejoiced...but i guess in uni its merely average and you're not really good until you get an A+ (for everything and have CAP of 5.0-which i will never ever get). i may be quite happy to get an A or B here, compared to my collection of Es, Os and Fs back in JC, but almost everyone gets As or Bs, so no big deal. but oh well, still thankful for the grades so far (including the failed chem tests)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
going to abandon this blog soon,
may move over to lj.
but until exams are over,
my life in visuals can be found on my facebook albums
i'm just too lazy to duplicate updates on both the blog and elsewhere
Thursday, November 08, 2007

OMGGG this was probably one of the first photos we ever took ya LOL.
i don't really update this blog already, i'm tired of blogging
but here's a belated
LOVE YOU A LOT A LOT my shopping buddy and GIRLFRIEND! :D
Friday, November 02, 2007
Hello i'm trying to blog from Microsoft word because i'm so bored and this will probably make me type in proper sentences and insert punctuation etc. Plus there's spell check.
I'm so freaking tired. Wow freaking is a word. Hmm. So is hmm! Hahhaha – is not a proper word.
But i have to do my soci term assignment because i've put it off until today ( i have to hand it in tomorrow by the way)
Suicide i know, but i didn't really have a choice.
Stats test today wasn't very good but i sure hope i'm oh so lucky because it's MCQ and i hope i shade the right things even if i didn't know what i was doing.
I hope i don't start typing nonsense in my essay.
Ok bye.